IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal I'm talking about second
zlatinb some more data after 36 hours of uptime. Exploratory:
zlatinb samples: 1202
zlatinb 0% 39ms
zlatinb 25% 280ms
zlatinb 50% 437ms
zlatinb 75% 635ms
zlatinb 95% 1818ms
zlatinb 99% 6497ms
zlatinb 100% 25815ms
zlatinb Client:
zlatinb samples: 2600
zlatinb 0% 9ms
zlatinb 25% 189ms
zlatinb 50% 330ms
zlatinb 75% 519ms
zlatinb 95% 1357ms
zlatinb 99% 5284ms
zlatinb 100% 48280ms
zzz thanks zlatinb
zzz you have a proposal based on those results?
zlatinb I'm leaning towrads System.siSlow() 7000 : 5000
zlatinb but i haven't benchmarked System.isSlow()
zzz I was thinking timeout = isslow ? 10000 : 5000; LOOP_TIME = isslow ? 1000 : 800 (to meet the constraint in the comment)
zlatinb that's fine too I think
zlatinb at 5000ms you're cutting off a bit over 1% of the tunnels that would otherwise succeed
zlatinb on a separate note, anyone running linux on a mac M1 would innacurately be branded isslow
zlatinb but that's a niche market for now
zzz yup, I'd like to be conservative becaue we really don't have much visibility into what the numbers would be on android, or a new router, or some part of the world with crappy internet
zzz once ElG is gone, we really don't need jbigi, and can take that out of the isSlow equation
zzz firing up LXC for first time in 8 months
zzz trying to get them all updated and talking to each other
zzz and remembering how to do anything at all
zzz will then work on NTCP-only
zzz and then SSU2
zzz zlatinb, did you have any comments on the TF draft for me to pass along?
zlatinb I received a copy of it too, no comments from me
zzz heh, didn't even notice him misspelling your name in some places? I will tell him that...
zlatinb I'm sure he proof-reads things before publishing
zzz Lance is really the star of the article. I'm stuck in the middle with just a couple quotes
zzz which is fine