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zzz reminder: proposal 167 review today 8 PM UTC here
Leopold Is this meetup only for devs?
zzz all are welcome
zzz but please read the proposal in advance if you plan to participate
eyedeekay Anybody here?
not_bob *** nods ***
eyedeekay hi altonen, not_bob
eyedeekay probably just wait a few for the others
eyedeekay hi orignal
eyedeekay Pretty tough to make a decision on this without zzz but it seems pointless to sit in silence so we may as well discuss the proposal while we're all here
eyedeekay For the people watching is proposition 167, which uses the LeaseSet options field to publish service(SRV) records
orignal let's wait for him
orignal and drozd
zzz test test
zzz test test
eyedeekay you're here from my side
zzz I've been here since top of the hour, typing away
not_bob zzz: The mic seems to work.
zzz didyou see any of it?
not_bob Only the test test, twice.
zzz I was connected, seeing ping/pong the whole time
zzz sorry about that, never happened before
zzz anyway I'll paste in from 20 minutes ago
orignal maybe you will implement tunnel switch after this
zzz <zzz> 0) Hi
zzz <zzz> hi
zzz <zzz> If you're here, please say hi, even if you're only planning to lurk
zzz <zzz> today we're reviewing proposal 167
zzz <zzz> this is the first of three reviews, one every two weeks
zzz <zzz> I'll give an overview, and then throw it open for general comments
zzz <zzz> and then we can go into details if necessary
zzz <zzz> at the end, we'll decide if it's ok as is, or with minor revisions, or we need another review, or we really don't like it
zzz <zzz> anybody here please say hi
zzz <zzz> this started last summer with a thread on i2pforum about running your own mail server
zzz <zzz> the problem is discovery - who is running a mail server, where is it?
zzz <zzz> this solves the problem by adding "SRV" or "service" records to leasesets
zzz <zzz> similar to SRV or MX records in DNS
zzz <zzz> it's generalizable for any service
zzz <zzz> so the proposal is in two parts:
zzz <zzz> 1) the format of the service records in the leaseset
zzz <zzz> 2) how an application can get access to the service records via I2CP or SAM
zzz <zzz> this proposal is the generic parts only, it is not specific to email
zzz <zzz> any specifics on email records might be documented later
zzz <zzz> EOT
zzz <zzz> any general thoughts?
not_bob I have nothing specific to add. Just want to go on record for being here.
orignal so, you want to embed address strijng to LS?
altonen i had one dq
zzz embed "SRV" or "service" records into LS2, yes orignal
orignal but it's still not clear how you are going to lookup
altonen if the LS service record contains a service record for another lease set, in the example aaa...b32.i2p points to bbbb...b32.i2p, is the asusmption that bbbbb..b32.i2p is transient?
zzz <zzz> this is basically a replacement for 'Service Lists' that was semi-documented in propsal 123 (LS2) long ago
altonen why couldn't i fetch bbbbb..b32.i2p directly?
orignal say I need to connect to zzz.i2p and I never saw it before
zzz no that's not the assumption altonen
zzz say I run an email server on email.stats.i2p, and I want email for me@zzz.i2p and me@stats.i2p to both go there
orignal I undesrtstand that once I see a LS I can add it to my local adressbook
orignal ok that's for e-mail only
zzz but since people may not have email.stats.i2p in their addressbook,you probably want to put the b32 in the service record
eyedeekay I might be wrong, but I have myself convinced that SAM and I2CP clients need a way to set these records to be published as a part of 2. Sounds like we need to take turns also
altonen ok ty zzz
zzz so far I'm keeping up, I think? have I not answered anything so far?
zzz it's for any service, email is just the example, and the reason I got started on this
zzz any other general questions?
zzz or specific questions?
eyedeekay How does an email service which is running as a SAM client set the correct options to publish? Does it happen automatically somehow or do they need a way to configure it?
not_bob From what I can tell, this does not appear to change the way we do domain registration and tracker. It only handles what services are run on specific hosts, yes?
orignal if I can specify any addrees I can spoof someone else's
zzz yes idk there will have to be some I2CP config to specify what to put in the LS2; that's not defined in the proposal
not_bob s/trafcker/tracking
orignal right we should have some I2CP params
zzz orignal, this is your signed leaseset. If you want to send your email to me, you can do that
orignal and I can do it to flood you
zzz well, you can spam my email server by yourself, you don't need to forward your own mail to me for that
orignal please explain again. say I run 333.i2p and someone want to send e-mail to orignal@333.i2p
zzz are you running an email server or not?
orignal I publish a mailserver address in 333.i2p LS
orignal and send must talked to that adddress for mail
orignal that's how I understand it
zzz so I fetch the 333.i2p LS, find out your mailserver address, and send the email there
orignal then why you can't just send to 333.i2p:25?
orignal I don't understand the actual purpose
orignal what are we trying to achieve?
zzz because:
zzz 1) I don't know if you are running a server on 333.i2p:25
zzz 2) you may be running a mailserver on a different destination
zzz 3) you may wish to redirect your email to orignal@mail.i2p
zzz eot
zzz this solves all 3 issues
orignal my concern is
orignal we actually have only one mailserver in I2P
zzz true, and this is how we fix that
orignal how would this proposal change the situation?
zzz by allowing people to run their own servers, and others to find them
orignal will postman agree to change the logic of mail.i2p?
orignal 2. how should postfix resolve it?
zzz don't know, but his approval isn't required for internal P2P mail, only for forwarding external mail to other servers
orignal well let's do it without him
zzz if you hate the proposal, there's no need to ask him ))
orignal I run postfix on 333.i2p and publish such record, you also run on zzz.i2p
zzz I don't know anything about postfix, can't answer that
orignal how can must postfix send e-mail to zzz.i2p?
eyedeekay It seems to me that the logic of mail servers themselves wouldn't need to change as long as it was configurable at the i2ptunnel level
orignal not necessary postfix, any mailserve app
orignal what client potocol would be used?
zzz we'd have to have some SMTP proxy tunnel type that looked at the headers and sent things the right way
orignal or separate mail client will be required?
zzz SMTP
orignal so new kink of proxy tunnel
orignal *kind
orignal and postfix must be instructed to work through such proxy
zzz for external clients, yes. That would be later. For starters, just susimail or other internal client
orignal well, I'm instered to make postfix working for the beginning
orignal and need to understand the scope
zzz basically, teach susimail how to send to servers other than postman's
zzz well, the scope could be medium or it could be large.
orignal excuse me, what is susimail? ))
orignal and what protocol doed it use?
zzz but this proposal is not about actually doing email. It's only about service records
zzz susimail is our bundled webmail client
zzz it talks SMTP and POP to postman
orignal you want to publish service record in options
orignal that we ignore now
zzz correct
zzz that's part 1.
zzz part 2 is getting the options through I2CP and SAM
orignal part 2 is obvious
orignal we need more I2CP params
zzz i2cp.stickThisInTheLeaseset=foo
zzz can we go back to general reactions? I can't tell if you guys like it or hate it or aren't sure
orignal fine for me
orignal however not useable in i2pd
orignal until there is SMTP tunel
eyedeekay Could some kind of DNS proxy provide an interface? Like you make a request for a host to a DNS-like service locally, get a SRV record back in a DNS-like format, and make the SMTP server talk to that? Probably out of scope for the proposal discussion but it seems like there is a way to build a bridge to a protocol other applications already speak?
zzz for outbound email, yes orignal you would need a proxy. To run a server for inbound email, you don't need any special tunnel
eyedeekay I actually like it
zzz eyedeekay, the LS2 records _is_ the DNS
orignal but who needs e-mail without an ability to reply?
zzz if we want to run 'real' DNS, or GNS, that would be indicated in a service records
orignal so I need to start with SMTP proxy tunnel
zzz true, receive-only email isn't great, but it's one place to start
zzz I'm not sure email is even the best application for this. Everybody knows running an email server is a headache
zzz but maybe some people wouldn't mind.
orignal come on. I run mailserver in clearnet
orignal R4SAS is doing it too
zzz ok, two people who aren't scared
zzz I gave up years ago
orignal hence is not rare thing and peope are familiar with it
orignal and it's always a question at Ilita
orignal how to run own mail server
eyedeekay At least some of the stuff that sucks about running an email server on clearnet would suck less in I2P what with the corporate gatekeeping
orignal in I2P
eyedeekay And I'd love to add this to dendrite
zzz eyedeekay, does my LS2 == DNS argument make any sense?
eyedeekay Sort of but just to make make sure can I explain what I was positing a little more clearly?
zzz shoot
eyedeekay Hypothetically an application that doesn't have a way to get these addresses from one of our API's, it has no way to do a LS lookup on it's own, expects to get records from DNS, needs to get them from I2P, could an application "convert" our SRV records into DNS SRV records to give it I2P addresses to send to like a SOCKS proxy or something
eyedeekay By acting like a DNS server but handling this case
zzz yeah, like a DNS-to-LS-looker-upper proxy?
eyedeekay exactly yes
zzz doable but not sure how that fits into the big picture
zzz seems like that function gets embedded in the SMTP proxy
zzz any other questions or discussion?
eyedeekay Yeah I'm not sure it's big picture thinking, just wondering about making applications talking to it, thanks for answering
eyedeekay No more from me
orignal let's agree about i2cp params
zzz I view this proposal as a framework to enable more p2p applications. It doesn't actually obligate us to build any of those applications
zzz what's your proposed i2cp parameter orignal?
orignal I'm not a native speaker
orignal i2cp.srvname[number]
orignal like this
orignal the point it might be many
zzz should I go off and think about it and we should schedule another review?
zzz maybe next time we can get drz to show up
zzz how about we schedule a re-review for 6 weeks from now, April 1
eyedeekay I think we probably need to have the i2cp parameters ready for services to publish themselves for it to be useful so probably another review would be good, April 1 is OK with me
zzz this was a little chaotic with my weird IRC shadowban. I saw what everybody was typing and I saw the irc layer ping/pong working
zzz ok then I guess that's about it
zzz two weeks from now is datagram2
orignal datagram2 is a lot to say
orignal it was not shadowban you tunnel just died
orignal and your din't not notice
zzz can't wait, you have me curious
orignal can't wait what?
zzz tunnel didn't die, I was sending pings and getting pongs, and the server never disconnected me
zzz I restarted my client to fix it
zzz can't wait to hear what you have to say about datagram2 ))
zzz thanks everybody, sorry again for the strange IRC snafu
orignal but you know already
eyedeekay Thanks zzz
orignal we need to calculate RTT somehow
orignal for congestion control, etc.
zzz wrong layer
zzz or a different protocol
orignal zzz, are you connected directly of through a bouncer?
zzz direct
orignal it might be your bouncer who sent pongs
orignal not server
orignal that's what we should discuss
zzz if you want congestion control, that's either on top of DG2 or a replacement for DG2
zzz just like RTP, wireguard, uTP, QUIC, etc. are on top of UDP
zzz DG2 is to fix exactly two problems with DG1. Thats it.
orignal but we agreed to add options
zzz yes, thats in there