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obscuratus orignal: While we're waiting for the meeting to start, have you implemented the connection handshake modifications in I2PD that would mitigate spoofing of routers?
obscuratus I probably said that wrong. When we had the issue back in Febraruary or so, where routers were connecting with a spoofed RI.
orignal it's SSU2
orignal I rry NTCP2 connection for first time
orignal that's all
obscuratus OK, I'm mis-remembering. I thought there was talk of a modification to the handshake.
orignal yes to introduce some additional blokc
obscuratus Yeah, that.
orignal but we didn't come to anything yet
orignal I was hoping that grandpa will be back
obscuratus eyedeekay: Meeting today?
orignal looks like he forgot
orignal also it doesn't seem that idk is doing i2p fiull time
obscuratus On the Java-I2P side, implementing the segmented netDb was a big change. It's tricky when you don't design it that wasy from the start.
obscuratus I'm gonna wander off. If the meeting starts, I'll try to catch up.
eyedeekay Sorry I missed the meeting I was stuck in traffic
eyedeekay orignal the plan was for you to write the modification to the spec and then for us to each implement it
eyedeekay When I asked you for the spec you said "this is not a big issue" and blew it off
eyedeekay It hurts you worse than it hurts us to I chose to focus on the biggest issue I could find with Java I2P, which was the netDb
eyedeekay I'm not rescheduling the meeting this week. obscuratus you feel free to ping me about anything you want to talk about, I'm in for the rest of the evening. I'll schedule the one for next week.
eyedeekay And full time doesn't even begin to describe the time I put into I2P.
eyedeekay and yes, obscuratus is right, implementing the segmented netDb was hard, and it potentially breaks more things than a small transport change, so yes, I was right to give it my full attention
eyedeekay obscuratus I've reviewed your changes and am running your branch here locally
eyedeekay Things look good so far
obscuratus Thanks eyedeekay.