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eyedeekay Hello everyone welcome to the rescheduled ls2 meeting who is here?
eyedeekay Also, any agenda items? 1. Hi 2. SSU2 changes? 3. Nested netdb
eyedeekay Hi obscuratus
eyedeekay Scratch 2 from the agenda unless we hear from orignal during the meeting I guess
eyedeekay Right on to 3: nested netDb then
eyedeekay So I read your explanation of the IBMD issue
eyedeekay Since yours isn't ready to review yet I've been figuring out how I would try and fix it myself
obscuratus I think I've got the issue mostly addressed. But I still need to polish the changes, and review them.
eyedeekay Very good, I'm just getting an idea of what I am going looking at ahead of time if I can
eyedeekay I do want to get this into dev builds with at least 2 weeks before tag time
eyedeekay Do you think we will have time for that on the current schedule?
obscuratus tl;dr; of my current approach. The tunnel build messages need to go back to the inNetMessagePool, or things break. The LS store messages need to go to the subDb. I'm also sending RI store messages to the subDb, but haven't seen any.
obscuratus I'll definately have it this week.
eyedeekay Awesome, thanks obscuratus
eyedeekay I am going to go ahead and add 4. Release Schedule
obscuratus Can I have one more thing on segmented netDB?
eyedeekay Go for it
obscuratus It might seem minor, but the rendering of subDb information on the console is a mess.
obscuratus If it goes out for testing with the console rendering in it's current condition, we'll just get flooded with comments about that.
eyedeekay Agreed, I'll make sure I get it done in the next week as well
eyedeekay In fact I'll back get on it after the meeting :)
eyedeekay Anything else for 3?
obscuratus Not from me.
eyedeekay Ok 4. Release Schedule
eyedeekay Right now I've set the string freeze at September 1, that will affect the aforementioned rendering issued but not much else AFAIK
obscuratus Time is flying by...
eyedeekay Yeah that is only ten days from now and I am working in motion
eyedeekay Still easy to push it back a week if we have to
eyedeekay What do you think? More time? With a release date around the 12th or 13th we have to merge netDb changes by the 28th at the latest
eyedeekay Otherwise we push it back
obscuratus I'm worried we haven't allowed enough time for testing. I'd like as many different clients tested as we can get.
eyedeekay Another week to be safe wouldn't be a bad thing.
eyedeekay I'll push everything back a week for now and if we need more time we need more time
eyedeekay Anything else for 4?
obscuratus I'm really looking forward to gettin this out there.
eyedeekay Me too I think it's going to make a big difference
eyedeekay Anything else for the meeting?
obscuratus Not from me.
eyedeekay Ok thanks obscuratus I'll set the topic in a few minutes, see you... next week probably this time. Not sure if we're going back to weekly or not but we need one more next week I think.
eyedeekay Same time, same channel