IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
eyedeekay Hi orignal
eyedeekay Hi everyone welcome to the meeting for the 21st, sorry I was a little late
eyedeekay Who all is here?
orignal seems nobody
eyedeekay What's on the agenda? I have 1) release and 2) SSU2 RI in SessionRequest
orignal please give voice to xeiaso
orignal let's talk about release
orignal eveything works good from my side
eyedeekay Same here, we've had lots of time to test our changes, looks good, I'll be ramping up for us to release on the 26th
xeiaso good to see its on schedule
orignal so tomorrow
eyedeekay No 1 week from today, it's the 19th
orignal so postponed for 1 more week?
eyedeekay Yeah, I had to push it back a week because my laptop died, had to find a replacement and get my work environment set back up
eyedeekay Anyhow, we're on track for that date.
orignal wut? your lattop died?
orignal and you don't have any other computerss?
eyedeekay I don't have any other ones with all my keys on them except for a backup locked in my office
eyedeekay Got locked out of everything without the keys. I can work fine on another computer, but can't check anything in from them
orignal and you don't have local storage I guess
orignal you shoould organize your work envirnment first
orignal to make sure that death of your laptop or PC doesn't postpone release
eyedeekay I didn't have a backup of my keys on my person at the time the laptop died no. Actually I thought I had, but what I actually had was a portable hard drive that made a strange grinding sound
susdo oof gotta backup my keys
eyedeekay At any rate, the delay for me between broken-laptop-to-recovered-environment should be down to around 48 hours in the worst case scenario now, if nothing I'm carrying works I can still get it from the backup in my office
orignal setup local NAS
orignal with RAID1 in it
orignal I thought it was obvious
eyedeekay Sure if I'm stationary, if I'm travelling then that does me little good
orignal are you travelling now?
eyedeekay Not anymore as of last week
eyedeekay I'll get around to setting up a NAS soon
eyedeekay When do you want to do the next release after this one?
eyedeekay September?
orignal so what's included to the next release?
orignal whenever you are ready
xeiaso wouldn't meeting point 2) be included in the next release?
orignal if we agree what we do
eyedeekay For Java I2P?
eyedeekay We have an option to set an expiration time for blocklist entries, we've got fixes for the messageID replay leak, and we've changed how we validate inbound messages
eyedeekay Yes, I thought we were still talking about 2.3.0
eyedeekay I would like to target SSU2 changes to 2.4.0, I'm on board with the routerIdent-in-SessionRequest thing per one or two pending questions
eyedeekay Figure we can get to them in 2)
orignal so, what's you opinion?
eyedeekay On SSU2? I like early validation and early dropping, it means less overhead and earlier effectiveness. routerIdent-in-SessionRequest gets us that
eyedeekay And it makes the clone attack ineffective AFAICT
orignal do you have an offical proposal?
eyedeekay No, I do not. What I need is for us to fit it into the official specification. I would like it very much if you wrote the proposal, since it is your idea and you probably understand it best. Doesn't need to be long
orignal will try
eyedeekay For folks keeping score at home we've moved on to discussing 2)
eyedeekay I do have one kind of concern about this idea, though, which regards obfuscation
orignal obsfuscation?
orignal where?
eyedeekay Where is part of my question: does does including the routerIdent in the SessionRequest make it easier for an attacker to say "this is definitely SSU2," or alternately, "this is definitely an I2P session?"
orignal no, it's just one more block
orignal it goes as chacha20 encrypted payload
orignal we have 4 block already if I remeber
eyedeekay OK I'm still going to squint at it but if you can do a proposal for it we can work on it for 2.4.0, tenatively mid-September
eyedeekay Anything else for 2)?
orignal ofc I don't know my plans for september yet
eyedeekay OK. Lots of time to coordinate in between now and then, just ping me if you need to let me know of your plans
eyedeekay OK any other topics for the meeting?
xeiaso what about 3) netDB modularization? I noticed i2pd seems to do this
eyedeekay Yes they do, something orignal's been suggesting we try for a long time IIRC
orignal xeiaso you mean netdb per desatination?
orignal ofc it should be done
orignal because that attacks still possible
eyedeekay We're considering the idea of making it so that it is possible to use different netDbs based on where a message came in, i.e. per-destination
orignal if you run your destination on a floodfill
eyedeekay It's a lot of work for us to do this and our extant defenses make the job a little complex and unclear, there are literally hundreds of places where the netDb is accessed in Java I2P, at least 280 that I've got to review so far for this process
xeiaso orignal: why is it floodfill specific?
eyedeekay But branch on git.idk.i2p/idk/i2p.i2p i2p.i2p.2.2.1-nested-netdb contains a prototype
eyedeekay orignal IIRC you have a blog post somewhere about this, do you remember where it is?
orignal because you can submit LeaseSet to floodfill directly
orignal unlike regural router
orignal no I even didn't know you had a blog ))
xeiaso Java I2P allows direct submission to regular routers
eyedeekay Not my blog, your blog
eyedeekay Or maybe acetone's?
orignal my blog? I never wrote blog
orignal yes, acetone
eyedeekay Hm. Must be misremembering
orignal probably on habr
orignal xeiaso Java I2P has shared netdb between router and destinations
eyedeekay OK. I'll look for it later then, want to review it for researching our implementation
orignal if you submit a LeaseSet to a floodfill
orignal one of destinations might see it
orignal and it can lead to deanon
eyedeekay Anyway, this is something we're looking at, which we're trying to figure out the right way to do it
eyedeekay Knowing more about the scenarios where an attack might be possible, so we can evaluate if it's real, and where and how to handle it, is part of what needs to happen to do that
eyedeekay That's all I have to add for 3)
orignal there are at least 3 working scenario
orignal I descibed all of them and sent to gradpa long time ago
eyedeekay Can you PM them to me, or send them in an email?
orignal it was few years ago
orignal need soem time to remember
eyedeekay I don't have access to grandpa's email so anything you recall would be appreciated
orignal and grandpa agreed that such problem existed
orignal no it was in IRC
eyedeekay Oh, bummer
eyedeekay Well I have even less access to that
xeiaso what is old is new
orignal but the basic idea that router's LeaseSets and destination's LeaseSets can overlap
orignal e.g. destination might use LeaseSet submitted to router directly
orignal and vice-versa
eyedeekay Yeah, and if you can get one you sent to one from the other, then you can determine that they're both sharing a netDB and on the same router
xeiaso or a LeaseSet submitted to a router might already be a destination on that router
orignal it migth be special LeaseSet prepared for deanon
eyedeekay Pretty straightforward in principle, in practice we've got calls to get the context-wide netDB all over the place
eyedeekay So tracing them all is the biggest part of the work now
eyedeekay Something like 300 or so calls
eyedeekay I'm still identifying more, that's why it will help to know where the existing issues may be
eyedeekay Anything else on 3?
eyedeekay Anything else for the meeting?
eyedeekay OK thanks everybody for coming, see you around IRC, if you're interested in the segmentation approach see that branch I posted above
eyedeekay See you next time on the 7th
eyedeekay Oops, make that the 3rd