IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d R4SAS, orignal.. you guys seeing a big drop in transit tunnels lately, or more of the same?
R4SAS we seen it much earlier
R4SAS since mid december'22
R4SAS but now it restoring
R4SAS was 15-20%, now I see on one of my nodes 40%
dr|z3d 40% drop?
dr|z3d not hosting 18K tunnels right now?
dr|z3d right now / lately.
R4SAS now up to 8K
dr|z3d ok, that's a bit saner than 18K.
orignal yes we do
weko 15К transit tunnels, again.
dr|z3d confirms my theory, a good chunk of the transit tunnel spike requests are being handled by i2pd.
zzz java getting slammed too
zzz the slowdown last night was short lived
dr|z3d calm before another storm. welcome to California!
zzz orignal, I see a few 0.9.57 i2pd publishing ::1 addresses, not huge numbers, but maybe not completely fixed?