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dr|z3d hopefully now you've brought his attention to the issue he'll understand just how damaging this transient dest feature is.
dr|z3d what we do know is that we're in for a bumpy ride for a while until either the feature gets removed or we're forced to find other ways to defend against it.
dr|z3d I also hope he took note of the recommendation to promote sharing of bandwidth and shakes off the idea that I2P's a network that can be used without giving back.
obscuratus I've got to wonder if the bitcoin guys even tested this at all.
zzz yeah they did. Vasil D did it a lot. They're a serious project
zzz I think that i2pd is just ending up in local congestion collapse because it doesn't have any limits
zzz so after everybody rejects it, it just spams the whole network
dr|z3d is there any way we can identify the router(s) behind the spam requests?
zzz grep -i 'hop throttle'|cut -d ' ' -f 15|sort|uniq -c | sort -rn
dr|z3d because if this continues for much longer, the next response would be to session ban the routers in question, if they can be identified.
zzz test results on ilita #dev
dr|z3d not seeing the number of throttled routers in my logs that I'd expect. 10 in 25MB.
dr|z3d or 8 if you remove the dupes.
dr|z3d another thing. is dropping instead of rejecting contributing to the problem? wouldn't it be better to reject the requests?
obscuratus Likewise, I'm not seeing many routers using the 'hop throttle' grep. Otherwise, I'm satuated on participating tunnels.
zzz the theory is, reject for a while, so the creator gets the hint, then drop so the next guy doesn't accept and drive up his tunnel count
zzz thats why the two thresholds
dr|z3d ok, I get the reject, the drop I'm still not sure about. because you drop the tunnel request, tunnel build is therefore fail, which causes the router to generate a new tunnel request, and presumably these requests get amplified the more requests are dropped.
zzz which is why a build limiter is required to avoid collapse
dr|z3d right. so you place limits on the requests a router can make in a given period. or you don't.
dr|z3d where are we limiting builds?
dr|z3d and did we get buy in from orignal yet?
obscuratus If this has already been mentioned, but there's an of interesting discussion of what these guys were thinking as they worked through their pull request.
dr|z3d this situation is a great opportunity to take stock of throttles, limits, and various other protections. would rather it wasn't happening, but since it is, a good time to make sure things are as tight as they need to be.
obscuratus Correct me if I'm misunderstanding, but they seem deeply concerned about people being able to associate their bitcoin traffic with a given b32/b33 address, no?
zzz right now, this looks to me more like i2pd being driven into congestion collapse than a bitcoin problem
zzz bitcoin could be nicer, but i2pd needs to rate limit builds
obscuratus zzz: I saw you looking for testers earlier. Do you have sufficient testers on ilita?
zzz yeah I think our guy over there did what we needed
orignal no problem. will add it
orignal however the problem is
orignal I don't create new tunnel immeidetely if tunnel build fails
orignal but after 10-20 seconds
orignal so I don't send more requests if tunnel buiilds fail
zzz I do think that's what is happening, you're getting pushed too hard and then you try to take down the whole network with build requests. I fixed the same problem in Java i2p in 2006. Please work with bitcoin to try to reproduce.
zzz I see around 1000 requests an hour from some i2pd routers so something's not right
dr|z3d I get that an unthrottled router handling whatever's thrown at it is an appealing idea, and for a while I was coding for I2P+ on that basis, but recent events have demonstrated that throttling isn't an optional extra.
dr|z3d these bitcoin nodes, zzz, all L tier from the looks of things, no?
dr|z3d I don't store L tier routerinfos on disk, so they're cleaned out on router restart, but they still very quickly end up being almost 50% of the netdb.
dr|z3d I'm just wondering if we can do something like cap them at x percent of the netdb.
zzz 343 lb6qOr8pGDwB-nAycRn0W1YZCz5zjelRzeMTNIuUatM=]: XfR, but somebody probably building through him
dr|z3d I thought i2pd didn't publish stats, but that router you just referenced is giving me stats and is apparently i2pd.
zzz it doesn't. 343 was my count of throttles in half an hour
dr|z3d no, I mean I'm looking at the netdb entry for that router.
dr|z3d Stats:
dr|z3d Capabilities: Xf Network ID: 2 LeaseSets: 135 Routers: 10196 Version: 0.9.56 First heard about: 12 hours ago Last heard about: 6 min ago Last heard from: 2382 ms ago
zzz I think it publishes stats if floodfill
zzz RouterInfo.h:const char ROUTER_INFO_PROPERTY_ROUTERS[] = "netdb.knownRouters";
dr|z3d ah, ok, that'll be it then.
zzz java would never have 10k routers
dr|z3d does here, +-
zzz pfft
dr|z3d lol. you and your pffts.
dr|z3d I'm currently expiring K/L tier routers early, I think I'm going to expire them even earlier.
dr|z3d over an hour old? be gone.
dr|z3d let's see if that helps tame all these crap L tiers in my netdb.
dr|z3d > Invalid RouterInfo signature detected for [LFUJYg] ➜ Forged RouterInfo structure!
zzz FYI I'll be mostly afk from about 3:00 eastern today to noon thursday. Don't let the place burn down while I'm gone
orignal 1000 requests per hour is nothing
orignal <zzz> java would never have 10k routers
orignal can you explain why?
orignal if you a floodfill
zzz maybe
zzz we try very hard to keep it lower though
orignal please explain how you clean on floddfill
orignal it's just 1 hour and that's all
orignal or I missed something?
zzz yeah I think we do 45 minutes
orignal then how come you don't have 10K?
orignal you should have something close
zzz nope, it's 60 minutes
zzz maybe
zzz I don't know, I don't run a floodfill most of the time
orignal that's whyI'm curious
orignal but your statemnt
orignal that java would never have it
orignal I throught you do somthing for it
zzz most of the java ffs are about 2000-6000 right now
zzz i2pd is about 9000-10000
zzz I think you have more because you're accepting more tunnels
orignal how is it related to number of tunnels?
zzz you get more tunnel build requests, and you have to lookup the RI for the next hop
zzz and you allow more connections.
orignal probably
zzz more connections, more tunnels -> more RIs
orignal so you theoretically can have more than 10K routers
orignal right?
zzz yes
orignal now why 1000 build request per hour is excessive?
zzz from a single router to another router, as the next or previous hop, that's a lot
orignal it's even less that 1 per second
zzz for a pair of routers
zzz that's how our "hop throttle" works
orignal then what is not excessive?
zzz we limit to 3% of our total tunnels, more or less
zzz that's how we prevent bitcoin spammers
zzz currently 12%. Reducing to 3% in next release.
zzz We are in danger of the whole network collapsing
orignal think for different side
orignal it it was not a bitcoin but an advesary
orignal who does it intentionally
orignal just run a simple script that keeps creating SAM sessions
orignal 10 lines of code really
orignal and they know how to eliminate limits on thier side
orignal also please tell me what is code 10
orignal people notice most of rejection codes are 10, not 30
zzz sure, it could be intentional. But my theory, that I put in the bitcoin ticket, is that it is not. My theory is that you're sending too many build requests.
zzz And I'm asking that you work with them to prove, or disprove, my theory
orignal I don't send too many build requests
orignal a client app does
orignal I reply yesterday how it works
orignal number of requsts only depends on number of destinations
zzz you need to rate limit, no matter what the client does
orignal and not on number of failed tunnels
orignal then tell me what causes so may requests
orignal it's clear that somebody has too many destinations
zzz getting so many rejections is what causes so many requests. That's how you get to congestion collapse
orignal the question is why?
orignal either a bug in some SAM/Bob app
orignal or it's an attack
zzz it's basic feedback loop
orignal that's what I'm trying to expain
orignal there is no feedback loop
orignal failed tunnel build doesn't cause new request
zzz ok, then please work with bitcoin to try to reproduce it
zzz /** probabalistic tunnel rejection due to a flood of requests */
zzz /** probabalistic tunnel rejection due to a flood of requests */
zzz public static final int TUNNEL_REJECT_PROBABALISTIC_REJECT = 10;
orignal the max number of request is overall number of tunnels
zzz I don't have the answers. I have a theory. As this is a serious issue, I ask that you work with bitcoin to investigate
zzz I think bitcoin+i2pd could collapse the network as soon as this weekend
orignal please tell me about bitcoin
zzz what about it?
orignal do they create new destinion for each peer or not?
zzz yes. confirmed by jonatack last night on twitter.
orignal then what do you want me to repoduce?
orignal if they craate at least 16 dests with 10 tunnels each
orignal 160 requests per few minutes
zzz the two guys are Jon Atack and Vasil Dimov
zzz large number of tunnel requests
zzz default quantity
zzz I don't know the max dests. talk to them
orignal based on my experience with BTC I usually see 16 peers
zzz but if 90% of the requests are rejected or dropped, then how many?
orignal still the same
zzz Traca did some testing last night, see ilita #dev
zzz please test and see
orignal dest, 10 tunnels, all dropped, it tries again after 10-20 seconds
orignal test what?
zzz and if all rejected?
orignal it doesn't care about rejecting
orignal it cares how many tunnels we have so far
zzz either test with bitcoin, or with something similar. 16 dests, 2 tunnels each
orignal if we have 2 tunnels and numberof tunnels is 5
orignal it tries to build 3 more
orignal 2 tunnels?
zzz whatever your default is. they aren't setting quantity
orignal deault is 5
orignal that's why
orignal 5 for each side
zzz and that's for a single peer
zzz so please test that, 16 x 5
zzz please add your comments to the github ticket
orignal 160 tunnels
orignal that's what I said
orignal will do
zzz thank you :)
orignal commented
orignal another question
orignal what you do with incoming request if the limit is exceeded?
orignal send further with code 30 or drop
zzz we try to reject if just over the limit. If more over the limit we will drop.
orignal so, the origantor will not get response?
zzz correct
orignal the how long do you wait?
orignal before you decide that request fails
orignal *failed
zzz looking...
orignal because you can reach 13 requests limit very quickly
zzz ok here we go
zzz we have a "currently building" and a "recently building" list
zzz new build goes in "currently building"
zzz limit there is 13
zzz after 5 seconds, we move it from "currently building" to "recently building", and start another build
zzz it stays in "recently building" for another minute, so if we get the answer then the tunnel build succeeds
orignal 5 sec
orignal got it
zzz and on "slow" boxes (android, ARM) it's 10 seconds
orignal that's all I needed
zzz we also prioritize pools with no tunnels first. So everybody will get one
zzz and we prioiritze expl. over client
dr|z3d zzz: probabalistic reject and friends look like they're not being used?
dr|z3d /** probabalistic tunnel rejection due to a flood of requests - essentially unused */
dr|z3d public static final int TUNNEL_REJECT_PROBABALISTIC_REJECT = 10;
dr|z3d /** tunnel rejection due to temporary cpu/job/tunnel overload - essentially unused */
dr|z3d public static final int TUNNEL_REJECT_TRANSIENT_OVERLOAD = 20;
dr|z3d /** tunnel rejection due to excess bandwidth usage */
dr|z3d public static final int TUNNEL_REJECT_BANDWIDTH = 30;
dr|z3d /** tunnel rejection due to system failure - essentially unused */
dr|z3d public static final int TUNNEL_REJECT_CRIT = 50;
dr|z3d the prob reject code in BuildHandler is commented out..
zzz it's in throttle impl
zzz not sure how much we pay attention to the code that comes back though
dr|z3d RouterThrottleImpl also has the prob reject stuff commented out.
dr|z3d well, some of it.
dr|z3d but ok. thing is, the tunnelGrowthFactor stuff isn't slowing down growth much.
zzz well, it's 1.3 which is, I think, 30% every 10 minutes. you can play with it if you like.
dr|z3d might be worth reducing that if isSlow() and also setting a lower default maxParticipatingTunnels if isSlow(). The latter I already do.
dr|z3d public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_TUNNELS = (SystemVersion.isSlow() || SystemVersion.getMaxMemory() < 512*1024*1024) ? 2*1000 : 8*1000;
dr|z3d looking at that, I think I'll make isSlow a different case and bump up the max for < 512.
orignal good point about no tunnels