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zzz 0) Hi
zzz zlatinb_ is on the road
zzz happy monday
zzz what's on the agenda for today?
eyedeekay I've got a go-i2p update(no copypasta this time)
orignal I have an issue with SSU2 termination reasons
orignal it must be clrified
zzz ok. go-i2p is 1)
zzz 2) is SSU2 termination reasons
zzz 1) go-i2p
zzz "go" ahead eyedeekay
orignal 3. mtu detection
zzz ok 3) is MTU
eyedeekay Took one of the suggestions from last week, to start with plain Noise and mod on top of it
eyedeekay So this week I tried implementing an unmodified Noise transport for I2P
eyedeekay Got pretty far with it but not quite done yet, right now it will set up a transport muxer, then a transport which is basically a session muxer, and a session which actually establishes the connections and does communication
eyedeekay It will be inoperable in the final implementation ofc
zzz sounds like drama-free progress
eyedeekay But for now I think it's useful for testing the transport interfaces, which I think may have some shortcomings which will be my agenda this week
eyedeekay In lieu of copypasta I'm posting my notes here in the root of the repo, did it today this time but I'll do it as-I-Go next week: git.idk.i2p/idk/go-i2p/-/blob/master/
eyedeekay Yeah it's been a quiet and steady thing this week
zzz I suggest you put that link in the thread on my forum, as bait to attract more help
eyedeekay Will do
zzz thanks for the update, anything else on 1) ?
zzz great
zzz 2) SSU2 termination reasons
orignal we should exclude code that don't make snse
orignal especially about SessionConfirmed
zzz we already have the note:
zzz Not all reasons may actually be used, implementation dependent. Most failures will generally result in the message being dropped, not a termination. See notes in handshake message sections above. Additional reasons listed are for consistency, logging, debugging, or if policy changes.
orignal I think we should removes those that can never be used
zzz we could, for example, send termination for session confirmed errors later
orignal no way you can do it
orignal because you need to handle it without error
zzz like the way I do it: look for the v4/v6 address, get the i and the s, and if the s is a mismatch, I _could_ send a termination
orignal then it must be another tremination reason
zzz you want to make a list of the ones to be removed?
orignal like "unsupprted adddress" etc.
orignal I will do
orignal also I think "timeout" is not good for all reasons
zzz ok, then I'll remove them, we can always put something back later
orignal because there are different cases
orignal you might not recieve an ack for signle message
orignal your message queue is too big
orignal simply means narrow channel
orignal or you see too many gaps in received messages
orignal and you send timeout for all of this
zzz sure, but for most reasons, it's just for debugging. We don't really do anything when receiving a reason, except for maybe clock skew or banned
zzz so it's not really important to have super-exact reasons
orignal we don't do it now
orignal but can be used for profiling later
zzz I'm happy to add more, it's not a problem, more numbers are free :)
orignal complete outage and just narrow channels are two differenmt rpoblems
orignal let me prepare an updated list
zzz great. let's not renumber anything though
orignal I will prepare just a list without numeric vlaues
zzz anything else on 2) ?
zzz 3) MTU
orignal so I remebered why I don't publish mtu for ipv4
orignal because your local interface is usually 192.168.x.x
orignal not an external address
orignal so how are we supposed to detect MTU if local interface is not specified explicitly?
zzz usually
orignal that's why I do it for ipv6 only
zzz well, even 192.x could be tunneled over ipv6, with a lower mtu
zzz or vpn
orignal so I mean I usually don't know my local address
zzz so you should still detect it
orignal and my socked is bing to
orignal *bind
orignal do you have an idea?
orignal for ipv6 is simple
orignal I take an extrenal address and find local interface with it
zzz go through your list of interfaces. pick the one that's not 127.x
zzz if you're behind a firewall, you probably have only one
orignal what if I have LAN and VPN tunnel?
zzz if you have a publicly routable address, pick that one. If not, pick a non-routable but non-localhost address
orignal fine, it's not a bad idea
orignal it's for ipv4
zzz you can do the same thing for ipv6
orignal I might have few address from global scope easily
orignal well I bind explicitly in this case
orignal let me see
zzz sure, you just have to classify and sort them into global/dynamic/temporary/deprecated, that takes more work
orignal time to start doing it
zzz I have code to read the flags from /proc on linux and fallback heuristics for windows if you want to steal it
orignal because ipv4 mtu is always 1500 now
orignal thanks. but let me looks at our
orignal since we go through the list of interfaces anyway
orignal android is another pain
zzz can I give my status on MTU?
orignal tell me
orignal seems MTU was the source of failures
zzz so, I changed my code to limit session confirmed fragment size to 1280, no matter what the MTU says
zzz as a test
zzz a couple of days ago
zzz it seems to be helping a little? not sure
orignal fragment or MTU?
zzz packet size = MTU
zzz and then I also start the data phase at 1280
orignal see, when me, R4SAS and Orion started publishing correct MTU no more failures
orignal you said fragment not packet size
zzz Orion is confusing to me. I thought it was 1420 on the router and 1500 on the PC
orignal you 1280 is fragment of packet size?
zzz yeah I said it wrong
zzz packet size
orignal he had 1280 on router by mistake
orignal then he changed to 1480
orignal on router
orignal and 1500 on PC
zzz oh ok. I know you talked a lot more with him, I didn't get the translation
orignal 1420 is his another router
orignal well he doesn't speak English ))
orignal and his is not THAT Oriin ))
zzz that's fine. I didn't ask you for a summary either.
orignal I mean i2pcpp guy
zzz so now he's publishing 1480
zzz yeah I know
orignal yes, and has 1480 on router
orignal no, we asked him explicitly
orignal when he first appeared there
zzz and I don't see any more errors with him
orignal yes, that's what I mean
orignal MTU is veru importnat
orignal and I can't imagine how many failures we have with SSU1
zzz yup
zzz here's my errors last 30 hours
zzz 15 sQ8dVd
zzz 15 ~GIB3b
zzz 5 p~8-FO
zzz 4 bAU~6X
zzz 3 k8vhnd
zzz 2 1HmrG9
zzz 1 PCKdUl
zzz 1 oBZUnh
zzz 1 Cznve~
zzz 1 bOVM-F
zzz this is with a 1280 initial MTU
zzz I think the ones at the top can't handle fragments at all
orignal I think they run very old version
zzz I'm continuing to investigate handshake failures of all types
zzz I'm looking at cases where the session created is retransmitted multiple times
orignal and you don't see any of mines in this list
zzz I'm playing with retransmission timers and timeouts
zzz so I'm not ready to recommend 1280 for session confirmed. Maybe it will help, maybe not. It's still not clear how much PMTU issues there are out there
orignal I don't think it will help
orignal and you can detect your MTU by that time
orignal because SessionCreated comes first
zzz we still have a PMTU detection algorithm in java code, for SSU 1 and 2, that adjusts up and down
zzz so I'm watching it to see how it does
zzz in SSU 1, remember, we actually start at 620 (!) and go up from there
orignal yes it's a next step
zzz I looked at QUIC docs.
orignal sec. phone call
zzz they say don't use a MTU unless you "know" it will work, but don't really say how
zzz except for "Path Challenge". Before you use, say, 1400 MTU, you send a 1400 byte "path challenge" and wait for it to be acked
zzz eyedeekay, stuff like MTU is why NTCP2 is easier :)
orignal btw what is Path challenge for?
orignal and how does it help me to detect mtu?
zzz it's dual use. for 1) to validate other guy's IP if it changes; 2) to test a big packet before increasing MTU
zzz so, before sending data with X MTU, send a Path Challenge with X MTU and see if it gets acked
orignal so it's like echo?
orignal should I ack a packet with path challenge in it?
zzz we haven't talked about it, unimplemented, and not fully specified in the proposal
zzz might just be a waste of bandwidth
orignal just telll me if I have to ack it
zzz lol we'll decide together, not today :)
orignal no I don't think it a waste of bandwidth
orignal for now I only ack I2NP and fragments
zzz if we don't think PMTU is a problem, we don't need it. If we can just do it with data, we don't need it
zzz peer test and relay are also ack-eliciting
orignal really?
zzz yup
orignal do you resend them?
zzz not yet
orignal thanks for letting know I will add them to acks
orignal good finding
zzz actually, everything is ack-eliciting except for padding and termination. and we haven't decided about termination yet
zzz oh, and of course ack block is not ack-eliciting
orignal and other ack
orignal I though we might ack tremination with "termination received"
orignal and it's not an ack
zzz yeah there's three choices:
zzz 1) do nothing
zzz 2) send an ack
zzz 3) send termination with 'termination received'
orignal I just do 1
zzz I haven't really thought through it yet. Do you have a recommendation?
orignal e.g. terminate session
orignal not sure yet
orignal I think it's the same problem as in streaming
zzz right, I do 1) also, for 17 years
zzz no, in streaming I keep a list of 'recently closed' connections and respond with reset or another close or something, can't remember
zzz that's pretty much what the QUIC recommendation is
zzz ok, let's not forget about this issue, I'll put it on the list for next week
zzz anything else on 3) ?
zzz anything else for the meeting?
orignal we are very close to working SSU2
eyedeekay Nothing else from me
zzz it definitely works. we're trying to get it to work every time :)
orignal not yet from my side
orignal still no introducers
orignal although I'm able to connect to your firewalled router after first attempt
zzz eyedeekay, when you headed to NY?
zzz let's make sure the handshake works every time, even with retransmissions, and the acks/nacks work right
orignal btw, do you think it's possible to have more than 2 fragments for SessionConfirmed?
eyedeekay On the road Thursday
eyedeekay Should be there by Friday
zzz even at 1280, 2 is probably enough with gzip, but I haven't done the math to know for sure
orignal it might be 480 for ipv4?
orignal I saw this value in the code
orignal int fallback = localAddress.is_v6 () ? 1280 : 620; // fallback MTU
zzz yes, that's the spec, 620
zzz which is insane, but that's what we do
zzz for SSU 1
zzz that's why SSU2 is 1280. to not be insane ))
zzz so if you see a IPv4 interface MTU < 1280, do not enable SSU2
orignal let's asumme 1280 min
zzz yes, that's the spec, same as QUIC
orignal do you attach Ack block to PeerTest msg 6 for msg 5?
zzz no, msgs 5-7 are not in session, so ack blocks don't make any sense for them
orignal so you don't resend them?
zzz I can't remember. they are resent in SSU 1, not sure about SSU 2
orignal doesn't make sense to resend 5
orignal because it's fine if it's not received
zzz that sounds right