IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal good idea
orignal will do the same
zzz here's where I sent a message to i2pd, retransmitted 3x, gave up after 10 seconds, then got acks for all of them 1 1/2 seconds later:
zzz 07-09 13:36:19.723 WARN [acket pusher] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Message expired: OB Message 2046472889 seq 84 type 23 size 2122 fragments: 2 volleys: 4 lifetime: 10044 unacked fragments: 0 sizes: 1417 705 send counts: 4 1 to: [2001:470:1f12:e56:0:0:0:2]:24768 BpATV4 OB2 recvAge: 10s sendAge: 10s sendAttemptAge: 3025ms sendACKAge: 10s lifetime: 117m RTT: 17 RTO: 8000 MTU: 1308 LMTU: 1500 cwin: 1500 acwin: 5137
zzz SST: 2744 FRTX? false consecFail: 1 msgs rcvd: 6 msgs sent: 85 pkts rcvd OK/Dup: 95/0 pkts sent OK/Dup: 91/4 IBM: 0 OBQ: 0 OBL: 0 theyRelayToUsAs: 3696531151
zzz 07-09 13:36:21.246 WARN [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Acked but not found in outbound messages: OB Message 2046472889 seq 84 type 23 size 2122 fragments: 2 volleys: 4 lifetime: 11567
zzz 07-09 13:36:21.246 WARN [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Dup ACK of fragment 0 of OB Message 2046472889 seq 84 type 23 size 2122 fragments: 2 volleys: 4 lifetime: 11567
zzz 07-09 13:36:21.246 WARN [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Dup ACK of fragment 0 of OB Message 2046472889 seq 84 type 23 size 2122 fragments: 2 volleys: 4 lifetime: 11567
zzz 07-09 13:36:21.246 WARN [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Dup ACK of fragment 0 of OB Message 2046472889 seq 84 type 23 size 2122 fragments: 2 volleys: 4 lifetime: 11567
zzz 07-09 13:36:21.246 WARN [ handler 1/1] outer.transport.udp.PeerState2: Dup ACK of fragment 0 of OB Message 2046472889 seq 84 type 23 size 2122 fragments: 2 volleys: 4 lifetime: 11567
orignal so what's your point?
orignal you think I miss packets?
zzz no. you got all the packets but never sent an ack
zzz until 11.5 seconds later
orignal what was after 11.5 secs?
orignal Just ack?
orignal 3 different acks?
zzz don't know, not logged
orignal or Ack with I2NP block?
orignal my understanding
orignal I have sent Acks but they didn't reach you
orignal after 11.5 I tried to send a new message
orignal with Ack block
zzz maybe
orignal then how can I fix it?
zzz just mentioning, in case you have a bug where you're not sending the acks.
zzz I will look for more delayed acks and see if there's a pattern
zzz you send an ack of the new packet even if the I2NP message inside is a duplicate, right???
orignal I only send ack for a packet I didn't receive before
orignal and if a packet contains I2NP or fragments
zzz the distinction is between 'packet I didn't receive before' and 'packet containing i2np msg or fragment I didn't receive before'
zzz sounds like you do it right
zzz will keep looking
orignal let me change it
zzz so you don't do it right?
orignal myabe I should send Ack again if I receive duplicate
orignal need to check SSU1 code
zzz example:
zzz I send packet 1 with i2np message 12345
zzz you send ACK 1
zzz ACK 1 is lost
zzz I send packet 2 with i2np message 12345
zzz do you send ACK 2 or not?
orignal and I don't send ack
orignal if i's packet 2 I send ack
zzz ok good, you do it right
orignal but there is something else I don't do right
orignal I receive packet 1 and handle it
orignal I receive packet 2 and also handle it
orignal with the same msg 12345
R4SAS BpAT ... is mine
R4SAS rebuilt 2 days ago
zzz ok. is the internet reliable for it? It seems to have more errors than most routers
R4SAS ofcourse reliable, this is dedicated server
zzz ok, will keep an eye on it
zzz good to know
R4SAS ff + transit
R4SAS Routers: 5393 Floodfills: 1615 LeaseSets: 138
R4SAS Client Tunnels: 290 Transit Tunnels: 1952
zzz definitely seeing a lot of late acks from i2pd, after I've already timed out
zzz including 2RRY
zzz I have timestamps if you have the logs for it orignal
zzz R4SAS, do you have logs on BpAT for individual packets and acks?
orignal but I will check
orignal late acks for how long?
orignal and 2RRY is not a good example
zzz as I said above, after my 10 second timeout
orignal as you know it really has netwrok issues
orignal anyway I will take a look what might cause it
R4SAS zzz: i have logs disabled, transit traffic generates too much messages\
R4SAS but i can enable them
zzz maybe a lower-bandwidth router would be better
zzz here's the router I got late acks from in last 12 hours: ImQC kyY2 2RRY YXEA BpAT = all i2pd
R4SAS I have ssu2-only router if you interested
orignal all R4SAS's ))
orignal but 2RRY
R4SAS нгз
zzz any of those low-bandwidth?
R4SAS none
R4SAS but I can disable transit
R4SAS lets do this on kyY2
zzz we need some router with low-level logging on
R4SAS disabling transit now
R4SAS I'll enable logging in 15 minutes
zzz maybe you introduced a bug recently? or maybe you two are running all the high-bandwidth routers? wondering why all the routers doing this are yours...
zzz also, we really need the termination issues fixed so we can reduce the number of packet failures
R4SAS most of them are high-bandwidth
R4SAS I'll rebuild with new commits today
orignal my that home ipv6 is low bndwidth
orignal zzz I have more routers
orignal that one with family=gostcoin and I rebuilt it yesteraday
orignal I'm working on termination issue now
zzz ok. missing termination and late acks are the two causes of message loss I'm seeing right now
zzz so many routers R4SAS, maybe you should set a family )))
orignal I will set gotscoin to 2RY
orignal always forget
R4SAS I'm not using family now because it will break ssu2 testing
zzz yeah, it's good for the high bandwidth ones, so we don't put them in the same tunnel
R4SAS maybe will add later
zzz let's focus on getting down to zero lost messages, or as close as we can get
R4SAS stopped kyY2, rebuilding
zzz make sure you're logging lost messages at a high level too so you can track it
orignal his routers have ygg address ending with 333 )))
zzz =zzz )
zzz restarting mine too
orignal old joke
orignal and remeber you will be prosecuted for your nick in some "democratic" countries now ))
zzz great
zzz >> teminate session after 5 unacked resends
zzz is that for one i2np message?
zzz or 5 different i2np messages?
orignal for packets
orignal I resend packets not messages
orignal and this 5 have exponential timeout
zzz that might be a litte drastic? we don't fail the session for one I2NP message, but for 5 consecutive I2NP messages that fail (each one retransmitted 4x)
zzz (same as in SSU 1 for us)
R4SAS started with debugging
zzz ours may not be drastic enough, 5 I2NP may be too high
orignal I will change
orignal also check size of unconrimed packets
orignal btw it might cauased delayed acks
orignal because I don't change Ack block when resend
orignal ofc it's 5 packets but "resendable"
orignal e.g. with I2NP message inside
orignal *5 resends