IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d something dodgy? Peer sent us invalid data
dr|z3d • Invalid DbStore attempt - RouterInfo [ZEco-V] was published 75d in the future
dr|z3d that's not a case of clockskew.
zzz why not?
orignal an updates about relays?
zzz ssu2 connections are staying up longer (maybe because of your ack fixes?), I've seen up to 8-10 at once
zzz but very rare to see a relay intro, I think peers are picking my non-firewalled ipv4 address
zzz so I am going to have to firewall v4 to really get this tested
orignal SSU2 has last priority in i2pd
zzz this router has NTCP2 disabled
orignal and SSU1?
zzz enabled
orignal so i2pd always picks SSU1
orignal I'm going to change pririty soon but want to make sure that introducers work
zzz good news on peer test, it's happening a LOT more in last 3 days, all looks good here, no errors
zzz because routers are staying connected much longer
zzz re: relay, have you tested with force-firewalled and publishing ih ?
dr|z3d 75 days clockskew. most routers won't even attempt to build tunnels, surely?
orignal no, because I don't have publishing code it
zzz they don't know they are skewed
orignal I meant I want to make sure I can connect to a router with introducers
zzz ok, then you should put in test code to try to connect to my ssu2 ipv6
orignal that's the problem I usually don't see ih on your router
orignal for ipv6
zzz all I can do on my side is wait for relay intros
orignal no problem
orignal I will keep trying
zzz yeah I prefer ssu2 but I don't kick out ssu1. let me do some more hacking
orignal I don't see any ih right now
orignal furthemore I see bunch of ipv4 SSU1 introducers for ipv6
zzz ok I got it hacked to replace SSU1 with SSU2 introducers if available for slots 1 and 2.
zzz you are an introducer for me as of 5 minutes ago
orignal 2RRY?
orignal -Akx: [2a02:180:2:92:92:92:11:15] => [1268:801] [itag:3079276948]
orignal yes you are
orignal ih1=,2RRYXk4DLmwmsCwDaFcN1u88XPStZiIAi3eNGFMGyJI=
orignal I see you now
orignal you should see relay request
zzz disconnected a few minutes ago, but reconnected to you, you're not an introducer anymore
orignal SSU2: RelayResponse status code=5
orignal that's what I have got from you
zzz looking...
orignal I'm introducer
orignal caps=BC
zzz I would not send a 5, I'm charlie, that's a bob code
orignal I don't see you connected
zzz you were bob
orignal got it
orignal than it looks right
zzz right. we disconnected, then you got a request
orignal I see
orignal let's try again later
orignal have to run
orignal but my question is why it was disconnected so fast?