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zzz 0) Hi
zzz what's on the list for today?
orignal SSU2 status I guess
orignal I will be back in 5 minutes
zzz ok that's 1)
orignal please start without me
zzz eyedeekay, you have any go router update for us? been a while
zzz or anything else for the agenda?
eyedeekay No I keep trying to get back to it and getting distracted
eyedeekay Also I had a bug across all my plugins I needed to fix
eyedeekay But I do have a small update on the Wikimedia thing
zzz so it's not dead, you still intend to get it going?
eyedeekay Yeah not dead, I still open it most days to try and get it moving
eyedeekay But I'm just a little bogged down, it's my own fault
zzz ok, I know it's hard, but you have to work faster than the rest of us or you'll just fall further behind the current specs, unfortunately
zzz whats the news on wiki?
eyedeekay Well I've been picking apart the data I'm getting about blocks and I notice a few interesting things
eyedeekay The most significant of which is that while the total number of banned routers in my netDB rises and falls, the number of them that are blocked for the "P2P VPN" thing remains pretty constant
eyedeekay Contrary to my early testing, I'm observing shared hosting bans overtaking P2P VPN bans all the time
zzz what do you conclude from that?
eyedeekay So my hypothesis that it's enumeration related seems shakier now
eyedeekay Because shared hosting bans are legitimate
eyedeekay So I can only think of a couple things
eyedeekay One is that there's an overlap of I2P users and "P2P VPN" users which according to their somewhat superficial definition is a VPN that enlists users to be exits
eyedeekay Or there's a "P2P VPN" of this nature that is using I2P that we don't know about it
eyedeekay I think #2 is unlikely
eyedeekay But I'm struggling for alternatives
eyedeekay If it's #1 then it's a non-issue and I just learned a little
zzz ok, so still haven't seen any reason to panic then
eyedeekay Yeah I'm less worried than I was two weeks ago by alot
zzz great, thanks for the update
zzz back to 1) SSU2
zzz I'll give my status
zzz pretty quiet. still fixing minor bugs
zzz I evaluated all the session confirmed fragmentation options from last week and recommended c)
zzz orignal gave his preliminary agreement
zzz I wrote it up in the proposal under a new section "session confirmed fragmentation"
zzz and waiting for review and comments before I push code to implement it
zzz EOT
orignal yes it works
zzz sorry, what works?
orignal so I have finished Bob's side of handashke
orignal connection
orignal I though you meant session agreement ))
orignal nevermind
zzz yes, great, we now have java/i2pd connections working both directions
zzz steady progress
zzz any other status from you orignal ?
orignal so I have implemted acks
orignal for receiveing side
orignal need to do it for sending
orignal fragmentation for receiveing side
orignal and working and sending side
orignal and going to start peertest
orignal I think we can be ready for SSU2 for the next release
zzz before peer test, higher priority is the session confirmed fragmentation, because that's a problem now
orignal btw, that Kirov's guy has conntacted with me
zzz so if you would please review the new section of the spec, then we can get to implementation
zzz yeah I saw the AAAAA is gone
orignal no problem witll start it
orignal yes, I instructed him
zzz first, just looking for an ACK from you that the spec looks good
orignal not really
orignal my acks are dumb
orignal need to implemented it better
zzz sorry, I didn't mean ACK, I mean please review the spec for session confirmed fragmentation and tell me you like it )))))
orignal oh, you mean session confirmed frgmentation
orignal yes I see
zzz lol
orignal I will take a look today
zzz my fault, shouldn't be using "ACK" in a sentence
zzz super
orignal no problem with it
orignal I would say "approval" or "confirmation"
zzz yes )))
orignal we don't have word "ack" in Russian
zzz not really a word in English either
zzz anything else on 1) SSU2 ?
orignal do you think we will be ready for the next release?
orignal with SSU2?
zzz probably not? the schedule shows 3 releases from now, in November. I don't think I can enable it by default next release
zzz maybe the one after
orignal not by deafault ofc
orignal just optional support
orignal to make thak Kirov guy happy ))
zzz well, as not-default, it's in the code now. The only question is how much we advertise it
orignal for me side it's not done yet
zzz I'm not taking it out of the code, so people can do what they want
zzz I think the big milestone for the next release is we freeze the basic protocol, can't make any breaking changes
orignal I mean to decalre if it's supported in the release notes
orignal then not do it for now
zzz "alpha", "beta", "supported", .... just a word, decide later
orignal also R4SAS would like to run a stress test over SSU2
orignal vs. NTCP2
zzz yeah, I've run on testnet with 5% drop probability and still gotten 1 MBps I think, can't remember for sure
zzz will have to go back and retest at some point
orignal but 1Mbps is slow
orignal we need more
zzz not with 5% drop it's not. 5% drop is insanely bad
orignal got it
zzz can't find my notes right now
orignal also I need to implement retransmission windows and RTT
orignal but that's another story
zzz but yeah, testnet or live net, easy to do a test. Use zero-hop client and server side, disable NTCP2
orignal that's what we usually do
zzz anything else on 1) ?
zzz anything else for the meeting?
orignal not from my side
zzz thanks everybody, back to work!