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zzz 0) Hi
zlatinb hello
zzz what's on the agenda for today?
orignal as usual SSU2
orignal I have two items
orignal 1. please clarify how Acks are supposed to work
zzz go ahead and list them, I have one also
orignal 2. Tranmission windows and RTT
orignal I need to understand your algorithms to be on the same page
zzz 3) RI fragmentation in session confirmed
zzz 4) general status
zzz let's do 4) first
zzz I've been working on general cleanup and small bugs, nothing major
zzz haven't finished peer test coding yet and haven't tested
orignal so, SessionConrirmed works data pahase also works in both directions
zzz been thinking about RI fragmentation which we'll get to in 3)
zzz when do you plan to turn on publishing host/port so we can test java Alice to i2pd Bob? that's important to make sure nothing is broken the other direction
orignal when I write the code for it ))
orignal in couple days
zzz that would be great
orignal but I tested it before I stgarted testing with you
zzz yes I know
orignal so both side should work, but we will see
zzz I'd like to lock down the basic protocol before the release in two months, I think we're well ahead of schedule for that
zzz I'm restarting frequently as I fix things. Also finding some SSU 1 stuff and fixing that along the way
zzz that's all the status I have, any other status from you?
zzz hi R4SAS
orignal no, but you know my status already
orignal I'm developing data pahse stuff
orignal and need to implemend send and retrans
zzz sure, but good to make sure everybody is on the same page
orignal and not make the same crap as in SSU1
zzz ok that's it for 4) then
zzz 1) ACKs
orignal please explain
zzz ask your questions, I'll do my best
orignal I understand what is Ack trough
zzz or I can start from the top if you want
orignal but don't understand other part
zzz you're asking about the format of the ACK block, or the general way acks work and what are they acking?
orignal no. about a way
orignal I don't understand how can I ack throusand messages for eaxmple
zzz here we go
zzz wanted to make sure I understood the question because it's a big topic
orignal my impression was that ack torugh is like in TCP/IP
orignal e.g. ack of all message before that one
zzz yes. ack through is usually the highest packet you're acking
orignal but you specs says somthing ellse
orignal it says it's ack for that message only
zzz but it's not _all_ before, because we also have nacks, which are the gaps
zzz an example:
zzz ackthrough 10 acnt 2
orignal I also understand what is nack
zzz means we are acking 10 and 2 before that
orignal similer to streaming
zzz so we're acking 10, 9, 8
zzz so ackthrough 1000 acnt 255 : that acks 256 messages
orignal exactly
orignal does it mean I can't ack 1000 in one ack?
zzz that's where the ranges come in
zzz example: ackthrough 1000 acnt 199 range 1 99 : that acks 1000-801, nacks 800, acks 799-701
zzz or you could have ack through 1000 acnt 255 range 0 255 0 255 0 255 : that acks 1000 in about 10 bytes
orignal let's start from simple thing
orignal I want to ack 1000 messages and no gaps
orignal I set acktorugh 1000 and one range 0-999 ?
zzz ack through 1000 acnt 255 range 0 255 0 255 0 255
zzz no because ranges are one byte of nacks and one byte of acks
zzz so a range is 255 acks max
orignal so, 4 ranges
zzz the base ack through, acnt, and 3 ranges for the other 750 or so
orignal what would acktrough 1000 and acnt 0 means?
zzz this is all adapted from QUIC
orignal just message 1000?
zzz correct
orignal that's what I wanted to know
orignal it's neither TCP/IP, no streaming
zzz yes, because it's not guaranteed delivery
zzz so you only send each packet number once
orignal now. how often do I include ack block?
orignal for each packet?
zzz if the other guy doesn't get it, it's a nack forever, until you shift up how much you want to ack
orignal that's why I need to send more acks
zzz right now, I'm putting an ack block in each packet that has room
zzz but I'm fragmenting to max MTU, so there's no room with first fragment
zzz which is different than SSU 1, where we left room in every packet
orignal but how?
zzz how what?
orignal say I have received 1 million packets so far
orignal what do I include into ack block?
orignal since acktrough is not enough
zzz right
zzz so here's how I do it.
orignal and I can't include ack for each packet
orignal please tell me
zzz I have a "bitfield" which tracks what I've received. You know, an array of longs
zzz receive a packet, set the bit
zzz and I have code that converts the bitfield to an ack block
zzz with a max number of ranges, based on how much space I have
orignal like in SSU1
zzz but here's the deal. the bitfield doesn't get bigger and bigger.
zzz It has an offset
zzz so when it's almost full, I "shift" up, and "forget" the oldest part
orignal so what's max number of packets do you ack in each packet?
orignal assume there is no gaps
zzz right now I'm at 512, but that may be too big, 256 not a bad choice
orignal and you don't send nacks
zzz and shift up every 64 or 128
orignal 255 is fine
orignal so you typycal ack block contains one range
orignal got it
zzz no ranges, just ackthru and acnt
zzz which is kindof like a range, but I guess I'm calling "range" a NACK and a ACK field
orignal I though acnt is nuumber of ranges
orignal so it's number of message before acktrough?
zzz no. acnt is the number of acks after ack through
zzz before, right
zzz number of ranges you get from the size of the block
zzz two examples from my logs:
zzz Got ACK block: ACK 3-0
zzz that's ack through 3, acnt 3
orignal after?
zzz Got ACK block: ACK 200-173 NACK 172-170 ACK 169-0
orignal then why it's 1 byte only?
orignal make it 4
zzz that's ack thru 200, acnt 27, range 3 170
orignal and it will solve all the problems
zzz for acnt?
orignal if I have stream witghout gaps
zzz we don't need to ack a thousand packets. We just agreed we're only remembering 255
orignal I will always have acnt = acktrought - 1
zzz so if your bitfield is only 255, and there's no gaps, 1 byte of acnt is enough
orignal probably
orignal if not gaps
zzz right
orignal evething is clear now
orignal thanks
orignal will do
zzz it automatically "shifts up"
zzz 2) transmission windows and RTT
orignal I have ucoming queue of I2NP message
orignal how do I send them?
orignal in NTCP2 I make a frame send it and wait until socket is ready
orignal in SSU2 I need to undertsand how I do it
zzz transmission windows, congestion control, RTT, it's all really outside the SSU 2 spec (and the SSU 1 spec)
zzz we can give some guidance, but we're not done either
orignal I can't just dump all of them like I do in SSU1
zzz you shouldn't do that in SSU 1 either :)
orignal but what do you do now?
orignal I doubt you send all of them
zzz basically, zlatinb and I have been working for years on this
orignal I know I shouldn't
zzz both in SSU 1, and streaming, and elsewhere
orignal that's why I want to see your results only
zzz the basic guidance is to be "TCP-like"
orignal so should I adopt streaming code for it?
zzz and the design of SSU 2 makes that easier
zzz it's hard to just copy paste, but you have to track RTT, and do fast retransmissions, and keep track of estimated bandwidth
zzz so we hope with SSU 2, doing congestion control will be easier. and things can be simpler than in SSU 1
zzz but basically everything is like TCP. RTT, RTO, congestion window, fast start, fast retransmit, ...
zzz zlatinb, you have anything to add here?
orignal let me formulate the quation differently
orignal what is your inital windows and RTT?
orignal sorry RTO
zlatinb well, it's one of the reasons I was looking into nack-oriented protocols
zzz initial RTO is I think 1 second
zzz that comes from some RFC
zlatinb don't know enough about SSU2 to tell how it's going to be different
orignal how about windows size?
zzz it's the same as in SSU 1, I think
zzz stand by
orignal I know but for me is nothing ))
orignal I just flood the network
zzz // RFC 5681 sec. 3.1
zzz if (_mtu > 1095)
zzz _sendWindowBytes = 3 * _mtu;
zzz else
zzz _sendWindowBytes = 4 * _mtu;
orignal you mesure it in bytes rather than in packets?
zzz yes
zzz zlatinb, so far everything in SSU2 is the same as in SSU 1. Any differences, TBD, will probably be around NACKs and fast rtx
orignal but I think it's worth to measure in packets in SSU2
zzz actually in SSU 1 we have both packet and byte limits, but the primary congestion control is bytes
zzz It's a complex topic, and almost all of it is "implementation detail" lol. We're happy to answer questions, but we've been working on it for years
orignal I thibk only packets matter in UDP
orignal so what sould be initial window size?
zzz we've found that the TCP RFC's actually make the most sense to us, even for UDP
zzz initial window size = 3 * MTU
zzz see above code
orignal so 3 packets?
zzz I believe QUIC also does it based on bytes, not packets, but I'd have to reread it
zzz no. 3 * MTU bytes
orignal I would like to do it in packets
orignal a full packet is 1 MTU
orignal so 3 full packets
zzz not going to argue, do what you like, but I suggest you read what QUIC does
zzz correct, 3 full packets
orignal I like to adopt streaming logic initially
zzz ask questions any time
zzz can we move on to 3) because it's important
zzz great
zzz 3) RI fragmentation in session confirmed
zzz as you recall from last week, I said I would research and think about
orignal please examplain what's an issue
zzz RI too big, won't fit in session confirmed, what do we do
zzz option a) is what's in the spec now:
orignal gzip or split
zzz we have gzip now, still not small enough 100% of time
zzz so spec says:
zzz send first fragment in session confirmed
zzz split()
zzz get the rest of the fragments in the session and ack them in the session
zzz until you have all the fragments and check the RI sig and s, the session is "unconfirmed" and you really shouldn't send or receive I2NP
zzz that's doable, but a little bit of a mess
orignal I have another idea
zzz also, we'd need to send "i" in the session confirmed in a separate block, so bob can send acks
zzz I have another idea also, but you go first
orignal send identity only
orignal and let Bob request us through netdb
zzz right. we discussed that last week. we both agreed full RI is better
zzz we could sign something, or, as you say, get through netdb
zzz which wouldn't work for hidden mode
orignal so what's your idea?
zzz let's call yours b) and the next thing c)
zzz c) jumbo message for session confirmed, send in multiple parts
zzz so we indicate in header that session confirmed is fragmented
zzz bob saves the bytes for each part
zzz when he has them all, he puts them together, and THEN does the noise and chacha/poly
zzz so you don't have a session at all until you have all the parts
zzz it's one big encryption for the whole thing
orignal besically few SessionConfirmed messages
zzz yes, but only one chacha/poly payload, maybe 3000 or 5000 bytes
orignal also uis had an idea
zzz and in the header we put fragment 1 of 3 total or something
orignal why do we have to be limited by MTU in this case
zzz but it means there's no way to ack individual fragments for c)
zzz alice would have to send them all
orignal just send longer UDP packet and let network split it
zzz may not always work, and linux likes to complain in the logs
orignal e.g. can you send a 2K UDP packet?
orignal kernel will split and assemble back
orignal polistern did it for bote
zzz I think in general, it doesn't work? not sure
orignal by sending longer UDP datagrams
zzz it's a good question but afaik not a great way to do it
orignal polistern said it works
orignal it's not a great way for regular traffic
zzz sure, it _might_ work, but I don't think it would work every time, every OS, every nat/firewall
orignal but for one message it might be a solution
zzz ok that's d) then, let me write them all down
zzz any thoughts on c) ?
orignal c is basically "soft" version of d
orignal you split your packet to fragments rather than kernel
orignal it would work too
zzz right. we split it up, and slap a header on each part after the first
zzz the first header is mixhashed() into noise. the headers for all the other parts, just get the fragment number and throw the header away
zzz if anything is corrupted you will find out when you glue it all together and give it to noise
zzz what I like about c) is it seems "safer" - you don't have this session that is "unconfirmed" for a while
zzz also simpler in a way - you don't have multiple RI fragment blocks. It's one huge RI block
orignal I can't go through woth it until I receive poly1305 hash
zzz right
orignal so I need eevrything
zzz yeah
orignal but yes
orignal I don't need to send SessionCreated again
orignal when I receive first fragment
zzz the only problem with c) is I don't see a way to ack individual packets, because we don't have a session to send acks with
zzz so you'd have to retransmit all the packets of session confirmed
zzz but let's be serious, most of the time it's only two packets
zzz I don't see any 3000 byte compressed RIs, at least not yet
orignal you don't have to
orignal Alice must keep resending all fragments
orignal until she receives ack
zzz agreed. no big deal, probably only two
zzz so I propose we think about it another week, no decision today
zzz that ok with you? talk about it in a week?
zzz super
orignal and we need to come to decision
orignal because I'm going to publish RI with 7 addresses soon ))
zzz yes, pretty soon
zzz anything else for the meeting?
zzz thanks everybody. knew this would be a long one
zzz IPv6 does not support fragmentation/reassembly; I believe that rules out option d)