IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal going to do the same tommorow ))
zzz the header decryption stuff is where we really see how this is going to work
zzz I'm already seeing some problems
zzz about 3000 lines of code in so far
orignal zzz, why do you say XK Noise is different than in NTCP2?
orignal I don't see a difference
zzz the initialization string is different
orignal Noise_XKaesobfse+hs2+hs3_25519_ChaChaPoly_SHA256
orignal got i
zzz oops, it's wrong in one place, right in the other
zzz Set protocol_name = "Noise_XKchaobfse+hs1+hs2+hs3_25519_ChaChaPoly_SHA256"
orignal I see now
orignal the difference
zzz no, it's the same in both
zzz both places
orignal I copied from NTCP2
orignal but SSU2 adds hs1
zzz right, we're mixHashing the headers before each message, 1 2 and 3. NTCP2 mixHashes the padding after message 1 and 2
orignal thanks
orignal will chnage it
orignal also do you have sha256 of this string?
orignal I believe you calculated it already
zzz padding for every message is in the payload, since we know the total length
zzz not like NTCP2 where we have fixed message length for messages 1 and 2
zzz so the mixhash is more like ratchet
zzz I haven't logged it yet
zzz it's in a static initializer
zzz sha256generator "Noise_XKchaobfse+hs1+hs2+hs3_25519_ChaChaPoly_SHA256"
zzz sTcigXQjqP30LfLmDtHt9BuTBx2x7CSjZ~eE7CcNgTI=
orignal I need as array of hex bytes
orignal and will check
zzz echo -n "Noise_XKchaobfse+hs1+hs2+hs3_25519_ChaChaPoly_SHA256" | sha256sum
zzz b13722817423a8fdf42df2e60ed1edf41b93071db1ec24a367f784ec270d8132 -
orignal thanks
orignal and we also need one more
orignal sha256
zzz yup
zzz Bob listening for SSU2 connections on
zzz Handing incoming connection as Bob
zzz Got 95 byte session request as Bob
zzz Decrypt session request header: Sess req header destID 678673286614499147 pkt num 0 type 0 srcID 5690038696058615217 token 0 key gD5zXy0q~B3jTnEDtijvQbm2klyyZznnLLnMQwGXzlY=
zzz IV is kfnlJnel6RTVF8A3zOD8lz5CHkVLPwZMP7D-hjIxpog=
zzz 00000000 09 6b 21 c2 27 34 3f 4b 00 00 00 00 00 02 02 00 |.k!.'4?K........|
zzz 00000010 4e f7 14 0c 04 cc f5 b1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |N...............|
zzz 00000020 80 3e 73 5f 2d 2a fc 1d e3 4e 71 03 b6 28 ef 41 |.>s_-*...Nq..(.A|
zzz 00000030 b9 b6 92 5c b2 67 39 e7 2c b9 cc 43 01 97 ce 56 |...\.g9.,..C...V|
zzz 02/05 13:29:24.484 DEBUG [main ] port.udp.InboundEstablishState: State after sess req: XK-SSU2 Handshake State:
zzz Symmetric State:
zzz ck: af9ByX6VlRGe7p1IvDJByHQR-e2FBVkTEBDqzHDYTis=
zzz h: IdMOUePz1SiFZ8LIfdrRz19N~oQ6jNoLxrF4ZnQwRXw=
zzz Cipher State:
zzz nonce: 1
zzz poly key: EbB12ZpsxHvfnaPBUolpFuSyNBOiQfylCp5E-hPqdQE=
zzz Local static public key (s) : 9OJd9m56VCFHK-DJU2IjEdFb482pEBNjsS6Y8ADNPzg=
zzz Remote static public key (rs) : null
zzz Local ephemeral public key (e) : null
zzz Remote ephemeral public key (re) : gD5zXy0q~B3jTnEDtijvQbm2klyyZznnLLnMQwGXzlY=
zzz woot, decrypted a session request
orignal great
orignal if you need precalculated XK for SSU2 here
orignal working refactoring on common s and i keys for addresses