IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
eyedeekay zlatinb it should not be necessary, it works by combining the entries from the main news feed with the platform/channel specific news feed, then regenerating them in date-ordered fashion.
eyedeekay So if you don't need to add any more release notes specific to .dmg's, then you do not have to
eyedeekay I'm going to have at least some release notes every time because of base/included browser extension updates
zlatinb eyedeekay: idk_afk: data/mac/stable/releases.json updated, no changes to entries.html
zzz 0) Hi
zzz whats on your list for today?
zzz how about: 1) release status; 2) picking tunnels for netdb lookups; 3) peer test results and recommendations
eyedeekay I am still a little behind from last week and have been doing plugin stuff, I don't have anything to add for SSU2 right now
zzz did we want to talk about udp tunnels?
eyedeekay Yeah that's a good idea
zzz ok that's 4)
zzz that should be enough for today
zzz 1) release status
zzz about 18% have updated; no sign of bigly yet
zlatinb I just emailed parg on an urelated topic, will see if he gets back
zzz I usually don't bug him for at least a week or so
eyedeekay I've got to work with F-Droid to get their I2P auto-builds working this week, after that their section of the Android population should update
zlatinb I am noticing about 50% of my SSU1 links are <150ms RTT
zlatinb which is good
zzz yeah, we worked on that 3 months ago, forgot that we sped up SSU
zzz network seems ok even with the rekeying, doesn't seem to be a problem
zzz will keep an eye on things
zzz anything else on 1) ?
zlatinb yes releases.json is ready for mac
zlatinb and torrent is up on postman, so someone needs to flippa da switcha
eyedeekay I have to do Windows jpackage release this time, shouldn't take me long, will probably do it today
zzz 2) picking tunnels for netdb lookups
eyedeekay zlatinb sorry about the time it's taking to get it up on the mirrors, I'll flip it as soon as I can
zzz orignal said last week he added connect-checking code and it seemed to help
zzz and I said I didn't know if we did that or not
zzz I researched it, and we don't
orignal and you do?
zzz orignal, do you have any test results on how much it helps?
orignal didn't measure
zzz it just "feels" better?
orignal but no problems with lookup and publishing anymore
zzz ok. I added code to try it, haven't tested yet, probably need to record some baseline stats first
zzz what is the combination of routers that usually fails to connect? ipv4 only to ipv6 only? or ntcp only to ssu only? or what?
orignal of FF that firewalled
orignal also sometimes my tunnels far ends don't support ipv4
zzz I count 23 out of 3678 routers that are ipv6 only and firewalled... not too many
zzz but if they're ff they're more popular
zzz we won't auto-enable ff if firewalled
zzz or if ipv6 only
orignal as I said my problem is tunnel endpoints and gateways
zzz yup
orignal sometimes they have wrong transports
zzz I'll report back after my tests. May be next week, maybe longer, remind me if I forget
zzz anything else on 2) ?
zzz 3) peer test results and recommendations
orignal what's with it?
zzz so a week or two ago I mentioned that it seems like my OB tunnels that were 'broken' had i2pd at the OBEP
zzz you said you were running some tunnel tests, so I enabled tunnel testing too and wrote down some results
orignal yes I remeber
orignal tunnel test not peer test
orignal peer test is SSU
zzz correct, my mistake
zzz when tunnel test is enabled, we fail a tunnel after 4 consecutive test fails
zzz 96-97% of individual tunnel tests pass
zzz when there are 4 consectutive fails, about 60% of the time it's an i2pd first hop
zzz about 60% of the time it's an i2pd OBEP
orignal first of IB
zzz first of OB
zzz I only looked closely at the OB
zzz about 40% of my fast peers that I pick client tunnels from are i2pd
orignal first hop or OBEP?
zzz for both, about 60% of the time it was i2pd
zzz so these results are inconclusive
zzz we didn't do that before
orignal interesting
orignal but I missed the point
zzz that's the one time you know for sure the tunnel is broken, and who to blame
orignal if you can't connect firts hop you can't build tunnel
zzz this is after the tunnel is successfully built, and the connection later disconnected
orignal any idea why?
zzz and the reconnect fails when trying to send something out the tunnel
orignal it's disconnected because idle
zzz yes, probably idle disconnect.
orignal did you investigate why recoonect fails?
orignal I don't see a reason
zzz can't tell from here, but either the peer went away, or conn. limits
orignal so is it connection failure or NTCP2 handshake failure?
zzz now maybe we should always allow a connection from a peer that's a previous hop, but that might be hard
orignal also have you checked geo locations?
zzz I don't know. We'll try both NTCP2 and SSU
orignal maybe that routers were in Russia?
zzz I'll look at the routers in question and report back if I see any patterns
orignal since they are blocking tor
orignal would be nice to see what else they are trying
zzz I'm failing about 50 tunnels a day with this, so it's definitely helping
orignal btw, how come?
orignal don't you pick the first hop from already connected peers?
orignal like str4d mentioned long time ago
zzz you don't need a fancy tunnel test to know the OB first hop is a problem...
zzz so that's one thing I've been working on
zzz anything else on 3) ?
zzz 4) udp tunnels
zzz no we don't necessarily prefer connected peers
zzz but in any case the idle timeout is much less than 10 minutes
orignal why? it's a big advantage
orignal because it makes profiling of your trafiic harder
orignal e.g. if few tunnels go through the same connection it harder to recognize your real traffic
zzz in general, we're probably connected (for client tunnels anyway) if we have a lot of client tunnels
zzz not for exploratory
orignal yes, I mean cient tunnels
zzz anything else on 3) ?
zzz 4) udp tunnels
zzz I spent most of the last week on a big refactor of our incomplete udp tunnel support
zzz fixing things and adding i2cp from/to port support
zzz in the zzz.i2p thread we said we need documentation on how your udp tunnels work
orignal very easy
zzz we can't evaluate them and either implement the same thing or something better without some docs
orignal I read incoming UDP buffer
orignal I send first packet as repliable datagram
orignal and others as raw
zzz and the replies?
orignal if I receive repliable datagram
orignal I send reply back if I have something to send
orignal either data or technical block for ratchets
orignal so if trafiic if low I always send repliable datagrams and replies
zzz are replies repliable or raw?
orignal and bunch of raw on spikes
orignal repliable
orignal I can't reply to raw
zzz two questions
zzz 1) can the server handle multiple clients at once?
zzz and know what responses go where?
orignal I maintain "sessions"
orignal once I receive repliable datagram it created a "session"
orignal every session has a queue
orignal of data to send
orignal either it goes with reply
orignal of by timeout
zzz 2) on the client side, if there are UDP DNS queries coming from multiple programs on different localhost ports, can you handle that and send the UDP replies to the right port?
orignal 10 millisecond if I remember
orignal on client I also remeber port where request came from and send back
orignal e.g. another "session"
zzz I don't see how you track sessions if you're using raw though
eyedeekay So is there any point where the repliable datagram from the first packet gets re-sent?
zzz is it by i2cp from/to ports?
orignal but I don't use raw
orignal they are only folllow-on packets
zzz you said "the first is repliable and the others raw"
orignal yes, from the buffer
orignal ofc I meant if they came from the same endpoint
zzz so you track a session by i2cp from/to port pairs?
orignal I don't use i2cp
orignal if you mean gzip header
orignal yes I pass ports there
zzz I don't mean i2cp the protocol, just the port numbers in the gzip header
zzz ok I think that answers my questions, thanks
zzz eyedeekay, did you get your question answered or do you have more?
eyedeekay I am not sure that I did
orignal then ask
eyedeekay I think the place where I'm confused is when you say "First repliable, then raw" first in what? Seems like there must be an interval here, if so, how is that defined?
eyedeekay Is it the whole lifetime of the tunnel, or is a timeout, or is it something else?
dr|z3d repliable sets up the connection it sounds like. handshake?
orignal let me clarify
orignal your UDP socket always has a buffer
orignal and you can set it's size
orignal when new packet arrives it's get placed to that buffer
orignal and then you take it usign read_from
orignal if traffic if heavy ususally you have bunch of packets it it
orignal if this case I send first packet as repliable and others as raw
orignal no I don't set an interval
zzz and the first packet starts the "session", all using the same fromPort, right?
orignal I read first packet then check if more paxckets are in the buffer
zzz assuming they all had the same UDP source IP/port
orignal usually I stop on 25-th of so and give control to the kernel
orignal by calling read_from
orignal yes, right
orignal usually that's most common case
zzz ok, so once you find a UDP packet with a different source IP/port, you have to create a 2nd session with a differet fromPort
zzz and send the first datagram as repliable for the 2nd session
zzz right?
idk_afk I got disconnected mid-answer but caught it over here on my scrollback account
orignal and start as it was new
zzz I understand
idk_afk OK that answers my question, thanks
zzz super
zzz anything else on 4) ?
zzz thanks orignal for the explanation
idk_afk I think I have all the info I need for now, thanks orignal
zzz anything else for the meeting?
zzz also for those that missed it, with my approval acetone is now logging this channel with the 'major' bot and logs are at major.acetone.i2p
dr|z3d (subject to stability)
R4SAS btw, can somebody contact with postman? Since previous release connection stucks sometimes for irc
R4SAS so that can happen twice in a day
dr|z3d Is that ongoing, R4SAS? ie has it happened today?
dr|z3d and is there anything log-wise in your client I can forward to postman?
albat it happens for me too 1 or 2 times a day
albat (hi)
dr|z3d connection stuck doesn't help much. more info needed.
R4SAS dr|z3d: I can only say when that happend, no more info
R4SAS because connection made via znc
dr|z3d so the connection gets stuck.. you're just left in a connecting phase?
dr|z3d no timeout, just a perpetual state of "connecting..." ?
R4SAS no, I got timed out like everyone here, in 15 seconds znc reconnects and continue work
zzz you can try asking in #irc2p
R4SAS i haven't heard that postman updated his i2p
R4SAS not now, nor previous release
dr|z3d so you're just getting timed out by the server, is that essentially the issue?
dr|z3d server and/or tunnel lag..
dr|z3d zzz mentioned some possible issue with i2pd 0.9.51 that was causing leaseset issues, dunno is this is related. or what the issue is, exactly.#
albat maybe you should increase timeout to 320
albat it works a lot better now since i did this
dr|z3d I don't think postman broadcasts his router updates, R4SAS :)
dr|z3d you've been busy lately on git, zzz, anything in the pipes?