IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
ceec can anyone help me? i tried specifying a pre-existing keys.dat for a http b32.i2p site, but it doesnt seem to work?
ceec it would be nice if anyone would help :)
ceec orignal?
ceec it would be great if you could answer me :)
ceec can you help me with my query?
orignal I'm not Vanga
ceec huh?
ceec what do you mean?
orignal tunnel config please
ceec im using the one from the i2pd docs for anon sites
orignal your config please
ceec ok...
ceec [SITE]
ceec type = http
ceec host =
ceec port = 8080
ceec keys = site.dat
ceec i disconnected
ceec sorry
orignal so what's wrong with it?
ceec i generated a vanity address with it, but it gives me a different address
ceec using i2pd-tools
orignal where did you put the file to?
orignal [animal.i2p]
orignal type=http
orignal host=
orignal port=4065
orignal inport=80
orignal i2cp.leaseSetType=3
orignal i2cp.leaseSetEncType=0,4
orignal gzip=false
ceec in the /etc/i2pd/ folder, along with the tunnels.conf , and also tried putting it in the same folder as the site
ceec no result
orignal keys=animal.dat
ceec what is this?
orignal my config
orignal see Data path:
ceec im there...
orignal put site.dat into that folder
ceec into the same folder as site?
ceec i tried that
orignal into Data path
orignal Data path: /home/i2pd/.i2pd
orignal for example
ceec i see
ceec wait ill do that
orignal you must put that file there
orignal then restart
ceec ohh
ceec i get it now
ceec ill try