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hypn_ во. моего бота нет. похоже опять i2pd упал. ща чекну
hypn_ коры почемуто нет
hypn_ процесса и2пд нету
hypn_ логлевел дебаг был
hypn_ непонятно почему корефайла нет
hypn_ i2pd.log-PROCESS_DISAPPEARED_1
hypn_ ой
hypn_ root@rig1:~/vcs_rig1/i2pd# cat git-log-1-PROCESS_DISAPPEARED_1
hypn_ commit 0b97b4294ca015195dce4297a44259f08131bf5e
hypn_ Author: orignal <>
hypn_ Date: Sat Jun 8 19:28:05 2024 -0400
hypn_ don't request relay tag for every session if we have enough introducers
hypn_ root@rig1:~/vcs_rig1/i2pd#
hypn_ 8 июня
hypn_ крч я дебаг лог и номер коммита сохранил, могу дать если не в лом по логу копать
hypn_ orignal, удалять этот лог?
hypn_ ulimit -n 8192 -c unlimited
hypn_ хули корефайла нет
hypn_ видать без него завершилась
hypn_ в nohup.out тоже ни слова
hypn_ запускаю nohup ./i2pd
orignal удаляй
orignal мне то зачем если я не знаю на чем падает
Peterco Hey, I have a question about i2pd, would it be useful to add multiple IPv6 addresses to interface on computer?
Peterco Like in IPv6 where ISP gives us a /64 or even bigger subnet so we can assing multiple IPs to one physical interface, I mean it's still one router ident but on multiple addresses? Would it make anything better (more IPs in the i2p users swarm), more routes? more anonimity? more tunnels? anything?
Vort hello. i2pd won't use extra addresses if I remember correctly
Vort you can use them for multiple routers, but it won't give much advantage, because multiple routers per single IP work almost fine
Peterco ah ok, but one router and multiple doesn't make any sense? I mean not now but in a future, like we split i2p traffic across multiple 'clearnet' IPs so it's harder to analyse logs by ISP, police, etc?
Peterco i can easily assing like 100 random IPv6 on my interface
Vort most people (who want to add restrictions) treat /64 as single IP address anyway
Peterco wouldn't this com,plicate a little things for all those that would like to see what we are doing
Peterco yes I get it whole subnet is one ISP user so we wont gain anything here but ISP logs would see traffic of a hundred IPs in the same time which should make it harder to analyse traffic
Peterco I'm testing it now and i2pd use only one IP but it's just a matter of rewriting a little a code of it to use all of those IPs
Peterco having multiple i2pd instances is ofcourse also a interesting idea but it takes resources
Peterco and you can use only one instance for lets say a proxy to cliearnet at a time so all the traffic for this remote proxy service will generate outgoing connections from only one IP on my side
Peterco and if i2pd would use all the IPs on the interface then this would give many connection on many IPs
Peterco this should add a little headache for someone analysing this
Peterco correlation here is even more complicated than with single i2pd instancje on single IP
Peterco I'm just thinkng about now, as I've started alterring "preferred_lft" on my IPv6 addresses to regenerate them pretty often wchich should also complicate a little things in ISP logs in the cae of some accident, as my IP is changing liek every few minutes
` You can create 100500 interfaces and launch i2pd with them (i2pd.conf)
Peterco ofcourse whole subnet is on my name but still "illegal" this is done on some exact point in time, which means often IP changes decorrelate a little things done earlier and past that point in time
Peterco yes i get it i can spawn a hundred i2pd instances and assign different IP to every of them but scenario i'm thinkg is like a single like bash and here we go we have a 100 IPs on interface
Peterco and we can change them every hour
Peterco and so on
Peterco so we make a lot of mess in logs
Peterco like few hundred random IPs used every day, still one subnet but i do have open wifi ap as i'm stuppid so let the prolice prove it was my acitivity as there are hundres of IPs in logs :)
Peterco i'm not saying it
Peterco is something super fancy
Peterco it's just a new scenario of defeding yourself in case of accident
Peterco in ipv4 world we could do this with only one IP routed to us
Peterco "couldn't"
Peterco so maybe it would make sense for devs to think about it? lets use any ip we can, even on single i2pd, lets produce some noise in logs!
Peterco and sorry for spamming the channel
orignal not implemented
Peterco yes I know original, it's just an idea so i'm not expecting this to be implemented soon
Peterco but if it's not a bad idea and I think this log flood with hundreds of random IP addresses on ISP level make some sense
Peterco so maybe in the future you the devs could try that
Peterco nothing to hurry we simple starting to have ipv6 implemented worldwide so there are new scenarios possible
Peterco hundreds of IP pairs in log within short time period must be fun to analyze ;)
Peterco the only question related to IPv6 not i2pd I have now is, does my ISP can see IPv6+MAC pairs like in NDP? Becaues my WAN interface on router is on the same subnet as my LAN so it is one big logical subnet
Peterco and ISP have this subnet configured on its router
Peterco as ISP on it's router also have configured one IP from that subnet that is pointing to me so it's one logical network
Peterco but can they see (log) my LAN MACs?
orignal use address6 in config
Peterco oh really? multilple of them? will check in a minute, whats the separator?
orignal only one
orignal I told you
orignal if you have multipple on your box
Peterco ah ok