IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
relaybot 13apophis: ты не понял о чем я спрашивал или я не так обьяснил .. проехали
orignal задача считать правильно RTT
relaybot 13apophis: я обратил внимание, потому и спросил ...
relaybot 13apophis: если уперлись в динамический расчет для РТТ.. вит что я хотел знать
orignal ну он довольно сложный
Vort "<onon1> RTT меняется слишком быстро, нет смысла его куда-то передавать." - как помнишь, при запросе к веб серверу, данных для надёжного расчёта RTT собирается мало. было бы удобно соседним запросом к тому же серверу обновить RTT первого запр
Vort оса
Vort apophis: на принимающей стороне RTT используется для определения того, насколько часто слать ACK`и
Vort на отправляющей стороне - да, для перепосылок
Vort "apophis: метрика крайне ненадежная" - какая тогда надёжная?
Vort часть глюков при тестировании на локалхосте происходит из-за лимита частоты отправки ACK`ов: MIN_SEND_ACK_TIMEOUT = 2
Vort при низких значениях RTT за время RTO не успевают прийти ACK`и
Vort может, стоит ограничиить минимальное значение RTO по аналогии с тем, как сделано в SSU2 ?
Vort правда, 100мс - это, может быть много
Vort так как за один RTT может прийти 10 ACK`ов (auto ackTimeout = m_RTT/10;), то предлагаю поставить MIN_RTO = 10 * 2
Opax It seems like some websites do not work over SAM (for example, <http://identiguy.i2p/>). Why is that? Is there any known bugs related to this? I am using i2pd version 2.48.0.
Vort Opax: try i2cp.leaseSetEncType=4,0
Opax Vort: What does it do?
Vort allows for encryption type 4
Vort just try to add it to SESSION CREATE
Vort if site starts working, then problem solved
Vort if not, then something else is wrong
Opax It seems like it fixed it. Thanks. But why does that need to be added?
Vort because of compatibility reasons SAM uses old encryption until told to use newer one as well
Opax Will adding that setting made it incompatible with other websites, or should it work with all with that setting?
Vort 4,0 means both types will be supported
Vort so all sites should work fine
Opax I see. Thanks.
Vort реализовал идею onon с расчётом минимального RTT из пачки для стримов:
Vort и поправил зависание стрима при смене туннелей (надеюсь, на сей раз правильно):
Vort (последний коммит основан на ветке с двумя предыдущими)
Vort тестировал пока что только на локалхосте, скоро буду на основном узле проверять. так что могут быть баги
Vort ещё один коммит. ждать 18 секунд - это лишнее:
orignal и что получилось?
Anonymous Vort: thanks for the above conversation.. Opax was helping me with writing e-mails to qBittorrent/libtorrent, but he seems to have the knows, time and wanted to figure it out more on his own accord, so I thank you both
Anonymous Vort: according to your change should be in libtorrent which I'm using.. do you think libtorrent-rastebar is the same?
onon Я что-то не могу понять как стрим обрабатывает NACK-и.
onon if (nacked) пишет а лог и что дальше? continue;
relaybot 13apophis: Guys, xmpp.ilita is going to be relocated to freebsd "selfhost facility" in 24 hours. I will NOT backup accounts, groups, history and so on. It is up to you to reregister / create rooms / icons / etc.
orignal собери транк
Anonymous Vort: any reason why/how a SAM session would drop most traffic to <kb/s after like 10-40 minutes?
Anonymous Opax: says that it doesn't sound like qBittorrent/libtorrent issue
Anonymous And I do use the libtorrent, in which you set i2cp enctype to 4,0 (not sure how that's relevant, since qBittorrent uses SAM not i2cp as Opax seems is relevant)
Anonymous If you want I can share with you bigger description
Anonymous Some torrents for some reason seem to continue downloading successfully for many hours
Anonymous And restarting qBittorrent makes it so torrents work again
Anonymous What do you think might be at fault here? qBittorrent? libtorrent? i2pd SAM?
Anonymous libtorrent uses SAM, does it somehow need i2cp enabled, since Opax for some reason mentioned it?
Anonymous This is all stupid, why does qBittorrent not have --log??!??!
Anonymous Perhaps Opax meant value in SAM's SESSION CREATE or something
Anonymous There seems to be a fuck-ton session-mentions in qBittorrent source, so not sure
Anonymous Opax: I think we should still send those e-mails to qBittorrent and libtorrent
Vort Anonymous: "do you think libtorrent-rastebar is the same?" - yes, Rasterbar is just company name:
Vort "<~orignal> и что получилось?" хз как полноценно потестировать. с чата не кидает. большинство сайтов открывается нормально. разве что заподозрил какую-то несовместимость с java, надо будет разбираться
orignal ну неплохо
Vort "<onon> Я что-то не могу понять как стрим обрабатывает NACK-и." я об этом писал вчера. никак не обрабатывает
orignal если хочешь PR сделать то сегодня
orignal завтра я уезжаю
orignal если и буду заглядывать то изредка
orignal стрим обрабатыват NACK-и путем перепосылки ))
Vort "<Anonymous> Vort: any reason why/how a SAM session would drop most traffic to <kb/s after like 10-40 minutes?" lots of streams eating all destination bandwidth maybe?
Vort "<Anonymous> What do you think might be at fault here?" most likely, i2pd. less likely, libtorrent. almost no chance qBt is related, but who knows
Anonymous Oh, so you think i2pd is broken?
Vort "<Anonymous> libtorrent uses SAM, does it somehow need i2cp enabled" SAM allows to specify i2cp options, no need to open additional port
Anonymous oh really?
Vort "<Anonymous> Perhaps Opax meant value in SAM's SESSION CREATE" yes
Anonymous so like sam......EncType = 4, 0?
Anonymous Isn't that the default in libtorrent (your commit)?
Vort my commit makes libtorrent to pass this option to SAM
Vort so no additional user intervention is needed
Anonymous so what is not working in i2pd then?
Anonymous there are more bugs than features, orignal
Vort enctype was just related to non opening websites/trackers
Anonymous so if qBittorrent uses libtorrent with that enctpye, it should work?
Vort if they respond, but work like shit, that's separate problem ))
Anonymous But it doesn't
Anonymous so it must be i2pd problem?
Vort "<~orignal> если хочешь PR сделать то сегодня" ну раз никто не нашёл проблем, то буду делать
orignal ага давай
Anonymous fuck github-
Anonymous Blinded message
Anonymous Vort: why don't you use I2P git community or whatever eepsite?
Anonymous I think it's Gita
orignal because the main repository is github
Vort не пойму почему народу больше нравится тестировать уже влитые изменения. сложно собирать из другой ветки?
Vort мне метод "влить, а потом тестировать" кажется странным
orignal просто влом
Vort но если иначе тестировщиков не набирается, то приходится так...
Vort кстати, волну атаки/перегрузки 3 часа назад никто не заметил? или уже все привыкли? :)
Anonymous orignal: can't mirror issues?
orignal я раз тут отвалился
Vort надеюсь, что проблему зависания стрима при потере пакета я починил. но теперь надо бы понять, из-за чего пакет теряется
Vort опять у меня подозрение на очень интересный баг
Vort но сегодня уже гонять не буду, наверно
Vort теряется один пакет внутри пачки. без как-либо предварительных лагов
Vort просто исчезает куда-то и всё
Vort без каких-либо*
Anonymous Vort: so what's wrong with SAM/sessions? Github can't show issues without JS
Vort Anonymous: as I said, I suspect SAM session can't handle large amount of streams
Vort can you check if such correlation exist?
Vort more streams -> less torrent speed
orignal возможно что баг
orignal там море багов
Anonymous I did expect 3->16 quantity to be SUPER FAST, I'm not sure it is
Anonymous IDK, some torrents can reach 200kb/s
Anonymous or something like that
Anonymous Vort: orignal why don't you install qBittorrent? Can you not replicate the issue?
Anonymous issues* (qBittorrent doesn't continue downloading after i2pd is restarted, session is lost and it's stuck there forever, who's fault is that? i2pd's or libtorrent's?)
Vort Anonymous: I said not about tunnels, but about streams (actual connections to torrent peers inside of SAM session)
Vort I saw similar issue, but did not tracked it
Vort I saw lags during name lookups
Anonymous I don't understand
Anonymous you mean total qBittorrent speed of all tunnels (which would be == to session speed)?
Anonymous Vort: for me about 10-40 min after start almost all torrents go to 0kb/s
Anonymous or 1kb/s
Anonymous upload speed goes up down up down
Anonymous up to normal, down to 0kb, waits, then again up
Anonymous down is not s lucky
Vort open SAM session in web console and you will see Streams table
Vort and then try to understand if its size is related to download speed
Anonymous there are streams
Anonymous I thought those were tunnels lol
Anonymous it's size?
Vort amount of streams in table
Anonymous there are like 2-4 streams even if there are 0-2 peers (inactive, 0kb/s up/down) in qBittorrent
Vort because of communication with tracker
Anonymous I got 2 peers, 1 down 1 up right now, and I have like at least 10 streams online
Anonymous 1 session and 1 acceptor
Vort this is suspicious
Vort why streams are alive if no sessions for them?
Vort probably I just forgot how it should work :)
Vort or you found yet another bug :/
Anonymous What do you mean no sessions for them?
Anonymous Session is gone if you restart i2pd
Anonymous like i2pd is running and qbittorrent is running
Anonymous you restart i2pd, qbittorrent doesn't get traffic, because old session is dead
Anonymous this is another issue
Vort then I just forgot how things are named there, sorry
Anonymous not main issue
Anonymous no problem
Vort 10 streams should not create much problems I think
Vort when I was testing I saw hundreds of them
Vort and most of them empty
Anonymous problems? <10kb/s upload/down
Anonymous ok now down is 0, most streams are gone
Anonymous down was also ~10-20kb/s
Anonymous now it's probably 0kb/s forever
Anonymous Vort: do you want e-mail?
Anonymous I wrote a shitty e-mail for qbittorrent+libtorrent devs
Anonymous You maybe get more info from that
Vort maybe slow speed is just because you have only 1 peer?
Anonymous my eyes are really bad
onon Я надеюсь, вы не собираетесь это всё в релиз пускать?
Anonymous Vort: yes
Anonymous But when I connect to many many many peers, streams are also like not >20 I think
Anonymous But now there is 0 down
Vort you try to connect, but many peers may be inactive
Vort did you saw "many many" active peers?
Vort with traffic I mean (download or upload)
Vort Anonymous: I saw your mail, but I read it only partially
Anonymous want again?
Vort it's just someone needs to track/chase this problem (with low speed)
Anonymous Low speeds? you mean low speed for 1 stream?
Vort I mean problem which you describe (high speed at start and low speed after 10+ min)
Anonymous low speed? no
Anonymous under 1 hour
Anonymous it goes slower
Anonymous slower speed
Anonymous very slow
Anonymous for all torrents except 1 maybe, I tried to do it 2 times, it worked for hours, maybe it's torrent-specific? I had 2 torrents that worked 100% non-stop, so this is what confused me a lot
Vort Anonymous: did you tried to test i2pd with my latest changes? I tried to make streams more robust, but no test results from users yet :(
Anonymous Well I have what's on
Anonymous This is what I use
Anonymous I'd have to compile it myself, with all the changes
Vort there were many fixes since release
Vort but maybe also new bugs :)
Anonymous hmmm there are only 4 patches
Vort so testing is needed
Anonymous yeah maybe also new bugs which can deanon me lol
Anonymous I'll do testing when I buy VPS :(s
Anonymous sorry I can't sooner
Anonymous Too big anon-risk
Anonymous You think that those fixes fix my issue?
Anonymous Vort: is there maybe short video explaining why I2P has to have 4 protocols/whatever: BOB SAM I2CP I2Control ?
Anonymous Why not 1?
Anonymous It's a little confusing to me, I don't know differences
Vort there is slight chance of fixing and slight chance of making it worse
Anonymous maybe some acetone video about that in English or something?
Anonymous Vort: test on a VPS
Anonymous like orignal does
Anonymous get him to test it
Vort "<Anonymous> Why not 1?" because I2P is not perfect
Anonymous If I2P minimizes servicable surface (place where bugs come from), then there will be less bugs and less time to waste
Anonymous orignal: consider checking out
Anonymous You could maybe learn something there
Vort people are already using all of these protocols, so removing them will create problems
Anonymous I don't know I2P well and I don't know differences between BOB, SAM, I2CP and I2PControl, but does everyone one of them have to exist?
Vort and also there are no single best replacement for them
orignal отъебись ))
Anonymous Vort: so what if it creates problmes? have backwards compatibility for some time and then less code = less bugs to fix
Anonymous There aren't?
Anonymous So each is required and has no replacement?
Anonymous fuck my eyes
relaybot 13apophis: yeah
Vort in distant future someone may create 5th, best, protocol. then, after 5-10 years, all other protocols won't be neeeded
Anonymous 5-10 years? nonono
Anonymous such thing needs to happen within 6 months or faster
Anonymous Less code to maintain = better
Anonymous Because now we have all this shit features
Anonymous and you and orignal can't fix them yet, maybe you will fix them in 3 months, but you waste 3 months of time maybe
Anonymous I know about it
Anonymous But it still doesn't change that shit can be universal
Anonymous I was working on a net-lib, and client and server were almost same code
Anonymous I was creating it in C, for my own game
Anonymous I made it so it's less code, same features
Anonymous it's better
Anonymous if you have 10T of RAM, you don't use 10T of RAM just because you can
Anonymous you use 1M of RAM
Anonymous example
Vort Anonymous: do you see with what speed arvidn improves SAM support in libtorrent? guess how long he will make transition to new protocol
Anonymous Same can be said for i2pd fixes
Anonymous SAM still crashes like 1 year later
Anonymous Just saying
Anonymous 100k SLOC < 60k SLOC
Anonymous example
orignal охуеть книжка скаичвается со скоростью в 3 раза больше чем обычно
Anonymous I can't wait to see how better i2pd gets in those 5-10 years, Vort
Anonymous Maybe we'll have speeds 5x faster
Anonymous maybe orignal dies tomorrow, killed by the spies
Anonymous Anyways sorry for bad words, you still do better than what I'm doing, I don't help with code at all
relaybot 13apophis: > Anonymous: maybe orignal dies tomorrow, killed by the spies
relaybot 13apophis: LOLOL
relaybot 13apophis: gosh ... you arent serious, are you ?