IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
wat Кто то может подсказать сайт для продажи серверов
wat Или базы данных
whothefuckami Ам, люди. Там в #en что-то написали. Перешлю сюда
whothefuckami <hello> Hi, I found a bug with i2pd qt, enabling "Router will not accept transit tunnels at startup" setting causes no transit tunnels to ever be created. Even after a very long time the transit tunnel count stays at 0.
whothefuckami <hello> This GUI setting is mapped to "notransit", see:
whothefuckami <hello> but "notransit" means no transit at all according to i2pd config?
whothefuckami <hello> "Router will not accept transit tunnels, disabling transit traffic completely. G router cap will be published (default: false)"
whothefuckami <hello> So either the description in the GUI is wrong or it is not working as intended (only declining during startup).
whothefuckami <hello> (* should only decline during startup)
whothefuckami Кто-нибудь понимает, что он имеет ввиду?
hello Hi, I found a bug with i2pd qt, enabling "Router will not accept transit tunnels at startup" setting causes no transit tunnels to ever be created. Even after a very long time the transit tunnel count stays at 0.
hello This GUI setting is mapped to "notransit", see:
hello but "notransit" means no transit at all according to i2pd config?
hello "Router will not accept transit tunnels, disabling transit traffic completely. G router cap will be published (default: false)"
hello So either the description in the GUI is wrong or it is not working as intended (should only decline during startup)
weko hello: you mean what need to rename button?
hello I think so. I was under the impression that i2pd would not accept transit tunnels for a set time, like 10 minutes and then start accepting them.
hello I think the java router does something like that but I could be wrong.
hello "Router will not accept transit tunnels at startup" > "Router will not accept transit tunnels"
hello "at startup" is ambiguous. It could mean it will accept later or it could mean it won't begin accepting at startup...
hello I thought the former.
Vort I wonder if it possible to enable transit with the same GUI
Vort if answer is "yes", then "at startup" may mean "until user decide to enable it"
hello >I wonder if it possible to enable transit with the same GUI
hello Vort: Looks like it is, then it makes sense.
hello Decline at startup > manually accept transit tunnels.
hello It's under Status > Router Commands > Decline transit tunnels.
hello or Accept transit tunnels.
hello It's all good then. I wasn't aware of this.