IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
_PurushottamaGuru заебали оскорбления от пидарасов вроде Былинника. я столько труда вложил, а он пургу мелет что гавнопродукт и прочее
_PurushottamaGuru совершенно неохота ничё фиксать
_PurushottamaGuru главное сам не пользуется и чтото гнусавит
_PurushottamaGuru на mvc чтоль и2пд-куте переделать
_PurushottamaGuru где-то портится мапа, а в бардаке неясно
whothefuckami _PurushottamaGuru: а чего ты такого сделал, что былинник ругается?
_PurushottamaGuru да он гонит. сам слабо разбирается, на голых понтах выезжать видимо привык с апломбами своими
weko_ _PurushottamaGuru: ну я согласен что он из мухи слона делает
weko_ До чего угодно докопается
orignal что опять случилось?
tetrimer i2pd может сам отдавать по http туннелю ответ "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad.Request"?
Vort tetrimer: скорее всего, нет
orignal нет
orignal нету там такого
tetrimer В коде HTPP.cpp такие слова есть, но вот работает ли он в туннеле ...
tetrimer HTTP.cpp
orignal это ответы парсить
orignal посмотри I2PTunnel.cpp
orignal серверный HTTP тоннель там
tetrimer Там такого не видно... :( Просто кто-то "с той стороы" отдает "HTTP Error 400 The request has an invalid header name", пытаюсь найти авторство.
diverdev это твой хттп-сервер
diverdev i2pd по хедерам не осуждает
Vort но кто-то ведь хедер попортил?
Vort лучше наверно через Wireshark локалхостовые обмены глянуть
Vort если хедер реально испоганен - то это будет видно
tetrimer Vort: Вот я tcpdump-ом снял обмен, теперь буду пинать разработчиков...
diverdev а я подозреваю что virtualhost неправильный
tetrimer Оно не на всех пакетах даже с одной сессии так ругается...
R4SAS словил краш в винде
R4SAS только хз где
Anonymous R4SAS, how are you? Why do you ignore #en?
Anonymous or.. me
orignal так надо смотреть где
R4SAS Anonymous: too busy. when I came here you often leave atm
Anonymous sorry, that must suck. Sometimes I NEED your English lol
Anonymous can you slap orignal with a few English lessons?
R4SAS what do I have to do with it?
R4SAS he is also a busy man.
Anonymous Yes, but he doesn't understand world's 1st language, man
Anonymous It's embarrassing
R4SAS this is his right
Anonymous The other day I asked him a question about I2Pd and Yggdrasil working together more closely in a way (it could just be a patch or a setting, no effort on your side probably)
Anonymous Like if Yggdrasil and I2Pd could get rid of one layer of encryption or something..
Anonymous Because shit is encrypted like 2 times, right?
Anonymous Once by Yggdrasil, once by I2P(d)
R4SAS if i remember correclty, he said that this is not intended to exclude any encryption layer
Anonymous If we could somehow remove 1 of them, shit would flow so much faster
Anonymous but I realize the two are 2 separate networks so IDK how that could be implemented/done
R4SAS because ygg and i2pd is different projects
R4SAS and owner by two different teams
Anonymous But he was so angry like I asked him to do it (which I did not)
Anonymous so I think he misunderstood me a lot back then
Anonymous R4SAS, holy shit I know
Anonymous I2Pd doesn't rely on lower layer for encryption he says
Anonymous But what if it was made to do so on purpose, so some performance could be gained?
Anonymous Like in a bundle or on a specific distribution
R4SAS so what you can propose?
R4SAS disabling ygg ecryption?
R4SAS or what?
Anonymous Why do you and orignal think I'm proposing anything (is it beacuse we're in #dev?)?
Anonymous Just a mere question
Anonymous If it were possible in theory
R4SAS not possible as for me
Anonymous Like I2P and Ygg are 2 different networks that do 2 different things
Anonymous but are on the same stack
Anonymous So then, do you think Ygg and I2P could be merger as to become a single layer instead of two like I mean handle 2 "layers"? This would exterminate the 2nd encrypting/decryption
Anonymous I realize that might not be ideal in terms of modularity and shit
Anonymous But I think the next big thing people want from I2P is speed
Anonymous Nah? :/
Anonymous Alright
Anonymous R4SAS, last main question: why the fuck is outproxy shit so fucking fast?
Anonymous Someone told me it's beacuse the outproxy is intergrated into the network much more
R4SAS which one?
Anonymous but I've been integrated and it's not nearly as fast
Anonymous R4SAS, wouldn't it be de-anon a little if I told you>
R4SAS I think you using one of public one
R4SAS launch your service for yourself
Anonymous My main concern is the length of connections how do you call then.. because it feels like a 1 or 2, instead of the default I2P of 3
Anonymous ofc what?
R4SAS ofc public outproxies has length 1
Anonymous Lol why the fuck?
Anonymous That's lame
R4SAS rtfm their about pages
Anonymous I TRIED
Anonymous I didn't see it anywhere
Anonymous I asked weko I think, he said 3?
R4SAS ask owners in that case
Anonymous weko_, am I telling truth or lie?
weko_ about ehat
weko_ what
R4SAS dude, that is on outproxy side it is 1
Anonymous R4SAS, why? Is it as I've suspected: the outproxy sets the length of tunnels?
R4SAS not on yours
R4SAS if you set 3 or 8
Anonymous So it de-anons the outproxy, but not me?
R4SAS it will be 3 or 8 on you tunnels side
Anonymous I seem to not have realized how I2P works yet :D
Anonymous R4SAS, but if it's only 1, doesn't that also put me at risk?
R4SAS watch for acetone's video on youpoop
weko_ Anonymous: outproxy is always deanoned, because you can see it of it
Anonymous best name ever
Anonymous weko_, I understand that much xD
Anonymous bout if it's only 1, doesn't that make it easier for them to see it's me that's receiving that data?
weko_ as i remember also video of acetone awailable with torrent
R4SAS they must be on postman's tracker
Anonymous Especially if the next receiver is in the ownership of th same admin (say outproxy and the next is also fed's)
Anonymous R4SAS, who what?
Anonymous What does this have to do with Postman?
Anonymous oh sorry
R4SAS tracker2.postman.i2p
Anonymous Torrenting over I2P is nice
Anonymous yeah yeah
Anonymous I love it
Anonymous I once tried torrenting a 4K movie
Anonymous a fucking 4K
R4SAS when you set legth to 2, your tunnel will look like this: (writing)
Anonymous I am torrenting fucking harry potter FOR MONTHS now lmfao
Anonymous R4SAS, sorry for you having to spend time on such retard as me
R4SAS YOU - A1 - B1 <-> A2 - OUT
R4SAS if I remember this correclty
R4SAS 1 - your side
R4SAS 2 - outproxy side
R4SAS or just call them A, B, C
Anonymous let's say I send a "I want this piece of data" to the outproxy
Anonymous that goes like you said
Anonymous But when I am receiving, how does it look then? Also trough 2?
R4SAS nope
R4SAS YOU -> A1 -> B1 -> A2 -> OUT
Anonymous Well governments will see this as the biggest weakpoint xD
R4SAS YOU <- D1 <- C1 <- B2 <- OUT
Anonymous OUT -> A2 -> ME ?
Anonymous but you just said 'nope'
R4SAS I thougth that you mean "using same tunnel peers"
Anonymous So both inbound and outbound tunnels between the outproxy and me are of the length I set, say 2?
Anonymous If no, then you just confused me again
R4SAS yes, on your side
R4SAS on outproxy side they will be length as set on their side
Anonymous > <R4SAS> on outproxy side they will be length as set on their side < ah
R4SAS if you set inbound.length = 1 and outbound.length = 2 and on outproxy side it will be inbound.length = 1 and outbound.length = 1
Anonymous so shit meets 3-3, = 6?
Anonymous 3 of mine 3 of theirs, so 6 in total lengths?
R4SAS it will look like:
R4SAS YOU -> A1 -> B1 -> A2 -> OUT
R4SAS YOU <- C1 <- B2 <- OUT
Anonymous R4SAS, I am so sorry for troubling you.. I knew this, I even watched acetone's great video..
Anonymous So either way my anonymity is just as strong as surfing non-clearnet/Tor I2P?
R4SAS total length - yes, it will be 6
Anonymous Well a little less I suppose, since they did a downer on their side
Anonymous R4SAS, that's genius
Anonymous Let's celebrate me remembering (more like getting reminded) how I2P works
Anonymous So it's like a handshake
Anonymous I have my tunnel length
Anonymous they have theirs
Anonymous and we meet and shake xD
R4SAS but total length is a bit incorrect thing to use as anonimity mark
R4SAS you build outgoing and incoming tunnels as you needed, not depending on other side
R4SAS orignal: потом попробую понять чего не так. я до этого удалил pdb с отладкой... уже неделю как
R4SAS так что даже не получится выловить чего произошло
Anonymous I had this chat like 3 times up until now
Anonymous with weko and also I think orignal and others? grimreaper doesn't count
orignal да еше упадет я думаю
Anonymous And you were the 1st to properly explain it to me
orignal у меня тут новая идея
Anonymous I guess because you know English so well
orignal для тех кто работает через прокси публиковать код D
Anonymous I hope I remember this.. if not.. I do keep logs :D
weko_ orignal: для всех кто не принимает туннели можно D ставить
weko_ вернее - нужно
weko_ хотя вообще прокси должен просто адрес не публиковтаь
weko_ не публиковать *
orignal для таких ставится G вообще то
orignal причем уже ставится
orignal weko_ насчет прокси есть ньюанс
weko_ перепутал
orignal а если это SSU2?
orignal и он публикует интродьюсеры.
weko_ а, ну кстати ssu2 может
weko_ я не знаю как там прокси с udp работает
weko_ да не я думаю прокси не проблема , главное - какой по итогу пинг
weko_ может у человека прокси в 100 метрах
orignal я еще этого не сделал но собираюсь
orignal через прокси можно интродьюсер
Anonymous weko_, did you understand it now?
orignal так потому я и предлагаю публиковать именно D а не G
weko_ это я к тому что публиковать D
Anonymous R4SAS, I was like scared when connection speed went to up like 90kb/s xD so funny
weko_ D - это малые возможности типо?
orignal D типа тоннели принимает но доходяга
weko_ так может быть это полноценный узел
weko_ и прокси добавляет 10 пинга...
weko_ интродьюсры же не повод ставить D
orignal если это поноценнный узел то нечего ходить через прокси ))
orignal повод ставить D не интродьюсеры а прокси
weko_ да, ну так а если это прокси с итродьюсерами
weko_ и это нормальный узел при чём
weko_ и прокси какой нибудь на 10 мс
weko_ тогда нет повода ставить D
orignal а почему он вообще через прокси тогда?
weko_ ну может у него конфиг сети такой
orignal ну так может начать лагать в любой момент
weko_ как и с любым узлом
weko_ лаги должны ловиться профилировщиком
orignal с прокси шанс многовыше
weko_ ну не много...
orignal сам понимаешь через прокси не просто так ходят
orignal мы счас D вообще игнорируем
weko_ ну если пинг большой, так и туннели не будут строить через него
orignal idk говорил что они D на вдере ставят
weko_ проблемы пира нужно профилировщиком находить
Vort R4SAS: так глянешь проблему с CI ?