IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
R4SAS вот такого плана надо веб делать...
orignal я такое еще в 90-е видел
orignal и александреску за это топит
R4SAS зато это даст возможность по нормальному сделать морду
R4SAS а не то что у нас сейчас
R4SAS у нас вся проблема в том что морда полностью завязана на коде и функциях
R4SAS можно перевести в шаблоны и функции получения данных
R4SAS это чем то смахивает на twig, на котором работает сейчас reg
R4SAS только один минус либы - она не поддерживает gcc < 7
orignal ну завязана и завязана
orignal зачем умножать сущности без надобности
orignal можно написать такие шаблоны но зачем
R4SAS это облегчит работу над мордой
orignal это не мой код ))
orignal там написан
R4SAS я знаю
R4SAS мишаня )))
R4SAS почти 8 лет
zzz orignal, are you sending NewToken blocks in the handshake yet? you have that implemented?
orignal zzz, no
orignal meybe I do need to check
orignal no not implemented in SessionCreated
orignal but will do
orignal zzz, so what do we send for hash in msg 4 in case of error code 2?
orignal we are supposed to send Charlie but we didn't find Charlie
R4SAS ааааа... ляяямбдыыыы
orignal что лямбды?
R4SAS но уже благо понимаю как они работают
orignal чудес не бывает
zzz yes please implement newtoken to save a round trip, I just noticed I'm not getting tokens from you
zzz if bob rejects in message 4, send a hash of all zeroes. It's in the spec but I need to make it more clear
orignal and what you send for charlie address?
zzz hmm. checking...
orignal you must send that block because nonce
zzz there is no charlie address field. It's different from SSU 1. The sz/ip/port is always alice
zzz so I send the exact same data back
orignal cann't it be spoofed by Bob?
orignal if you don't send back Charlie's address signed by him
zzz bob can always spoof a rejection by bob. bob can't spoof an acceptance by charlie
zzz bob can always just refuse to send it to charlie or drop the response from charlie, there's no way to prevent that
orignal so, if Bob accepts if will be Charlie's from mag 3
orignal if Bob rejects it will be Alice from msg 1
zzz no the field is always alice, even in msg 3 and 4
orignal but it's different in relays
zzz hmm
zzz need more coffee, will think about it
orignal Bascially I send relay tag in SessionCreated
orignal and only there
orignal I don't handle it if it was not in SessionRequest
zzz that's fine, I only send it in session request
HidUser0 R4SAS: пора уже шаблонизатор делать
zzz I have another problem
zzz I'm having trouble testing charlie side, picking a bob to publish as introducer
zzz the ssu2 connections don't stay up long enough
zzz do you use a longer idle timeout if you offered to introduce?
orignal but I thoutgh Chralie must take care like we do in SSU1
zzz take care?
orignal probably send some message
orignal anyway it's easy
zzz yes as Charlie I do ping my introducers periodically
orignal I can change idle timeout if I see relay tag request
zzz but bob is still disconnecting very quickly, it's not helping
orignal so why would it disconnect?
orignal it's bug then
zzz bob sends me a disconnect
orignal what do you send as ping?
zzz might be on my side too, I'm still investigating
orignal I will check
zzz my ping is a padding block only
orignal maybe I count IpNP messages only
orignal got it
orignal will check
zzz I think I'm also going to change my introducer selection code to choose the newest bobs, or maybe bob with least idle time
zzz right now it's just random
zzz it's a real problem that the introducers get disconnected. I publish a new RI but everybody still has the old one
orignal you send Data message, right?
zzz yes
orignal then I souldn't disonnect
orignal unless AEAD verification fails
orignal Data message always updated last activity time
zzz what's your idle timeout?
orignal const int SSU2_TERMINATION_TIMEOUT = 330; // 5.5 minutes
zzz that's pretty long. let me do more research
orignal what is yours?
zzz checking...
zzz min of 165 seconds; max of 20 minutes, varies by number of connections and connection limits. 20 minutes if we offered to introduce.
zzz ok I don't ping _potential_ introducers, I only start pinging after I pick them
zzz I think I need to send a ping right away after I pick one
zzz ok, I already do that
orignal and got disconnects?
orignal it need to be investigated ddeper
zzz checking logs now
zzz looks fine, I'm doing the timeout, not you
orignal then fix it
zzz yeah I'm going to sort by newest connection
zzz 2RRYXk is the one I keep picking but I didn't have the log levels right, waiting for it to happen again
orignal it's mine
orignal 7 addresses, right?
zzz yup
orignal it might be another problem with it
orignal connectivity is not stable there
orignal e.g. it keeps disconnecting for non-I2P reasons
orignal remember last week Ilita kept disconnecting?
orignal that was the reason
orignal and I had to move it to another location
R4SAS HidUser0: надо то надо
orignal чего надо
R4SAS шаблонизатор
orignal а ну да
zzz this is weird:
orignal what?
zzz I made an outbound connection to you, stayed up for about 3 minutes, I disconnected
zzz two minutes later, I get a SSU 1 relay intro from somebody else, for you
zzz 06-05 15:43:57.747 DEBUG [ Establisher] rt.udp.OutboundEstablishState2: Send confirm packets, nextSend in 3000 on OES2 [2a09:7c44:0:0:0:0:0:e9d]:15110 lifetime: 49ms Rcv ID: 8248006772654219064 Send ID: 1493597472337221689 OB_STATE_CONFIRMED_COMPLETELY
zzz 06-05 15:46:45.042 DEBUG [leTimer2 2/4] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: removing peer [Hash: 2RRYXk4DLmwmsCwDaFcN1u88XPStZiIAi3eNGFMGyJI=] [2a09:7c44:0:0:0:0:0:e9d]:15110, weRelayToThemAs 0, theyRelayToUsAs 2942102497
zzz 06-05 15:48:26.854 INFO [ handler 1/1] nsport.udp.IntroductionManager: Receive relay intro from [2a03:4000:65:e4c:942d:afff:febe:68a4]:29360 for [2a09:7c44:0:0:0:0:0:e9d]:15124
orignal strange
orignal definitly it's a bug in my code
zzz maybe not
zzz maybe I was only publishing SSU 1 introducers
orignal that's the reason I guess
zzz yeah I think it's fine
orignal I have fixed it but not commited yet
orignal was just a typo
zzz I'm going to make some changes and restart
orignal I'm afk until tonight
orignal anyway let me fix that part and see
zzz also, please check my forum, somebody had complaints/questions about your config
zzz ^^ R4SAS maybe you can help on my forum?
` Кого забанить?)
` Или решил убрать "ддос защиту".
reloaded orignal, у меня что то с i2p, success rate постоянно снижается, я только что смог подключится, транспорта всего 3, снос netdb, peerprofile, tags, ygg адреса не помогает !
reloaded При этом другой роутер работает полностью нормально, и скорее всего я скоро вновь отвалюсь
reloaded Tunnel creation success rate: 12% Routers: 68 Floodfills: 24 LeaseSets: 0
reloaded Client Tunnels: 118 Transit Tunnels: 2
reloaded Лизсэты не находит, в логгах куча ошибок о невозможности запросить лизсет из за отсутствия тоннелей
reloaded *Сразу про возможные вопросы*: YGG работает корректно, в чем я полностью уверен, роутер ygg only, как и другой в этой же сети (который работает)
` reloaded, сколько ранее было роутеров?
` Туннелей и то больше, хех..
R4SAS reloaded: опять время
R4SAS reloaded: peer test запусти несколько раз
R4SAS но это не поможет
R4SAS ибо ш2зв не умеет по NTCP2 время проверять
R4SAS zzz: can you send link?
zzz R4SAS, zzz.i2p/topics/3314 bottom two posts
orignal reloaded часы проверяй значит
orignal R4SAS надо будет запилить это
orignal restarted 2RRY
zzz I am publishing a SSU2 introducer... sometimes... but I have a lot of stuff to fix
orignal and it hangs now
orignal I'm going to dump that shit anyway soon
orignal do you publsh on your router?
orignal btw, can you be an introducer for yourself?
zzz it's published, sometimes
zzz no you can't be your own introducer, that makes no sense
orignal it makes sense btw
orignal if you want to not publish your IP
orignal well I agree
orignal I mean we should check this case
orignal if you see an SSU2 address with ih with router's hash
orignal R4SAS я хочу разделить SSU2.cpp на SSU2.cpp и SSU2Session.cpp
orignal а то больно уж разросся
relaybot 13R4SAS: а в чем проблема?
relaybot 13R4SAS: взял и разделил)
orignal нет проблемы
orignal просто сообщаю ))
relaybot 13R4SAS: zzz: sorry, not aroud pc
relaybot 13R4SAS: ну ок
relaybot 13R4SAS: даже не удивительно что решил, ибо с ssu так же
orignal ну я надеялся обойтись одним файлом ))