IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
R4SAS вижу хрень в андроид коде
R4SAS мы тут прописываем путь до datadir
R4SAS потом ниже вызываем Daemon.init
R4SAS и потом снова ставим пусть на автоопределенный
R4SAS крч тупость
R4SAS думаю чего делать
R4SAS хотя идея есть
R4SAS orignal: в Daemon_Singleton создавать функцию через которую буду указывать для синглтона параметр папки - это хенрня?
R4SAS почему там - потому что в init уже идет проверка папки и создание подпапок. вызывать установку папки раньше нельзя ибо оно не будет в init учитываться, и после init не создаст нуждные папки
R4SAS вот так
orignal не понял вопрос
orignal да так нормально
orignal я бы тоже так сделал
orignal zzz you send fgagmented I2NP with RouterInfo and always fails on decompression
orignal Block type 5 of size 637
orignal and Block type 4 of size 1192
zzz hmm
orignal do you know actual i2np message size?
orignal I'm trying to found what's wrong
zzz Received partial ack of 289617048 by [Hash: cdoFbNTTgmjfUlL6M8BYQTGdq2QxGsAa7xkX5xnfW4o=] after 138 and 1 sends complete? false newly-acked: 720 fragment: 1 for: OB Message 289617048 seq 0 type 1 size 1824 fragments: 2 volleys: 1 lifetime: 138 unacked fragments: 0 sizes: 1192 632 send counts: 1 1
zzz Received partial ack of 289617048 by [Hash: cdoFbNTTgmjfUlL6M8BYQTGdq2QxGsAa7xkX5xnfW4o=] after 138 and 1 sends complete? false newly-acked: 720 fragment: 1 for: OB Message 289617048 seq 0 type 1 size 1824 fragments: 2 volleys: 1 lifetime: 138 unacked fragments: 0 sizes: 1192 632 send counts: 1 1
zzz sorry dup paste
zzz no I don't have the i2np size logged
orignal what is 1824?
zzz well, it's 1192 + 632
zzz =1824
orignal then why I receive 637?
zzz that's the 5-byte overhead for frag + msg id
orignal 637 is size field of that block
orignal right
orignal and 1192 is with header
orignal yes my pyaload size is 1815
orignal seems right
zzz right now I have extra stuff in my RI to make it big, for testing fragmented session confirmed
orignal might it be the reason?
orignal eveything looks right but gzip fails
zzz failing the checksum I guess?
orignal not sure
orignal it's inside libz
zzz is your fragment handling and reassembly working for other i2np messages?
orignal the problem is I just started it
orignal didn't have other examples
zzz that would be my guess
zzz I'll look in my logs to see if I see anything wrong on my side
orignal have to tried to handle that RI?
zzz the session confirmed fragmentation is working
orignal great
orignal will implement it
zzz but of course that's different than data-phase i2np fragmentation
zzz the session confirmed fragmentation has been out in the network since tuesday. you should be seeing session confirmed AEAD failures for inbound connections until you support it
orignal I havn't checked that router yet
zzz can you try fetching my RI from a ff? that will tell you if there's something wrong
orignal should it be the same?
orignal I have database store msg
zzz yes
orignal I mean
zzz i fetched it ok from another router
orignal stange
orignal maybe just fragmnetation bug
zzz that's my guess
zzz gzip checksum catches it, other messages you just pass through
orignal libz direnetly does
orignal R4SAS void Daemon_Singleton::setDataDir(std::string path)
orignal const std::string& path
orignal if (path != "")
orignal if (!path.empty ())
zzz try to hexdump the gzip data on failure, we can look at it
orignal will do
orignal that router seems crashed
orignal will take care
R4SAS orignal: ну... можно и так
orignal да по сути без разницы
orignal просто гвоорю как надо по фэншую ))
R4SAS я понимаю
R4SAS так же подумал перед тем как заливать
orignal да пох
R4SAS теперь у тех кто не мог запустить из-за кривого определения папки должно заработать
orignal на телефоне?
R4SAS да
R4SAS это всякие сяомишники, хоноры
orignal ээээ
orignal надо будет таки телефон прикупить
R4SAS для чего
R4SAS тестов?
orignal ну да
orignal да и вообще я как из другого мира ))
R4SAS про то что на древности сидишь?)
orignal что у меня телеона как из другого мира
R4SAS хорошо что не моторола
Конёк_Горбунок_ЇмператорЪЬ_Заїа Книга и фильм "Человек-невидимка"
Конёк_Горбунок_ЇмператорЪЬ_Заїа Фантастика стала реальностью, но иной
orignal это что за высер?
orignal zzz, I have save that gzip portion
zzz see any zeros in the middle or at the end that would indicate a reassembly problem?
orignal and was about to unzip using gzipo
orignal outer.version=^F0.9.53;^Au=<B3>TEST (*M@ECINIHFI
orignal I see shit like this there
zzz that looks right, more or less
orignal eveything else looks right
zzz ^F, for example, is string length 6
orignal yes I know
orignal I mean TEST, etc,
orignal and I know why is it
zzz that's correct, I put it in there to make the RI bigger
orignal my max buffer size is 2K
orignal for RI
zzz yeah my uncompressed router info is currently 2390 bytes
orignal yes I see
orignal that's why
zzz ok, great, another bug found
orignal it's not a bug really
orignal you never see a router more than 2K so far
zzz maybe, maybe not - I see one that's 2002 bytes right now
zzz did it overflow the buffer and corrupt something else?
zzz good
orignal just decompression failure
zzz I put in a bunch of random chars so it would be two session confirmed packets even when gzipped
zzz RIs will get even bigger when we implement SSU2 introducers
orignal no problem will increase buffer size
Конёк_Горбунок_ЇмператорЪЬ_Заїа инженеры что-то не догоняют, что они там инжинирят
orignal весеннее обострение?
Конёк_Горбунок_ЇмператорЪЬ_Заїа нет, преступная нейтральность
orignal zzz, should I set total fragments to 1 even if my RI is not fragmented?
orignal right now I set 0 to this field
zzz in the session confirmed header?
orignal frag field
zzz right now I'm sending 1, and accepting both 0 and 1 for backward compatibility. The spec says 1
orignal so shoudl I always set to 1?
zzz yes, let's do that
orignal basically to (1, 0) if no fragmnetation
orignal will do
zzz super. but accept (0, 0) for now
zzz then we'll know who needs to upgrade ))
orignal good point ))