IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
fidoid Здравствуйте.
fidoid Для андроида будет обновление i2pd? В f-droid версия 2.40.0 и она падает.
fidoid Точнее, "когда ожидается?"
karamba_i2p слющ, дарагой, абнави репозитории в f-droid и ваочию увидижь версию 2.41 радной, да
karamba_i2p уж месяц как так
fidoid Благодарю. В фдроиде стоит галка "проверять обновления" или что-то типа того.
fidoid А его, оказывается, ещё и пинать нужно.
F5NAS Gökçaý -Зелёный чай ткм) если репы в фдроиде обновились то супер ,ща посмотрю ,хоть и с пакета обновлял
garage zzz, are you russian tripple Z anonymous invador?
acetone Blinded message
garage and remove zzz from the codebase, sites, eepsites and commits so the society could be cool with that
garage acetone, they will think that he is crazy russian :(
orignal acetone, gostcoin.i2p/z.i2p my "artwork" ))
acetone orignal: lol, it's in Canada?
orignal it's near Russian consulate in Toronto
acetone I think Canadians not interested in news from our continent
orignal everybody is talking about Ukraine here ))
acetone so yep)) russian agression will come to Canada too
orignal Tunnel creation success rate: 79%
orignal однако
orignal zzz, I receive Data messages from you and decrypt header
orignal but payload decryption fails
orignal can you confirm what we do with nonce?
orignal I call CreateNonce (be32toh (header.h.packetNum), nonce);
orignal where CreateNonce is
orignal memset (nonce, 0, 4);
orignal htole64buf (nonce + 4, seqn);
orignal as everywhere else
zzz so the header looks right?
zzz packet number 0, 1, 2, ..., and type 6?
orignal I will print out
orignal just double check if I do it right
orignal 4 bytes from big endian
zzz yup
orignal and then produce nonce the same way as everywhere else
zzz print out all the split() keys too... I gave you a sample a few days back
orignal I thinj they are right
zzz probably a key problem, not a nonce problem
orignal otherwise I couldn't decrypt header
zzz yes nonce same way as everywhere else
zzz hmm
orignal because we generate both keys in one HKDF
orignal for header and payload
zzz here's what I got from half an hour ago
zzz 03-25 20:46:44.155 DEBUG [ handler 1/1] ort.udp.InboundEstablishState2: split()
zzz Generated Chain key: lhrkdd6-ja035N1URU78QXUTQAphWoxzG6BYf0l~bao=
zzz Generated split key for A->B: yGXRCBkvox-jPRHNJOMcXyY-ccthPMddVOCnuIpft6E=
zzz Generated split key for B->A: BCiDJIZfohTM-KgAuCHhJbumplIaVb4aXelc4GZ6GtY=
zzz Generated encrypt key for A->B: pVVX-QcHzQX3CX8lu~FE0Wu2uWzdd3oSJA~N8sgbExo=
zzz Generated encrypt key for B->A: ~gd772gKY5wGsRmhu612nigWaU~HZDW512eAe5Mj~R8=
zzz Intro key for Alice: C0g9zVLFiUDQkoesPl4d023Qtj51wVzNfa9fMXNAQxg=
zzz Intro key for Bob: GrQCg6lOyqL9xrjJBY-1sob~jifxg-fFhdp-~HDLJo4=
zzz Generated header key 2 for A->B: TwYIE44p7CBN5t5QR-lMbkqq3WxC1yXgXTO3Jh1Tuc4=
zzz Generated header key 2 for B->A: 09EYbRdff2W2aTU0Tijcw1y~~1XaJXjEN3EFvN66l6A=
orignal will try again in 1 hour
orignal found the issue
orignal forgot to decrypt connid for ad
zzz ok. be sure to validate that message type == 6 also
zzz I peeked at your code, everything else looks good
orignal no it's not
orignal first 8 bytes are not decrypted
orignal bu Ican't connect to your router anymore
orignal it looks you are firewalled on v6
orignal can you check?
zzz I said everything _else_
zzz not firewalled, don't see anything wrong, looking at the logs
zzz I don't see any problems, and nothing from your IP
orignal yes because I can't find host
orignal let me try again
zzz I can ping it from here
orignal it was a hour ago
zzz the only thing I see was the attempt from 2 hours ago, nothing an hour ago
orignal yes because I couldn't find host
orignal in your address
zzz yeah I went firewalled for 16 minutes
zzz Mar 25, 2022, 9:16 PMReachability changefrom IPv4: OK; IPv6: Firewalled to OK
zzz Mar 25, 2022, 9:00 PMReachability changefrom OK to IPv4: OK; IPv6: Firewalled
orignal that's why
zzz why aren't you trying IPv4 if there's no IPv6 host?
orignal handle data
orignal because my that node if ipv6 only
zzz you decrypted the data payload?
orignal 4 blocks
zzz w00000000000t
zzz congratulations, another milestone
orignal thank you
orignal will keep going
orignal 1 ack and 2 I2NP
zzz super, have fun
orignal will keep implemnting more tonight
` orignal, откуда на Debian'e можно "выдрать" Может знаешь, как пользователь оного. В #linux интересуется один адепт.
orignal собрать ручками из исходников
zzz this is the fun part, when everything is working, just have to add more code
orignal 1.0.0 это какая то очень древность
orignal I need to implement ack and other stuff
` Угу, понял, ладно.
orignal 1.0.2 еще много где есть
orignal а вот 1.0.0 я вообще не встречал
zzz <zzz> 03-25 23:08:55.650 New data pkt 1 sent with 2 fragments
zzz <zzz> 03-25 23:08:57.294 New data pkt 2 sent with 1 fragments
zzz <zzz> 03-25 23:09:00.582 New data pkt 3 sent with 1 fragments
zzz <zzz> packet 0 was the ack of session confirmed
orignal нуы
orignal I saw few data messages
orignal zzz when I receive I2NP block do you expect Ack from me?
orignal or you expect Ack for each packet one by one or in ranges
zzz you ack packets. any packet with an I2NP or Fragment block is "ack eliciting", meaning you should send an ack
zzz any packet without I2NP or Fragment block is not "ack eliciting". You don't send an ack just for it, but you include it next time you send an ack
orignal so, I2NP and Fragment only
orignal that's what I wanted to know
zzz right