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orignal R4SAS тут тема с I2CP для ведра возникла
orignal надо обсудить
orignal zzz how does I2CP on android work? Through TCP/IP or local sockets?
zzz we use local sockets, but those only work between apps by the same developer
orignal what do you use for torrents?
orignal TCP/IP?
zzz we don't have an android torrent app
orignal like Vuze
orignal or how it's called now
zzz I don't think Bigly supports I2P on android.
zlatinb if it does it would be with internal router
orignal Turkmen complained torrents don't work ))
orignal <BiglyBt> HidUser0: как заставить адроид клиент скачивать через i2pd ?вот это проблема
orignal <BiglyBt> orignal: ты говорил что ничего больше не нужно
orignal what andorid client is he talking about?
orignal zzz however do you think it's worth to implement I2CP for android with an access through TCP/IP from LAN?
zzz we've had a lot of debates
zzz we used local sockets for security
zzz but now the permissions problems
zzz we now have SAM in there, but I don't think it's secure either
orignal what's a problem to run a server?
orignal just curious
zzz the thing about local sockets is it will fire an intent to start the router
orignal I know I2CP uses local sockets only
orignal and SAM is always capable to run SAM on any address
zzz the concern is any random app creating tunnels and you don't know
orignal so the question is why I2CP is different
orignal agree
orignal but it's you choice to allow it explictly
orignal in config
zzz right, it doesn't all make sense, if I2CP is bad then SAM is bad
zzz I've had some disagreements with eyedeekay about it
orignal the point is
zzz but he's in charge of android now
orignal if somebody runs a torrent client on PC
orignal and i2p on a phone
orignal borat__ seems to have this istuation
orignal and I see the point
zzz that's not a use case we were ever trying to support
orignal you migh have an internet access on your phone but not on PC
zzz even with SAM, it's bound to
orignal yes, by fault
orignal but in i2pd I can bing to
orignal *bind
orignal if I want to
zzz sure, but we don't support that on android
orignal probably should do the same for I2CP
orignal I know
zzz Blinded message
orignal that's why I'm asking if it's worth or not
zzz we've never, ever, thought about the use case "my only internet is on my phone"
zzz maybe that's common in some countries? I have no idea
orignal but it's real case
orignal if you mobile operator forbids sharing
orignal you might want to run i2p on your phone
zzz if you do it (either for SAM or I2CP), you should do it over SSL, and require username/password
orignal why? if it's in my llan
orignal I know all devices in my lan
zzz it's on your lan until you walk out of the house with your phone...
zzz if you bind to
orignal ofc I'm not going to walk with it
zzz but your users will
orignal my users will not be able to turn it on
zzz and even while at home, binding to will bind to the cellular IP also
orignal unless they understand what ther are doing
orignal yes, that's the case
orignal let me think
zzz maybe SSL is overkill, but username/password I think is required
orignal going yo add tls support anywaya
zzz good idea, but of course the selfsigned certs is a pain
zzz username/password for both I2CP and SAM are easy if you don't have it supported yet
zzz wouldn't it be easier to use phone as wifi hotspot and run router and bittorrent on the PC?
orignal mobile operator might forbig it
orignal to share mobile connection though wifi
orignal for example MTS-Russia on some plans
zlatinb so how does the pc connect to the phone in the first place?
orignal wifi I guess but without internet
orignal so you can connect to your phone to 192.168.
orignal but not further
zlatinb but then wouldn't the phone try to use internet over wifi and not over network?
orignal not sure
zlatinb BiglyBT does run on Android, on their site it says they're in the Goolge Play store
orignal the phone sees mobile internet
orignal you share connection over wifi
orignal but it doesn't work for devices
zzz I know bigly is on android. I don't know if the i2p plugin works on android
orignal because oprator checks TTL
orignal interesting qeustion
orignal HidUser0 is checking now
zlatinb no reason it shouldn't work, if it's just a router
zzz I don't know if they support android plugins at all. that's one possible reason
orignal zlatinb they check TTL in TCP headers
orignal and recognize how many hops between them and device
orignal to bypass it you must apply special kernel patch
orignal if we are talking about i2p plugin
orignal how does it communicate with router through I2CP?
zlatinb internal queue
orignal if it's built in
orignal but what if it's external?
zlatinb I imagine the BiglyBT plugins stay inside the process
orignal and what I should do?
zlatinb 1st question is does BiglyBT on Android support I2P plugin at all, then 2) does it give an option to use external router
zlatinb if 2 is no, then they will need to edit config files manually and even that may not work
orignal that's what we are trying to find out
zzz external router won't work because of local socket permissions, different developer
zlatinb does the client in i2p.jar also use local sockets on android?
zzz yeah there's some shenanigans and reflection to use local sockets
zzz yeah there's some shenanigans and reflection to use local sockets
zzz if (SystemVersion.isAndroid() &&
zzz _options.getProperty(PROP_DOMAIN_SOCKET) != null) {
zzz try {
zzz Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("net.i2p.client.DomainSocketFactory");
zlatinb not much can be done then unless parg has disabled that property
orignal then how gostcoin for android works? It's SAM
orignal R4SAS короче я думаю надо локальный сокеты I2CP для ведра выпилить и сделать как везде
WebClient77 в СНГ у людей полно старых ТВ стиков. Какие то не тянут все кодеки, какие то устарели, у кого то погорел порт HDMI и можно пользоваться только тюльпанами. И на такие тоже можно ставить i2p. В общем i2p
WebClient77 Android с SAM и I2CP - nice to have
R4SAS orignal: какие сокеты
R4SAS у нас нет их
orignal есть
orignal посмотри сам в I2CP.h ))
orignal #ifdef ANDROID
orignal typedef boost::asio::local::stream_protocol proto;
orignal #else
orignal typedef boost::asio::ip::tcp proto;
orignal #endif
R4SAS аа
R4SAS я уже не помню что делали так
R4SAS это ради ботэ вроде делалось