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orignal запустил i2pd на первой малине
orignal всего 3.5% проца жрет
orignal и рейт 45%
orignal 5 лет назад на этой же малине жрало 100%
exokientic original: on my raspberry pi model 1B, i2pd by itself uses about 20-30% CPU
exokientic i2pd + yggdrasil / ipv6 enabled, meshnets = true gets me up to 100% CPU :D
exokientic im trying to figure out why my httpproxy wont work since I built i2pd from srouce
exokientic web console page says its enabled...
exokientic i ran ./i2pd with --httpproxy.address=
exokientic I also ran it with flags for http.address and socksproxy.address and both of those are working...
exokientic I am posting here :D
exokientic and the web console is viewable from other devices on the same lan
exokientic I ran nmap on the raspberry pi where i2pd is installed
exokientic 4444/tcp open krb524
exokientic 4447/tcp open n1-rmgmt
exokientic 7070/tcp open realserver
exokientic all the i2pd service ports I have enabled are open, and using the default ports...
orignal mine had very low transit
orignal I know how it was 5 years ago
orignal mine Rpi is probably 1A
orignal very first model
exokientic Yeah, I try to load mine up with as many tunnels as possible :D
exokientic yeah, I am pretty sure mine is arm7
exokientic I oc'ed it to 1000mhz
orignal as I said you didn't try it 5 years ago ))
orignal probably
exokientic its shocking how well it runs on this equipment
orignal mine is definitly arm6
exokientic ohh you are quite right LD
exokientic I am very new to i2pd
orignal 5 years ago it cosumes 100% CPU because ElGamal
exokientic I havent even tried it, but will the java version even run on the original pi
orignal not sure
orignal it should
exokientic mine is literally the second revision, its a model one, but model 1B
exokientic not the B+
orignal with special JVM as I remember
AVATAR_JF orignal, я напечатал (2^256)-1 юнитов EGPUSD v.109 на и на днях продал первые около 16.2 юнитов своей крипты
exokientic I also wanted to remark, what a brilliant move it was to produce an i2pd package for openwrt
exokientic get i2pd directly on the routers themselves
orignal starting 2.40
orignal because it comsumed too much memeory before
orignal too much for reouters
exokientic I cant understand why eepsites wont resolve since I built i2pd from source >.<
exokientic zzz.i2p
exokientic acetone.i2pd
exokientic tracker2.postamn.i2pd
exokientic I can get them to resolve using someone elses i2p router as a proxy
exokientic but if I try to use my router on the raspberry pi, I get an infinite spinning loading wheel
exokientic it never actually comes back with a failure
exokientic it will just sit there like its tring to load the page for hours
exokientic on my routers web conole page, under 'I2P Tunnels'
exokientic there is an entry for HTTP Proxy
exokientic if I click into it, there are 5x inbound and outbound tunnels established
exokientic the main page says HTTP Proxy Enabled
exokientic nmap reports that my raspberry pi's port 4444 is open...
exokientic managed to get my http proxy working again...
exokientic I dont know why it wasnt working exactly...
exokientic but it seems when I built from source, my i2pd.config file didn't end up in the defualt location?
exokientic i2pd.conf and tunnels.conf are in ~/i2pd/contrib/
exokientic Blinded message
exokientic "Config file (default: ~/.i2pd/i2pd.conf or /var/lib/i2pd/i2pd.conf). This parameter will be silently ignored if the specified config file does not exist."
exokientic I defintely didnt end up with i2pd.conf in my /.i2pd directory... I checked :D
exokientic I ran this time with ./i2pd --conf /home/pi/i2pd/contrib/i2pd.conf --tunconf /home/pi/i2pd/contrib/tunnels.conf
exokientic (and set the config files from a saved copy I have)
exokientic I wonder why my config files didnt end up in ~/.i2pd by defualt..
exokientic now I know why....
exokientic because I just refuse to read the docs pages >.<
HidUser0 orignal: i2pd вроде жрал проц, если старая версия openssl
orignal HidUser0 это была другая проблема
orignal с 1.1.1 он жрал на малине порядка 70-80%
orignal при простроении тоннелей
orignal exokientic can't reslove in what sense?
orignal "Address not found" or "Host is down"?
zzz irc.postman.i2p is back
orignal thanks
orignal will check
AVATAR_JF халявные впски и кубернетисы и др от гугла
AVATAR_JF у оракла вроде чтото тоже такое есть на облаке халява
user_ygg2 >R4SAS-hex-ilita> ага, как всегда << в ш2зД возможен ддос?
R4SAS user_ygg2: при чем здесь ш2за*
orignal его дедик ддосят
orignal а не i2p
user_ygg2 R4SAS, речь выше шла о ддосе, да и коллективные вылеты, вот и подумалось
user_ygg2 >его дедик ддосят < а, ясн
R4SAS атаковали физическую машину
R4SAS и нет, не из-за ш2з
user_ygg2 понятно
R4SAS чтобы сразу отбросить вопросы
user_ygg2 да и вопрос был как бы не в плане что "ш2з - как причина", а сама возможность ддоса в ш2з
orignal была
orignal с эль-гамалем
orignal потому и сделали новое шифрование
orignal однажды плаз так ирк постамана заваилил случайно своими ботами
user_ygg2 собственно почему возник интерес: ш2з позиционируется как альтернатива Tor-у, и многие сетуют на небольшое количество сайтов внутри ш2з; так какой смысл переносить популярные маркеты из тор-а в ш2з, если и в этой сети они могут под
user_ygg2 вегнуться ддос-у
user_ygg2 >однажды плаз так ирк постамана заваилил случайно своими ботами << лул
zzz new UDP tracker proposal posted at i2p-projekt.i2p/spec/proposals/160
exokientic ~orignal> "Address not found" or "Host is down"? -the page would just sit there trying to load indefinietly -it would never time-out and give me any kind of error
exokientic I think it was related to how I was trying to run i2pd after building from source
exokientic I had not properly indexed the config file location
exokientic so I threw some of the config fligs after ./i2pd -but the full config file was "file not found"
exokientic I managed to fix it now :D