IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal same as for ipv4
R4SAS exokientic: forward allow rele is needed
exokientic thanks R4!
R4SAS zzz: have you tried to update opentracker to latest code and apply changes to make it work with i2p?
R4SAS I think original code with storing peer address from source IP is incorrect
R4SAS so tracker returns ipv4 addresses, not b64
Xeha AFAIK opentracker honors the ip GET param
R4SAS not at all
R4SAS it honors valid ip4/ip6 value
Xeha value gained from client net or as GET param? i dont know the patches applied to opentracker itself.
R4SAS from GET
R4SAS I've done checks yesterday
R4SAS so after compiling with WANT_IP_FROM_QUERY_STRING I got 400 from OT because address validation fails
R4SAS I see that XD uses 32 bytes (b32?) as delimeter for peers list
R4SAS so when tracker returns b64, code splits destination to 16 parts and think that they are peers_)))
R4SAS ох какую порнографию я нашел
R4SAS надо будет все таки у нас в коде на такие адреса отлупом отвечать
orignal ага
orignal вот они откуда берутся в линках )))
exokientic that was wierd
exokientic illitia.i2p and tracker2 went down at exactly the same moment
exokientic and came back up at exactly the same moment
exokientic woohoo, torrent up to 300Kbps dload
exokientic (biglyBT using the i2pd router on my sapberry pi)
zzz R4SAS, my last change to opentracker was August 2014
zzz it's based on their code from March 2008
zzz I still have it in monotone, we didn't migrate it to git
zzz I can zip up the 2014 source for you, but if you want the whole thing exported to git we have to ask eyedeekay, it will take a while
zzz 2014 release was announced at zzz.i2p/topics/1683
zzz I can also zip the 2008 baseline so you can create a diff
HidUser0 exokientic: BiglyBT can pull up to 1MB/s in I2P
zzz FYI I heard from postman, he's aware of the IRC issue and is working on it, but no ETA
HidUser0 It's good
R4SAS zzz: that's too old code tbh
R4SAS currenly I just need to add b64>b32 conversion code and everything would work I think
R4SAS I see that postman's tracker returns b32 destinations
R4SAS zzzot do same thing
zzz happy to give you the i2p opentracker source if you change your mind
deavmi ircabot is based
nickname deavmi, tovarish Praporshik, DNA.
deavmi Enguirhs?
deavmi *English?
orignal you don't speak Russian anyway ))
exokientic gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
exokientic 324:71e:281a:9ed3::ace
exokientic belay that...
exokientic systemd[1]: i2pd.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV
exokientic i2pd.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
nickname deavmi, now you speak correctly, soviet party will let you talk with your family for the New Year.
exokientic systemd[1]: i2pd.service: Consumed 1d 13h 10min 35.148s CPU time.
exokientic so, about that debugging flag build....
R4SAS exokientic: looks like system killed
R4SAS not i2pd segfaulted
exokientic R4SAS, so you know anywhere I can look inside i2pd/system logs to garner some more information?
R4SAS if you using package, core must appear in /var/lib/i2pd
R4SAS *(if you enabled saving corefile in service file)
exokientic okay, I just have the auto-compiled build using apt-get
R4SAS from
exokientic I am fairly certain, yes
exokientic exactly that
R4SAS have you enabled LimitCore in service file?
exokientic I have not
R4SAS make /etc/systemd/system/i2pd.service.d/override.conf
R4SAS create folder /etc/systemd/system/i2pd.service.d/ and override.conf in it
R4SAS put in it:
R4SAS [Service]
R4SAS LimitCORE=infinity
deavmi [22:14] <cc241dnickname> deavmi, now you speak correctly, soviet party will let you talk with your family for the New Year.
R4SAS that reload systemd
R4SAS sudo systemctl daemon-reload
exokientic doing so now...
R4SAS and restart i2pd service
R4SAS you must see in service status that LimitCore is set to unlimited
R4SAS (or mustn't, idk
exokinetic2 Blinded message
exokinetic fire off 'sudo systemctl status i2pd'
exokinetic and now I see this in the list:
exokinetic Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/i2pd.service.d
exokinetic └─override.conf
exokinetic no mention of LimitCore in the i2pd service status...
R4SAS exokinetic: as i said it can not mentioned here
R4SAS can be not*
exokinetic does the "Drop-In" string indicated it is using the overrid.conf correctly?
exokinetic indicate*
exokinetic thank you!
exokinetic so now I play the waiting game ;)
exokinetic next failure I should have a core dump file in /var/lib/i2pd ?
R4SAS yes, if crash happen
R4SAS if system killed it itself, than syslog must be checked
exokinetic I have a couple questions about your OpenWRT config with the mt7621 chipset
exokinetic do you run it with software + hardware offloading?
exokinetic packet steering enabled?
exokinetic do you run the irqbalance package?
exokinetic aaaaaaand have you heard about this "mtk_soc_eth watchdog timeout" issue that some users have been experiencing with OpenWRT on the mt7621 chipset?
exokinetic looking through the openwrt forums it looks like it has been an issue for a LONG time on this chipset
exokinetic it has to do with "flow control"
exokinetic essentially, the mt7621 chipset doesnt support flow control, so it must be turned off in the driver, or else, when other network hardware sends flow control "pause" requests to the ports on the mt7621 it hangs and will quite often crash the router, requiring a restart
exokinetic so, am curious if you have heard of this issue at all, and if you have ever run into it on your Xioami?
AVATARJF вот апи электрум серверов
AVATARJF нехуево бы госту типа электрума сделать апи