IRCaBot 2.1.0
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RawDawg Im seriously considering learning russian i think it would be super usefull.
RawDawg There are so many helpfull things written in russian
Leopold You should look on ukrainian
Leopold It's a more useful and interesting
RawDawg Depends on your perspective I think learning any language is useful
RawDawg And interesting
Leopold But not russian
Leopold Why you need this died language ?
RawDawg What is spoken more?
RawDawg Im trying to read Cyrillic
Leopold <RawDawg> Im trying to read Cyrillic
Leopold Ukrainian :D :D
RawDawg According to that list Russian is number 7 most spoken
RawDawg Learning Cyrillic is the most important as most Slavic languages share similarities
RawDawg I'm just trying to start somewhere
Leopold Ukrainian is similar on Balcans languages and East Europe
RawDawg If Russian is number 7 most spoken in the world, I'm assuming its useful.
Leopold Rus is language for untermanshes and dieiiiiiiing
RawDawg How is it dying?
Leopold Nope, rus is number 7 from end of list
Leopold Old peoples from Soviet is dying. Youngers are haiting rusLand
RawDawg Are not most people in this chat Russian?
Leopold I dunno
Leopold Let's ask chat maybe :)
RawDawg I talk to a lot of Russian people, so I'm just trying to learn it.
Leopold megavolt: wake up! CX you are from rusLand ?
RawDawg The devs of i2pd are Russian no?
Leopold they are live in russian ?
Leopold Nobody
RawDawg What do you mean?
Leopold I mean that you should choose more great languages than ruske
RawDawg Bro all I said was i wanted to learn Russian.
Leopold you had start from another theme
Leopold That you want a one of Cyrillic lang
RawDawg You seemed to not think Russian was good to learn but why?
RawDawg You must have a political opinion
RawDawg Or something
RawDawg 145 million people speak Russian
RawDawg I'm confused sorry.
Leopold On russian you can say only in Russia
Leopold In russsian a lot of nations. They are prefer them nation's language
Leopold And Russia is country that dying every day every minute
Leopold I recommend choose lang from East Europe or Balcans
Leopold Ukrainian have 85% same with polish and like that with Slovakia and another languages that used cyrillic and latin
RawDawg I see well I guess learning Cyrillic is the first step.
Leopold There are different cyrillic alphabets
RawDawg I'm aware
RawDawg I have Russian contacts so learning will be useful for me
RawDawg And at least I can start somewhere then learning other similar languages will be easier.
Leopold Your choose :|
Komap_ леопльд у нас русофоб, ясно.
RawDawg_ думаю, да
weko [14:04:06] <Komap_> леопльд у нас русофоб, ясно.
weko Пиздец ты долбаёб
Komap_ <weko>непонял тогда что он от русского языка шарахается как от огня? проясни если знаеш.