IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
RawDawg I was hoping someone could help me ive setup quassel via an i2pd tunnel, But im not sure how to add servers. Im able to connect to the quassel-core on my other machine but not sure how to add servers.
RawDawg I tried to follow along to acetones video but i dont speak russian so i did the best to follow along.
RawDawg Ive added the quassel tunnel in my tunnels file, bothe the server and client tunnels can connect just not sure how to add ilita and irc2p to the quassel client.
abaddon oh this
RawDawg Can you help?
abaddon in irc section for each of the irc servers, thre is "port" and "destination port"
abaddon you need to set different "port" for each section
abaddon and then you need to connect to on your irc client
RawDawg ok let me try that
RawDawg In quassel client when i go to add ilita i just see network name, server address and port
abaddon yes, put in address
RawDawg And for port?
abaddon and the port that is configured for ilita yes
abaddon in port
RawDawg Oh so i still need an ssh tunnel?
RawDawg I thought this would byapss that becasue i added it as a client and server for i2pd
RawDawg I uually port forwad via ssh but i dont need that now right?
RawDawg Because i set up the tunnels right?
abaddon no, you don't do any of this, you can foraward port to better contribute to i2p
abaddon but it has nothing to do with your ability to form tunnels and connect to other i2p services
RawDawg I see
RawDawg im unable to connect to ilita
abaddon in order to connect to any IRC netowork, you just put this in tunnels.conf:
RawDawg I put
RawDawg Its odd because i can connect to the other machines core
abaddon [IRC]
abaddon type = client
abaddon address =
abaddon port = 6667
abaddon destination = usbifk5ja7en6fualvahhivihnslzm7fzdzn76vngw5ujjbwjftq.b32.i2p
abaddon destinationport = 6667
RawDawg let me check i got all that right
abaddon this is what you need to put in tunnels.conf to connect to one IRC server on i2p network
abaddon for example this is for my IRC
RawDawg Ok let me check my server conf
abaddon Then in order to connect to an IRC server you type in address field and 6667 in port field.
abaddon every time you want to connect to another irc server you need another configuration section like this one, just with different port, because this is how i2pd knows what i2p address to connect you to when you are connecting to
abaddon if you have the ability to foraward ports for i2pd itself, it is good to do it because it increases your participation in the network possitively and your router becomes able help other people who don't have the ability to open ports to the internet.
RawDawg In the video he adds port 9998 for the client back to the quassel server
RawDawg that bit confused me
abaddon ah wait, so this quassel is like bouncer ok
RawDawg If i change my client port it does not connect to the core
RawDawg if that makes sense
abaddon no, you put in quassel server config
abaddon and then you just connect to your quassel server the normal way over your local netowrk
abaddon sorry, i though this is a normal client not a bouncer style thing
abaddon you need to have i2pd running on the same machine as the quassel server you are connecting to remotely
RawDawg Thats ok i will try and figure out :)
RawDawg might go back and rewatch the video
abaddon yea i don't know how this quassel thing works
RawDawg I follwed the steps exacly but when he connects to his core there is channles already joined
RawDawg Let me watch again
RawDawg Thats for your help i really appreciate it
RawDawg I will let you know if i get it working
abaddon ok cool
RawDawg I wish acetone had english vids or i could speak russian
abaddon yea, some useful things on internet are in russian
RawDawg 100% im trying to learn
RawDawg At least to read cyrillic
abaddon can you link me the video?
RawDawg Sure thing its the second part at the end where he adds a i2pd tunnel.
RawDawg He makes a quassel-in tunnel and the other on the client he calls quassel-demo
RawDawg If you watch when he connects he is already connected to channels
RawDawg so im like huh?
RawDawg starts at about 10:33
abaddon Ok, ill watch it now. I never used bouncer-type things.
RawDawg Its really handy
RawDawg I could do it the way he does at the start but i like the last way due it being more intergrated with tunnels
abaddon Ok, so this video is showing first how to configure a quassel server that is accessible from i2p, and then how to connect to it throught i2p from different machine that can be on completely different local network then the quassel server.
abaddon Do you want to do that or do you want to only connect from your local network?
RawDawg I thought the second part allowed me to connect to a vps or remote box via i2p itself running on another machine
RawDawg I want to connect to a remote machine via my host machine
RawDawg Or am i missing something
RawDawg I have a local machine and the core running on a remote machine
RawDawg I didnt want to have to do ssh port forwards or anything
RawDawg I though i could use a tunnel
abaddon no you don't have to do any of that
abaddon you don't have to do any ssh port forawarding or anything
abaddon You should just be able to configure this quassel server on remote machine with i2pd running on it, and then connect to it via client tunnel running on your local machine.
RawDawg Thats what iim trying to do
RawDawg It connects to the core
RawDawg But i can connect to ilita or irc2p
RawDawg For some reason
RawDawg But in the video he is already connected
RawDawg Im able to connect to the core
RawDawg from my local machine
RawDawg But i dont know how to add ilita or irc2p
abaddon I suppose you should also have to setup a client tunnel for quassel server to connect to ilita
abaddon somewhere
RawDawg Yeah i think your right
abaddon you need to set that up in quassel, this video assumes you have already done thet
RawDawg Wonder how to do that
RawDawg Do you think i need to do it on the server
RawDawg The i2pd on the server or my host
abaddon first setup quassel like a normal regular ass client to connect to ilita irc on your remote machine, then try to connect to the quassel server from your local machine like you are doing now
RawDawg I think i need to add quassel-core on the server ans quassel-clinet on host
RawDawg I can connect to quassel server all good
RawDawg just cant add ilita or irc2p
RawDawg on my host
abaddon if you add quassel client on host then you will be connecting to ilita from host
abaddon not from through quassel server
abaddon first just try to make connection to ilita from the quassel server on your remote machine, add normal client tunnel on the remote machine and do that. when the quassel server on the remote machine works the way a normal pedestrian irc client would work, then connect to it from your local machine over i2p using the server tunnel what works.
RawDawg Oh so add the servers on the remote machine quassel
RawDawg I did not know i could add servers via quassel-core
RawDawg I though i had to do that via quassel-client
RawDawg Bruh this is confusing i should just use weechat in a tmux session lol
abaddon isn't it one app?
abaddon the same?
RawDawg No its to apps
RawDawg one client and one core you put on a server
RawDawg Yeah its confusing
RawDawg Let me try some stuff
abaddon i think you don't need to add ilita address in quassel-core program
abaddon but you need to setup client tunnel to ilita on the machine where quassel-core is running
abaddon and when you connect to quassel core from host, you give it the address
abaddon and then the quassel-core will connect to client tunnel to ilita, and it will send whatever comes to it thourough it's client tunnel to ilita to you through your tunnel to quassel-core on remote machine.
abaddon ah fuck, no im wrong sorry. in client tunnel on host you have to enter the quassel core's adderss not ilita's address and you were doing that because this works.
abaddon but then how is the quassel-core supposed to know on what is it's tunnel to ilita listaning -I don't know
RawDawg i think i have decided to stuck with tmux and weechat lol
RawDawg Maybe another time i can try to figure it out
RawDawg I wil try and disect the differnce between the first part of the vid and the second part
RawDawg He gave two options and i dont know why
RawDawg All good
RawDawg Tmux and weechat work
RawDawg Keep it simple i guess
RawDawg I will learn more andout tunnels and maybe try to setup ssh over i2p for practice
RawDawg *about
RawDawg Im still learning
RawDawg The only reason i want to do this is so i can see chat history
abaddon Yea i have no fucking idea how to setup quassel, I started talking because i though it's a regular client I would say i don't know otherwise if i knew what it was, should have read what it is.
RawDawg Not your fault man you tired to help and i appreciate that
abaddon Then I was just imagining guessing how it should work and saying that
RawDawg *tried
abaddon But it sounds nice maybe I'll try to do it myself if I ever do that then I can tell you how.
abaddon But i would probably connect to quassel core over local network rather than over i2p.
RawDawg How to you see your chat history?
RawDawg What do you use?
RawDawg I just use tmux and weechat
RawDawg Is there another solution
abaddon I use konversation
abaddon kde's client
RawDawg Does it have a bouncer?
abaddon it saves history as long as it's running
abaddon but i don't see anything that happens when it's not running
RawDawg Oh as long as its running
abaddon no, never used a bouncer
RawDawg Yeah thats what i need to fix
RawDawg I want to see if i miss something
RawDawg Currently im running weechat in tmux session
abaddon yea, would be useful, especially in places where people rarely talk
RawDawg Just seeing if there are other solutions
RawDawg I think for now weechat and tmux work good
RawDawg It does the job
abaddon yea, it cli so you just ssh to server with tmux and weechat
RawDawg Yeah does the job and there is an android client using weechat relay port
RawDawg You know what i dont know why i wanted to use quassel this is pretty much the same damn thinglol
RawDawg THing i just wanted to see how to creat custom tunnels for practice
RawDawg *think
RawDawg Nexy im goint to try ssh via i2p
abaddon cool, useful too.
abaddon also, there is more earlier in this video that I skipped over cause I was searching where the gameplay ends
RawDawg Yeah he sets it up two ways
RawDawg Not sure ehy though
RawDawg Also on youtube you can add english subs kinda helps
abaddon maybe the first one is through local netowrk
RawDawg yeah i thinnk so
RawDawg But he mentions adding a server ip as well i also dont know why
RawDawg So there are two ways he shows
RawDawg Let me know if you unserstand anything :)
abaddon Maybe to do it your way, when you connect to quassel core succesfully you just have to do something like edit>addserver>enter
abaddon connect
RawDawg Yeah so add server then port:6668
RawDawg Didn not work
abaddon ah ok then if that doesn't work then no idea
RawDawg Its all good im going to stick to tmux and weechat for now
abaddon maybe some stupid letter somewhere, or maybe you need to restart i2pd instead reaload after adding tunnels, reloading tunnels sometimes doesn't work for me
RawDawg Guess i just wanted to learn tunnels a bit more.
abaddon have to restart everything
RawDawg Yeah i tried that to
abaddon don't know then
RawDawg It works when i ssh tunnel the quassel core port and the ilita port
RawDawg But thats not what the second part of the vod was showing
RawDawg Either way
segfault acetone: привет
acetone segfault: привет
segfault Можешь подсказать, что за музыка играет тут ?
acetone Сурцов проекта давно нет, но в описании увидел "музыкальная композиция "War" от Infraction."
acetone - то есть вот этот трек получается
segfault Спасибо
segfault А почему исходники не хранищь?
segfault Кстати, Арс Либрев (LibreTrack) делает одну очень нравильную вещь. Он на всех превьшках пишет "Лицензия: CC-BY-SA"
acetone segfault: тот проект был сделан еще на зоне, оттуда я не шибко много что-то "вывез". Сейчас храню исходники пока не жмут, а если нужно освободить место - сношу. Большого прока от них нет.
segfault Может стоит перенять опыт?
acetone Превьюшки большого смысла не имеют, ютуб дает задать лицензию явно при загрузке видео и я ее указываю - Creative Commons
segfault acetone: А можешь рассказать, как ты там работал за ПК?
segfault Там же вроде даже мобильники не дают официально
acetone Blinded message
segfault acetone: В последних материалах последний, кстати, перестал указывать CC-BY-SA. Перешёл на "общественное достояние"
segfault acetone: технически реально оттуда выйти в инет? реально ли запустить i2p роутер?
acetone segfault: я, положа руку на сердце, в целом на херу собачьем видел любые лицензии)) Указываю где-то что-то, когда это кажется уместным или "общепринятым", но в целом мне, да и наверное как всем тут, глубоко безразлично до копирастии.
acetone segfault: судя по всему - реально. Было бы желание и некоторая проворность
segfault Согласен.
acetone segfault: тут даже мем когда-то ходил, что в ilita irc один сервер живет за счет налогоплательщиков РФ: хостится во ФСИН
segfault Это про него был прикол в твоих видео? floodfil
segfault acetone:
acetone segfault: наверное, рядом. Но это скорее шутка обобщающая, что i2p и i2pd в частности курируется фсб)
segfault Капец наверно orignal обидно
segfault Он нахреначил тысячи строчек кода, а его майором считают
acetone segfault: может быть поэтому он иногда очень токсичный))))
ad_astra_ Тестовое сообщение
fidoid Выглядит как настоящее.