IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zhoreeq acetone: в англоязычном чате про тебя уже легенды слагают)))
zhoreeq >acetone, war criminal in putin gulag using 3g modem to communicate with the outside world
zhoreeq это на bonobonet)))
deavmi evening
deavmi and ladettes
deavmi acetone: your stream of prison beats to mop-the-floor/study to
deavmi are very noyce
acetone zhoreeq: o/ deavmi: o/
acetone hey guys
deavmi How you keeping up man?
acetone zhoreeq: ахаха, суровая русская реальность
deavmi Like how you doing
zhoreeq acetone: :^)
acetone deavmi: I coding commercial project now :J
deavmi From da cell?
deavmi SHeesh
acetone Haven't time to lulz)
deavmi Nice man, how is it going?
deavmi No lulz ((
acetone deavmi: only from da cell!
zhoreeq based
acetone it's russian reality!
deavmi [21:23:16] <~acetone> deavmi: only from da cell!
deavmi russian reality (tm)
deavmi CorrectionalCapitalism
acetone yeeeah!
deavmi Correctional Services is the word I guess for prison-related stuff in ZA
deavmi Corrections facility
deavmi [21:24:04] <~acetone> yeeeah!
deavmi Good to hear
deavmi I been messing around and writing some stuff
deavmi specifically my compiler is coming along well, taking a brrak from it though gonna work more on it later this year again (IU have like development cycles with it, just been busy with exams)
deavmi Will send through some links momentarily
deavmi Cool project of mine, need to finish it soon but the routing protocol works ))
deavmi and a few other things for DNET, my to-be IRC replacement
deavmi Need to update my projects page
deavmi And of course my compiler (the code will be released at end of year, unless you can find it on i2p, as it is there somewhere)
deavmi I push to some git host on i2p
deavmi Like that is waaay old, like beginning of year, so don't look at it XD
acetone deavmi: wow, you are fucking Africaan machine!
deavmi And you are a chad russian sigma
deavmi Africa represent
acetone deavmi: international B)