IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d we've had some fairly chunky upstream changes relating to how leasesets are stored.
dr|z3d I also decided it was a good time to completely overhaul the javascript, which might not have been perfect timing, but hey! it's all looking good now, touch wood.
Invizzy Well the development has been going good and appreciate that 2.4.0 was delayed to fix major issues before release.
dr|z3d it's ready when it's ready, though ordinarily we like to stick to a 3 month cycle.
Invizzy I'd love to assist with the project, however I am relatively a novice in programming.
dr|z3d Well, funny you should say that.. :)
dr|z3d Currently looking for people to shephard the translations along.
dr|z3d If you can use Poedit (you can), you can help.
dr|z3d That's another big push that's been happening this + dev cycle. We're now almost at around 70% minimum coverage for console translation for any given language. For webapps, it's closer to 100%.
dr|z3d I'm looking for people to adopt a language.. doesn't matter if you're not a native speaker, but knowing native speakers in the language you choose would help things plenty.
dr|z3d Russian is taken, Spanish is possibly allocated. Aside from that, you've got a nice selection to choose from on /configui
Invizzy Unfortunately, English is my only language. Adopt? So we teach ourselves to fulfill the translations?
dr|z3d You take responsibility for a given language and find people on the network to help improve it, as well as feeding the easier stuff to google translate to first pass.
dr|z3d So adopt, chaperone, oversee.. I guess you'd be in a management role of sorts. Most of the translation this cycle has been feed into google translate, so there's plenty of scope for improvement.
Invizzy Are the languages currently listed in /configui all taken or in progress?
dr|z3d only Russian is currently allocated.
dr|z3d argentinian spanish, taiwanese chinese and brazilian portuguese are likely to be nuked unless someone steps up.
dr|z3d otherwise, they're all at 70% or more coverage.
dr|z3d I started by looking at the /netdb and seeing where the spread of routers are concentrated.
Invizzy Hmm, if I find the time, I may be able to assist. I have some experience with Mandarin but it is minimal and could see how similar it is to Taiwanese.
dr|z3d and also considering which locations are less likely to have english as a second language universally.
dr|z3d that's the one translation that we don't need any help with :)
dr|z3d it's about as complete as it gets. we had a couple of native speakers handle it.
Invizzy That's great to hear!
dr|z3d yeah, they need i2p more than most, so good that we have them covered.
Invizzy I wonder how they're able to use I2P. I thought that the Great Firewall would have it blocked or at least their ISPs would notice the I2P connections.
Invizzy If I do assist, where would I go to contribute the translations?
dr|z3d In the first instance, you can grab a .po file for the console language here: git.skank.i2p/i2pplus/I2P.Plus/src/branch/master/apps/routerconsole/locale
dr|z3d you'll then want to install Poedit for a handy interface to edit individual strings.
dr|z3d just building the latest + with all the recent translation updates.
Invizzy Thank you for the idea and instructions to do so. I might see what I can do.
dr|z3d recent being in the last 24h
dr|z3d no pressure, but I think I've had enough of google translate for one lifetime :)
dr|z3d or, put a different way, it would be good to have some help :)
dr|z3d half the battle is locating a native speaker on the network who's prepared to help. :)
Invizzy How efficient has google translate been?
dr|z3d I'm not sure how you'd measure efficiency, but it works.
dr|z3d The quality of the translations is no doubt less than perfect, but seeing poor translation strings in the console might motivate native speakers to get involved. Who knows?
Invizzy That's a good way of looking at it.
dr|z3d ok, new build up on /dev/ with all the latest translations.
Invizzy Downloading now! If I encounter any issues, I'll stop by. Thank you again.
not_bob dr|z3d: This is going to take more than a few days to do...
not_bob But, progress has been made!
dr|z3d great, not_bob_afk!