IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
T3s|4 dr|z3d: just restarted into the 'latest' from the console - and ended up with 71dfc155 (Build date: 2023-01-31 03:41:23 UTC) - 2.1.0-5+
dr|z3d you're right T3s|4, let me rectify that. I must have uploaded the wrong update from the wrong dir.
dr|z3d offending nuked so it won't happen again.
dr|z3d that probably explains why you weren't dancing around in the channel proclaiming -60+ :)
dr|z3d uploaded.
T3s|4 lols, as was running 60+ earlier, on this same rig :)
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: thanks, the 16:37 update provides your latest iteration of 60+
zzz been saying this for a while, but this time I mean it... we're getting really close to stomping out the memory leaks
zzz hopefully within a few days
dr|z3d great, zzz, noticed the bug report.
zzz I wish, it's scattered across several
zzz but only at that point will I get to the real meat of the review, which is figuring out if all this subdb stuff does what it claims to
dr|z3d nothing short of herculean, what you've been doing.
zzz thanks, it's been an adventure
zzz also making some progress on working around the 3 second lag problem on persistence
dr|z3d excellent news. what's the general issue, have you identified that yet?
zzz I2PSocket.close() is blocking and requires a round-trip, so don't wait for that
dr|z3d ah, ok, well good news that you're making progress there.
dr|z3d T3s|4: new update coming soon, fat fingered the current one.
zzz I'm a little wrapped around the axle because I have a mix of bug fixes and early phase 2 changes all hopelessly tangled up
dr|z3d don't know what to suggest other than "commit early, commit often" :)
zzz never been my style but for long, low-priority projects, I definitely need to do something different
zzz the problem is I like to always be testing the 50 things I'm working on at once. If they're in 50 different branches I can't do that
not_bob Another site added to the blacklist!
dr|z3d well, dev branch, commit to that, and then merge the individual commits when you're happy with them to your main branch.
dr|z3d merge or cherry-pick, whatever suits.
dr|z3d or if you prefer multiple branches for each bit of code, then a test branch that you can pull all the various commits on different branches into.
dr|z3d happy days, not_bob!
not_bob Also, greetings to all!
dr|z3d ps. we don't care, just keep squashing them :)
zzz yeah it would be some kindof merge/test branch and yank from all the others every time you build
eyedeekay Granted it's more like 5-10 mods at a time, but what I do is checkout master, then checkout a new branch i2p.i2p.version-testnumber, then git pull idk branchname --no-rebase every branch I want included
dr|z3d If I'm juggling various branches, I'll do a git lg (or git log) so I have the details in console, and then just grab the commits I need.
zzz I'm getting a little better at branches since eyedeekay wants me to do MRs
zzz but I've never tried to merge or cherrypick
dr|z3d if it's single commits, git cherry-pick -x <commit> is trivial.
dr|z3d sorry, git cherry-pick -X ..
dr|z3d -X makes sure the commit you're merging from is referenced in the commit notes.
dr|z3d eyedeekay: zzz's got some memory leak code in the wings just waiting for you to green light :)
zzz but my #1 requirement is to test all WIP all the time; I routinely let stuff soak for weeks or months or even a year before checking it in
zzz dr|z3d, he and I are on the same page, no need to inject, and I'm not waiting for a green light, please don't muddy the waters :)
dr|z3d ok, good.
eyedeekay I'm more waiting to green light it myself today, trying to avoid too many midnight checkins :)
zzz right
zzz even 5 seconds of self-reflection of 'what was going on when I did that' even for a minor mistake can help you improve your first-checkin-perfection rate :)
zzz speaking of self-reflection, it's my turn
zzz somebody tell me wtf I was doing on May 30, 2015
zzz because I just found a bad one
dr|z3d commit code crime?
dr|z3d *committing
zzz yeah
zzz our gunzipper wasn't checking the checksum
zzz so I just fixed that locally
zzz and now the checksum is failing in the unit test (((((((((
zzz so guilty of code crime and test crime
dr|z3d shocking!
zzz this is back when I was doing mtn test branches
zzz if I had to guess, I probably put it aside, then came back later and mistakenly thought I was done
dr|z3d seeing a huge number of these on one router, maybe normal, maybe not? Warning! Sending direct search message in a client netDb context!
zzz dunno, ask eyedeekay or enter a ticket
zzz you were right about the last one
dr|z3d not seen that one much, if at all, before today. only on one neglected router.