IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d dang, zzz, you been busy on that.
dr|z3d how robust is persistence right now? what's your confidence level that it works without breaking things?
T3s|4 lols RN - with 57+ running well, each passing hour increases the probability we will again achieve the rarefied nirvana of the 60s :D
RN oi T3s|4, been a while since I updated... you are well ahead of me
T3s|4 np RN, but 57+ appears to be running solidly
RN Yeah, I have good reason to try a newer version... Just a small thing I need to set up first and I'll give 57+ a go.
RN spent several hours waitnig for that small thing to finish, and am passing the time refining file://usr/RN/links.html
dr|z3d thanks for the persistent connections code, zzz, appears to be working a.ok
dr|z3d after some testing, it's now deployed in + dev builds.
dr|z3d also, re http/2, already works fine on the outproxies for sites that have it.
dr|z3d T3s|4: happy to hear things are running well in -57+. a couple of minor issues still to resolve for snark, but mostly it should be fine.
dr|z3d > thanks for the persistent connections code, zzz, appears to be working a.ok
dr|z3d > after some testing, it's now deployed in + dev builds.
dr|z3d > also, re http/2, already works fine on the outproxies for sites that have it.
zzz dr|z3d, robustness: intended to be high, but... confidence: low, because it needs testing with a wide variety of browsers/clients, servers, and request types/traffic
zzz for example, I haven't tested news/addressbook/update fetches thru it, and if it breaks that it would be catastrophic
dr|z3d that's all eepget, should be easy to confirm it works.
dr|z3d keep-alive headers enabled on git.skank.i2p if you want to test it there. you can see keep-alive headers in the firefox developer panel under networking if you turn on that column.
zzz remember this is hop-by-hop
zzz this is 'phase 1' - the browswer socket. You can't do anything on the server side to make it "more keepalive"
dr|z3d you can send keep-alive headers. whether they make any difference or not is a different matter.
zzz http/1.1 is keepalive by default. See RFC 2616
zzz we override that by injecting connection: close at every hop, because we don't support it
zzz the patch changes the client side proxy. no changes to the server side proxy
dr|z3d yeah, noticed you were doing it one stage at a time.
zzz connection: keepalive is for HTTP/1.0 (which is non-persistent by default), and not worth dealing with
dr|z3d yeah, sure, agreed.
dr|z3d eepget works fine, so I can't see there being an issue with news/updates/subscriptions.
zzz sure, but hope is not a test plan :)
dr|z3d I'll let you know when I see confirmation log events in my wrapper logs.
dr|z3d (for addressbook subs)
dr|z3d ok, zzz, your hunch regarding addressbook subs and updates may well be right.
dr|z3d unsigned updates definitely borked with your keepalive code, and it looks like subscriptions is as well.
zzz thanks dr|z3d I'll try to reproduce; any details on exactly how it fails?
dr|z3d nothing in the logs, but unsigned updates get a "cannot connect" error.
dr|z3d that happens even on the router hosting the update.
dr|z3d eepget works fine with the same url.
zzz found it, super dumb bug
dr|z3d that was quick, well done.
zzz poorly done, but never claimed to be immune from it :)
dr|z3d we're squashing bugs before the code's even been merged, so don't be too hard on yourself :)
zzz dr|z3d, two-liner fix tested and pushed to the branch/MR 129