IRCaBot 2.1.0
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Anomaly hello :)
zzz zowie just got the new thunderbird in an update... looks like dr|z3d was on the UI team )))
dr|z3d I'll take that as a compliment :)
dr|z3d you've been secretly running I2P+, zzz, admit it :)
zzz heh. have you seen the new tbird?
dr|z3d they've given it a bit of a buff up then?
zzz yup, just got it on lunar
dr|z3d oh, then I may have seen it already, though I don't use it much.
dr|z3d trying to debug the no-flags issue I've got here which appeared round about exactly the same time as the tsunami landed.
dr|z3d if I run a geoip command from router.jar, all works as expected.
dr|z3d otherwise, I've added some logging and either the ip address isn't found, or when it is, it can't identify a country from the ip.
zzz not a lot of ideas, sounds like a mis-merge, or something tangled up with your rdns stuff
dr|z3d yeah, probably.
zzz try going back to the rev before the tsunami
dr|z3d I'm doing a lot of visual comparisons right now with upstream, seeing if there's anything obviously amiss in either or CommSystemFacadeImpl. I'll give earlier revisions a go in a bit if nothing reveals itself.
zzz canon diff from 2.3.0 shows only a single line change in that's part of the obscuratus blocklist thrashing I've lobbied to revert
dr|z3d one thing I have noticed is that getCountry(Hash peer) method in CommSystemFacadeImpl really DOES NOT Like a localRouterInfo lookup. Totally tanks my router.
dr|z3d stack overflows and related random errors I've not seen much outside of this scenario.
zzz yeah canon has zero changes from 2.3.0 in CSFI
zzz I'd stare hard at the CSFI canon/cannon delta
dr|z3d yeah, that's where I'm at right now.
dr|z3d thanks
zzz another possibility
zzz you rewrote KNDF.getAllRouters() which is what QueueAll calls
zzz make sure it's working
zzz or just undo that
zzz you did that Sept. 18
dr|z3d fixed it :)
dr|z3d misplaced closing brace in CSFI
zzz yay, what was it?
zzz yikes, that's tough to spot
dr|z3d yeah, those are never easy, fortunately meld made it easier.
dr|z3d private class LookupThread extends I2PThread {
dr|z3d public LookupThread() {
dr|z3d super("GeoIP Lookup");
dr|z3d setDaemon(true);
dr|z3d public void run() {
dr|z3d long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
dr|z3d long uptime = _context.router().getUptime();
dr|z3d _geoIP.blockingLookup();
dr|z3d if (_log.shouldInfo())
dr|z3d"GeoIP lookup for all routers in the NetDB took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms");
dr|z3d I'd had those two methods separated, so run() wasn't.
dr|z3d I tried reverting KNDF before to canon's version a while back, so I knew that wasn't the issue.
dr|z3d If you haven't used meld before, worth a look. My goto diff tool and mergetool for git.
zzz that'll do it
dr|z3d thanks again for the moral support :)
zzz any time ))
dr|z3d here's something for you, given you look like you're addressing some UI interfaces..
dr|z3d when the radio icons etc were originally colored with a nasty filter hack, that wasn't available.
dr|z3d *UI interface issues.
dr|z3d you can also set the radio and checkbox icons to an arbitrary size without them looking crap, they're svg now iirc.
zzz ok. for now my sledgehammer was sufficient
dr|z3d you'll get in the mood for more tweaking soon enough if I know you :)
zzz maybe, still pretty directionless, we'll see
dr|z3d you're doing pretty well given the hiatus, and snark is a good place to start so you're not stepping on eyedeekay's toes while he's finishing up with his changes.
dr|z3d did you issue with flash of white resolve?
dr|z3d *your
zzz I haven't seen it since my doctype "fix", which I've been running locally almost all year, I know you think that wasn't it, but that's the story here
dr|z3d not disputing your analysis, I'm probably thinking something different than your flash of white.
dr|z3d I'm seeing flash of browser chrome quite a lot in firefox just browsing around the console, but it's not predictable.
dr|z3d that said, there's plenty of potential optimizations to be had with snark's rendering.
dr|z3d if you've been watching the i2p+ git, you'll probably have noticed a few lately.
zzz not sure there's anything todo in canon. Last I looked at your filter stuff I thought it was nuts though
dr|z3d it was always my intention to convert the ajax filtering to something more robust, it just took a while to get around to it.
dr|z3d there's a few things you're not doing in canon that you could be doing to generally speed things up on the rendering side.