IRCaBot 2.1.0
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mesh right now in the midst of the attack, there are 2k floodfills. Think a good chunk of these are fake.
mesh the banned list is at 17k+
obscuratus I feel so inadequate. My ban list is only at 1279. I will endeavor to try harder. :/
mesh obscuratus: why is your ban list so small?
mesh obscuratus: are you not running i2p+
mesh the good news is that even now at the height of the attack (well it seems the attack peaked a while ago) bsr remains at 52% and i2p services continue to be available
obscuratus mesh: No, I'm running canon I2P. I've jacked up the sybil threshold, but it only runs every 24 hours by default anyways.
mesh this is better than just a couple of days ago when i2p services were completely unavailable and the router couldn't build any tunnels because everything was banned
mesh obscuratus: jacked it up to what? I jacked up the sybil threshold too, up to ~50 I think
mesh I think i2p+ is much more aggressive about banning. I've got lots of "Floodfill with SSU disabled" and "Floodfill without GeoIP resolvable address" in my banlist. What are you seeing?
mesh I would assume if canon I2P doesn't ban the floodfills you have a small banlist but a large number of bad floodfills in your netdb?
orignal eyedeekay any updates about SessionCreated fix?
eyedeekay orignal re: signing block in sessioncreated the key thing we need to do first is define what we're going to do well enough to add it to the NTCP2 and SSU2 specifications
orignal we need to instroduce a new block
orignal block type I mean
eyedeekay I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about but unless we can agree on the exact details we won't get anywhere, so we need to define what goes into the sig block and how it's handled
eyedeekay Exactly
orignal I could introduce generic block "signature" consisting of two parts: data and signature of data signed by router's key
orignal in case of SessionCreated we require to sign own ident hash and timestamp
orignal in general such block can be used for other purposes
albat against ddos?
albat ignore me? :/
obscuratus Oh, the timing of the attack has switched up.
eyedeekay Yup, 6100 floodfills here
eyedeekay 46% success rate still
RN 51% and 60% here
RN banned approximately 2x known (on both)
RN 7309 and 1227 floodfills (plus was restarted within last few hours)
obscuratus For the I2P-[canon/cannon] users, how many of your bans are "They banned us"?
RN oh? didn't look for that
obscuratus I can see my router is really struggling to complete exploratory tunnels. It's automatically falling back to shorter tunnels, presumeably because it's haveing trouble making exploratory tunnels of the specified length.
RN 21 and 5
obscuratus OK, that's not too bad at all.
eyedeekay 100, 72, 4, 3, and
obscuratus Thanks eyedeekay, those seem acceptably low.