IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d that depends what implementation you're referring to.
dr|z3d 76% build success on one router here.
dr|z3d regarding restarts, i2p+ doesn't store all of your peers' RIs to disk.
dr|z3d so a restart will show a significant drop in known peers.
RN and on canon you'd have to delete the contents of the netdb folder right?
dr|z3d also, i2p+ removes banned peer RIs from disk, so they shouldn't be present during the session once banned, so definitely not after a restart.
dr|z3d I wouldn't delete your netdb contents.
dr|z3d with canon, the more RIs in your netdb, the quicker they expire. that's partially true for I2P+, except I2P+ expires less "interesting" peer RIs a lot sooner.
RN hmm... is it normal to have another 'netdb' folder inside the netdb folder?
RN been a while since I looked in there
dr|z3d that will be through manual intervention. won't be there ordinarily.
RN ok, so I probably screwed up trying to jumpstart this router at some point
RN file perms are different to... gonna delete the extra
RN 4 month old files anyway
not_bob orignal: How's progress going on the offical i2pd line?
xeiaso that's the i2pd mitigation
not_bob Thank you.
dr|z3d looks like attack is escalating again.
not_bob I've got a few thousand bans in the last half hour.
dr|z3d when it's in full swing, several bans a second on i2p+ is normal.
dr|z3d you can do better than "huh?" orignal :)
orignal I need to finish couple thing like cleanup of this table
orignal <not_bob> orignal: How's progress going on the offical i2pd line?
orignal I meant this question
dr|z3d that's better :)
orignal so i2pd has mitignation already
orignal protocol change however is not an instant change
dr|z3d i2p+ also has mitigations, albeit not your static table one.
orignal i2pd with last commit are not affected and rederect all this shit to sewage
dr|z3d nicely put.
orignal just make sure that you are not out of floodfills ))
orignal you have a risk to ban all of them
dr|z3d not seeing that, floodfills are healthy.
orignal then it's another attack
orignal because prevous was about clones of floodfills
dr|z3d my mitigation intervenes before routers are determined to be sybils.
dr|z3d (so the shit gets banned, but (mostly) the good stuff gets left untouched)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: not sure this is related to any of the defensive measures baked into -17+, but I after being identified by nickserv, weechat would not connect to any of my autojoin channels. Had to restart weechat 5+ times to connect. Also, I saw this identical behavior on both of my laptops
T3s|4 but *after being identified...
not_bob Not uncommon.
not_bob Weather report, i2pd is at 2-15%
mesh is something new going on?
mesh dr|z3d: turbulence? what does that mean? I'm seeing dramatic drops in network size. Are other people seeing this?
mesh I wonder if I have my Sybils threat number set too low
mesh dr|z3d: how does that work if you don't mind me asking? are the fake RIs being marked as unreachable? Or are they being banned? I see my ban count skyrocketing
mesh dr|z3d: I2P+ 2.2.0-14+
mesh went to get some food and came back and all my routers were doing basically nothing. it's like 80% of the network just vanished