IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d you need to describe the content in order to entice people to watch it, albat :)
orignal Nazi is even more idiot than I thught
orignal he added this inclusin becuase he is running the site
orignal fucking idiot
j6 RN told me to say "that"
j6 nice
dr|z3d_ welcome, welcome.
j6 tbh given there's like 5 ops, I'm not sure the +m is needed, +M already requires voice or registred nick, and registering takes enough effort to not bother doing over and over and over, lol
j6 5 ops being relevant in the way that if it IS needed, I imagine one of the ops would notice in time
RN literalol
dr|z3d_ you just worry about not being a dick in the channel, I'll worry about whether +m or +M is needed. :)
j6 11:18:32 <~dr|z3d> you need to describe the content in order to entice people to watch it, albat :)
j6 I wanted to reply that the url already tells you, sort of
j6 it's an autogenerated playlist of alan walker music, on youtube, linking some specific song from it
RN it is still considered polite around these parts to tell people what a link is if there is no link-bot
RN especially if it is a non-i2p link
j6 yeah
RN but that's just i2pettiquite
j6 fair at that, but also, that specific sort of link does KIND of speak for itself
j6 tbh I've never seen such a link before
j6 not one that's channel-specific and actually includes the channel name in the url
RN maybe that's how they youtube in france
RN albat is our french datahording hardmetal filesharingaddict resident for many years
j6 hehe
j6 I'm just your friendly youtubeaholic
j6 (and shell scripter)
RN \o/
RN I think there is an eepsite dedicated to collecting bash scripts, is that you?
j6 never heard of it
dr|z3d_ j6, yeah, got a blog?
j6 nah
j6 I have no content
dr|z3d get one.
j6 I even set up a generator, lol
j6 but there's simply nothing for me to write
dr|z3d you obviously have plenty if you're a shell scripter. you just don't know it yet.
j6 lol nah
j6 it's not like I do all that much
j6 and when I do, it's rarely generic enough to be useful
j6 wooledge wiki is already the bash (and sh) bible
j6 not much I can add that isn't there
dr|z3d shell scripting for beginners. start there. you could do notbob style posts on the basics.
j6 ;P
dr|z3d oh, that's your i2p-hosted site is it? don't see an .i2p in the hostname :)
RN is mirrored in I2P?
j6 probably not
RN dr, easy on the newcomers
RN ;)
RN j6, dr|z3d likes to heavily promote
dr|z3d he's not new, and he's certainly not a snowflake. this much I know :)
j6 it appears that if I set up a moinmoin-based wiki, I could simply click a button, fill in credentials, and mirror it, lol
j6 depends what you mean by "new" ;P
RN actually, you just need a tunnel pointed at it... maybe a lil nginx and some filtering
RN yeah, IIRC, j6 is a returner, like me... just I returned once and stuck
j6 2021-12-28 seems the date I created my vanity eepsite key, and I've peeked in from time to time before and after that, lol
j6 at least it's the oldest date out of the 2 copies of the key I have, lol
dr|z3d we have enough vanity sites on the network with zero content. good content, different matter.
j6 exactly
j6 that's my problem ;P
j6 on clearnet I also have a 2-letter and a 3-letter domain, and a longer all-numeric one (you can get all-numeric .xyz for like literally pennies, it's like $0.99/yr), but all I have on them is a "under construction" site with a crappy poem (or was, seems I've misconfigured stuff and it's not proper content anymore), and a list of where I mirror my empty site lisitng where I am
j6 lol
dr|z3d orignal: *sigh*
dr|z3d foot in mouth syndrome.
j6 foot in who's mouth