IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d NULL: prestiumdev.i2p yours?
NULL dr|z3d, yes it is
dr|z3d needs fixing.
dr|z3d firstly, zero need for javascript, even less so javascript that attempts to load from google.
dr|z3d secondly, if you're using custom fonts, download them locally, don't request via google fonts.
dr|z3d and when you've fixed those issues, try a ctrl+u in firefox and look at the source. anything with a squiggly red line under it indicates html error.
dr|z3d if you hover over the element with a red line under it, firefox will hint at the problem.
dr|z3d and why are you placing unnecessary load on your server? <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="300"/>
dr|z3d absolutely no need to refresh every 5m.
dr|z3d wodencafe!
dr|z3d earth calling NULL.. receiving, over..?
NULL My bad, dr|z3d, was working on fixing some of those things and then got pulled away from the computer. I removed the random extra </div> not sure where those were from. The refresh should have been 3600 and I missed the 6 so thank you for pointing that out. I removed the custom font as I didn't even realize it was still there (was from tinkering around). As far as the javascript goes it is for jquery to properly match icons to file extensions and I have moved it to a
NULL local version of jQuery. Everything still seems to function if you were to disable your own JS and use the site its just there to make things look a bit nicer than the standard file layout.
NULL I really appreciate the help and points btw!
dr|z3d great, NULL.
dr|z3d now all you need to do is work on the presentation. :)
NULL The mirror will probably always look like that and I will focus on trying to help Opicaak with the main page. Its more so just a faster download server at the moment than what is currently implemented with the main server. Tried to make it look nicer than the main page, but didn't want to go to far with it if he will eventually just have it linked through download buttons on the main page lol
NULL When it comes time to that though I definitely might have design type questions that I may come to you from if you don't mind at the time. Seeing what you have done with the interface of i2p+
NULL for*
dr|z3d not the answer I was looking for.
dr|z3d there's no excuse to put up content that looks bad. a little extra effort never hurts :)
NULL Do you have any recommendations? Was going to look into creating some sort of banner for the site, other than that wasn't to sure of much else to really change up since it is just the indexing of a directory. That's what I was trying to do with adding the icons and slight theme change over the default that the server would present the index as
dr|z3d add a footer, put all the official sites and donation stuff there.
dr|z3d work on the presentation of the table.
dr|z3d use the prestium logo at the top.
dr|z3d td:last-child, th:last-child -> white-space: nowrap;
dr|z3d font-size: 90%;
dr|z3d td ->
dr|z3d border-bottom: #333
dr|z3d tr td:first-of-type -> font-weight: 600
dr|z3d td -> padding: 6px 12px;
NULL Alright I will start to work on that. Thank you!
dr|z3d #list {
dr|z3d box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px #181a1b, 0 0 0 8px #333, 0 0 0 9px #111;
dr|z3d margin-bottom: 30px;
dr|z3d see how you get on with that lot.
dr|z3d #list tr:last-child td {
dr|z3d border-bottom: none;
dr|z3d #list tbody tr:nth-child(2n+1) {
dr|z3d background: #222;
dr|z3d I'd also put all the donate stuff on a separate page.
NULL That made quite the difference, thank you again!
dr|z3d that looks a bit better! :)
NULL I will update to the Prestium logo when Opicaak finalizes the design
dr|z3d comments in .css don't use #
dr|z3d you do /* foo */
NULL That's what I was doing did I mess one up cause I am not seeing it currently
NULL Ahhhh, I saw what you were talking about, that wasn't mean't to be there
dr|z3d tweak to taste.
dr|z3d th needs adjusting, try:
dr|z3d background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #222,#111);
NULL Dang, that looks awesome man, really appreciate your help
T3s|4 NULL: good stuff - is looking good. I assume you'll be upgrading prestium.i2p :D
NULL I don't have access to the main site, but would love to help him upgrade it. Think his focus with it isn't on getting it pretty at the moment, but rather is trying to focus on building what will become the official page for Prestium
NULL T3s|4, thank you! My skills are quite rusty, but been fun reeducating myself on everything and trying to help what I think is a much needed project to go alongside i2p
T3s|4 it's all good NULL, especially when up- or re-skilling gets thrown into the mix :)
NULL I will definitely be offering my help to Opicaak when he lets me know that it is time to focus on the site. Right now he wants to put all his focus into getting the OS to a completely function state and I am fully with him that that should be the sole focus of his at the moment
NULL functional*
dr|z3d functional means it doesn't pull new reseed zips every time it starts. :)
dr|z3d aka some minimal persistence somewhere to store routerinfos, router profiles etc.
NULL I will let him know about that as I definitely agree with you there
opal favela de rodo
T3s|4 opal: I studied Espanol in high school, but never enough to know if this wiki is accurate, or not: Favela do Rollas (conhecida popularmente como Favela do Rodo) é uma favela localizada no bairro de Santa Cruz, na Zona Oeste da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
T3s|4 A favela é dividida em dois blocos: Rollas I e Rollas II, que podem ser subdivididos nas seguintes regiões: Marcola, Colina, Prédios, Jaú, Maravilha e Praça. Possui uma população estimada em cerca de 30.000 habitantes.[1] Suas principais entradas são através da Avenida Antares, Avenida Cesário de Melo e da Rua Felipe Cardoso.[1]
T3s|4 Além disso, Rollas faz divisa com a favela do Antares, também localizada em Santa Cruz.[1]
T3s|4 and ofc, in Rio, they speak Portuguese, which I know even less of ;p