IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d what up parabo
parabo I start a new job today
dr|z3d another one? I give it 2 weeks. what is it?
parabo gonna be welding and operating machines in a factory
dr|z3d sounds fun. :)
parabo they got a CNC machine!
parabo they are training me how to do it all, no experience required they said
parabo I've wanted to learn to weld for a long time
dr|z3d great. you'll be cutting custom cookies for the birds in no time!
parabo lol, it's an automotive parts factory
parabo the goal is to find a job I can stay at for years
parabo the Amazon warehouse job was like that, except it was long term temp. if that job was permenant I would work there for years
parabo I've had maybe 20 jobs, 2 of them I spent 3 and 5 years at
parabo dr|z3d: what you working on?
dr|z3d check the latest I2P+ build, parabo
dr|z3d have you got some decent bandwidth there yet?
parabo no, and firewalled by ISP
dr|z3d oh, I thought you were all about fiber these days? :|
dr|z3d one of StormyCloud's routers was spiking at 36MB/s earlier. Imagine that. Participating traffic!
dr|z3d when I say spiking, you need 1 minute of sustained transfer to register on the graphs.
parabo dr|z3d: I have fibre
parabo pings are great
dr|z3d how come you're firewalled on fiber, parabo? that's retarded.
parabo dr|z3d: I dunno
dr|z3d that's just not right. are you sure it's not your router that you need to fix?
dr|z3d I mean, your ISP provided router.
parabo I set it to forward the ports
dr|z3d which ports?
dr|z3d there is no "ports"
dr|z3d there's just a single port, udp/tcp.
parabo the ones I use, including i2p
parabo it seems to detect and block incoming p2p
parabo I think it thinks i2p is a torrent client
dr|z3d are there any ports open?
parabo yes, but the ones for BiglyBT and I2P are not working
dr|z3d have you tried disabling SSU and seeing if it's happier?
parabo I just got a VPN
parabo I mean VPS
dr|z3d ie disable udp, new port, restart router. port forward, configure firewall, check if still firewalled. or VPN, I was going to suggest using that for i2p if all else fails.
parabo VPS is better
dr|z3d you could wireguard the connection to the VPS.
parabo I can host a blog
parabo Got me a beard dr|z3d. I can do anything
dr|z3d rambler's who you should be talking to for VPS services.
parabo except stopping my parrots from biting me
parabo if I pick CoCo up and put him upside down, he just lays there like he's dead
parabo dr|z3d: I have 6 parrots
dr|z3d very good, parabo
parabo I want to get more
parabo but I need to find a job I want to stay at
parabo parrots are expensive
parabo not to buy them, but avian vets, toys, food
parabo Like the kinds of parrots I like are 500-1200 to buy, cheaper than a dog
parabo I have 3 Pearly Conures, 2 cockatiels, and a Quaker
rambler 500-1200 isn't cheaper than a dog, unless you're buying purebreeds.
rambler I got a Black and Tan Coonhound from a local no-kill shelter for like $100. No papers, though.
rambler Though I really want a Dachshund. Floppy ear dogs are hilarious to look at.
parabo Well, I mean I can get free disabled birds
parabo most birds are purebred, hybrids have a lot of health issues usually
parabo but around here 600-1000 is the price for a mutt
parabo mutts are generally healthier
rambler Yeah. Generally speaking that's correct. Too many animal breeders just popping out inbred animals with a slew of health issues.
rambler A buddy of mine had some sort of spaniel.... I forget the breed, but I swear that dog was missing a chromosome or two. You've heard of real smart dogs, right? Well this dog was probably the dumbest thing in existence, lol.
rambler Real friendly though, but would like bark at it's own shadow and just had no thoughts at all behind those eyes haha
parabo my last dog was really smart
parabo I taught him to communicate with me
parabo he's the reason I got into birds. He found this dying baby bird on the sidewalk and he wouldn't leave unless i took the baby bird
parabo he loved the baby bird so much, but it didn't take to the hand feeding so it died
parabo So i got a cockatiel for him
rambler Ah. Birds are cool too. I've always wanted an owl, haha.
rambler Anyhow, gotta run for a bit!
parabo albat
albat hey parabo :3
parabo What are you up to?
albat nothing much, watching news