IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d ok, new tunnel manager status tooltips now enabled in the latest /dev/ update.
dr|z3d I think they're an improvement, if you're on a dev build, let me know what you think.
dr|z3d term99!!!!
T3s|4 dr|z3d: your upgraded TM stars tooltips look nice! :)
dr|z3d thanks, T3s|4!
Tmp_LxGHTNxNG Hm, should I scribble my entire website with /dev/urandom ?
T3s|4_ Tmp_LxGHTNxNG: to/for what purpose/end?
Tmp_LxGHTNxNG to cause pain. also don't interact with me lmao
Tmp_LxGHTNxNG added you to ignore on my other client too (which is currently unvoiced)
T3s|4_ as you wish ;p
Tmp_LxGHTNxNG <>
T3s|4 Tmp_LxGHTNxNG: lols - OK, I get the part from: that you understand SOME English, but your argument's logic is at best offered from the hot end of a crack pipe! Keep practising your English and STOP proselytizing!!! ;-(
Tmp_LxGHTNxNG I speak and understand English. Is it that you doesn't [sic] understasd English?
Tmp_LxGHTNxNG *** points to LxGHTNxNG, then points to dr|z3d, and gesticulates wildly ***
Tmp_LxGHTNxNG Tesla, you were born in a barn and raised by Germans. A good American you might be (reason enough to avoid you, tbh), but a good speaker of English you are not.
dr|z3d Tmp_LxGHTNxNG: please tone down the gratuitous abuse. thanks.
Tmp_LxGHTNxNG nah mate. I'm zero chill as long as I'm awake. You'll get 10 hours of respite as I need to sleep, but yea
T3s|4 post (prestigious, US) graduate school degrees held here, but if you are inclined to ramble on like a complete fool...feel free...
Tmp_LxGHTNxNG I have also put tesla on ignore from both here and the LxGHTNxNG client to prevent further incidents of this nature
T3s|4 Tmp_LxGHTNxNG: btw: tab-autocomplete has been a 'thing' for decades - have a look whenever you're not busy preventing 'further incidents' ;p