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StormyCloud @term99 you around?
term99 i am, whats up StormyCloud?
StormyCloud Wanted to touch base and see how that i2p+ install script was coming along?
term99 i'm working on the reboot stage of it after upgrade, im just having to make sure i don't run into errors and if i do i gotta get error corrections going so it can do it with minimal work, i also have the perl script written to make it threaded so it can process many servers at a time
StormyCloud roger that, lmk if you need any beta testers :P Looking to move away from i2pd on my tor exit nodes and move over to i2p+
term99 will do :), i2p+ is a good switch, speedy lil system dr|z3d got going on
StormyCloud dont inflate his ego that much :P
term99 lol, he's got that covered :P
dr|z3d money transfer in the post, term99 :)
StormyCloud hey hey I too accept monies for good words
dr|z3d haha, always the chancer :P
itsjustme *** pokes head in ***
T3s|4 term99: I'm sitting on pins and needles here; please let me know the moment 'the check's in the mail' arrives :D
term99 lol T3s|4, i'm worried the postage was more than the check :)
T3s|4 well sure, just one more valid concern ;p
term99 lol, i'll keep you posted
T3s|4 term99: I attended a friend's wedding years ago. One of the gifts they received was a $25 check from a guest. Weeks later he tells that check bounced - and he was charged more than $100 in fees by his bank. The perfect gift ;p
term99 lol, best to give wishes than a little signed sheet of paper
Ellenor Damn.. :(
ReturningNovice In solidarity with Canadian brothers and sisters I now proclaim myself a "software engineer"
ReturningNovice Please everyone join me!
AmyMalik ReturningNovice: sup?
ReturningNovice it seems regulators in Canada are trying to stop people from claiming the title of "software engineer" unless they pay for licenses
AmyMalik jesus XD
ReturningNovice specificly in Alberta
ReturningNovice so, I suggest, if you have ever changed a setting in a software configuration that you claim the title.
AmyMalik I have to do some rapid prototyping when i get home from insuring my car.
ReturningNovice yes that includes using the configuration settings in a gui interface.
ReturningNovice I added a plugin to Firefox, therefore I am an engineer.
ReturningNovice I typed my email address into the configuration for thunderbird, therefore I am an engineer.
AmyMalik to me, the licence doesn't make the engineer - the attitude of engineering does
AmyMalik you do not display that
ReturningNovice I changed my favorite app to dark mode setting, therefore I am an engineer.
AmyMalik I fancy myself a perpetual software engineering student-practitioner, not an engineer per se.
ReturningNovice I'm trying to lower the bar, do get the beurocrats off their back. but if you agree with having to pay a license to call oneself an engineer, then I agree we dissagree about this
AmyMalik to be clear, I disagree with ABgov here.
AmyMalik To me, if you display the attributes ef engineering in your work, you should be able to forward yourself as an engineer in your line of work without a special licence to do so.
ReturningNovice I agree with that
AmyMalik If your work requires a licence for unrelated reasons, then a licence you shall need to obtain - but not only for engineering.
ReturningNovice and that is why I say blow up their definition. Let everyone claim the title and rub it in their face!