IRCaBot 2.1.0
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Anomaly u guys know how to make an os using bochs? anyone want to help me?
dr|z3d what up Anomaly
Anomaly how ru dr|z3d
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, you good?
Anomaly yea im good
Anomaly i want to write an os :(
Anomaly but dont know how
Anomaly i already have bochs
dr|z3d no idea
dr|z3d sounds pretty niche.
Anomaly thanks
Anomaly lol you ever heard of hyper terminal ?
Anomaly its a cool terminal
dr|z3d hyper? not familiar, no.
dr|z3d how does it compare to terminator?
Anomaly i guess its similar, hyper is unique because its written in html/css/js
Anomaly so it emphasizes on being appealing
Anomaly and you can also have emojis in the terminal
Anomaly not that i care about emojis, but i think its interesting
Anomaly like custom zsh i think
dr|z3d sounds like fun.
dr|z3d also, not in repo.
dr|z3d except for the emojis part. that just sounds daft.
dr|z3d >> RC versions of I2P+ 1.9.0+ now available from both the dev and standard urls. <<
dr|z3d Blinded message
T3s|4 dr|z3d: noted on the potential corruption, but now a moot point with 9 running on both rigs :)
HaruCode dr|z3d, was away. where's the config for filter?
HaruCode do i need torrents for the bar to appear?
HaruCode and I see that onclick is assigned every time the user clicks on the buttons
HaruCode the event is fired 13 times at first click after page load. impressive
traveler so how do you guys torren over I2P? Most of the time I hear people complain that I2P torrents don't have anything they are looking for.
HaruCode lies. even the search for the word "ducksex" at btdigg.i2p brings results
HaruCode and the ducksex is in mouseover event
HaruCode also, dr|z3d, why mouseover and not page load?
HaruCode mouseover fires constantly, either need to check if already initialized or call init once on load
HaruCode and the filter doesn't work as is, without my additions
HaruCode dr|z3d, can you explain why did you put initFilterBar() in mouseover instead of letting it be called once on page load??
HaruCode then explain me how did you plan to change visibility of actual torrent stat rows
dr|z3d hi HaruCode
dr|z3d let's see what you go there.
dr|z3d re pageload vs mouseover, I was battling with event delegation at the time I wrote the script. the filter needs to persist after the ajax refresh.
dr|z3d (and as I recall, onload wasn't performing as expected)
dr|z3d > hi HaruCode
dr|z3d > let's see what you go there.
dr|z3d > re pageload vs mouseover, I was battling with event delegation at the time I wrote the script. the filter needs to persist after the ajax refresh.
dr|z3d > (and as I recall, onload wasn't performing as expected)
HaruCode you didn't get the new file, I guess?
dr|z3d re btdigg, as useful as that site is, it's not serving up i2p-hosted torrents, so downloading is a hit and miss affair reliant on bridged clients (azureus/biglybt) hosting the torrents.
dr|z3d not yet, no, can't connect to the site right now.
dr|z3d are you running your new code locally in i2psnark?
HaruCode I've reinstalled the router, will give you the new location
HaruCode and I'm starting to hate the bug that doesn't allow to add your own site to addressbook
dr|z3d should be able to add your own host to addressbook.
dr|z3d if the form data persists after you hit submit, do it again. when it disappears, you'll know your addition is successful. sometimes takes a couple of attempts.
HaruCode well, it doesn't disappear
HaruCode here's your file. it works as if you clicked the button
dr|z3d have you got cookies disabled in the browser?
HaruCode and the actual filtering doesn't work with your original file as well
dr|z3d it does, it's been working for a good couple of years :)
HaruCode for me it doesn't
HaruCode it's firefox and it's default settings
dr|z3d that's odd. try disabling firefox's enhanced tracking protection on the page?
dr|z3d not that that should make a difference, it's all 1st party.
dr|z3d so you've got your script running in snark now and it's performing as expected?
dr|z3d and if you browse to say configs, and then return to the main torrent page, your selected filter persists?
dr|z3d it looks like you also addressed the issue with the counter displaying on refresh?
HaruCode my script runs init once the page is loaded/refreshed, gets the filter from local storage, sets checked value and calls respective show*
HaruCode it also writes filter to storage on button clicks
HaruCode as for counter, probably not aclling init on every mouse stop fixed it
HaruCode *calling
dr|z3d ok, great. and it's all playing nice in snark for you?
dr|z3d I'll build locally in a few moments and test myself.
HaruCode as for snark, it's a boojum
dr|z3d boojum?
dr|z3d oh, you're referring to Lewis Carroll now. yes, it's a boojum. it's also a functional bittorrent client. I was referring to the latter :)
HaruCode and I was referring to the filter bar being like a Baker: softly and suddenly vanishing away
HaruCode there must be at least one torrent in the list for the filter bar to be shown
dr|z3d indeed there must. pointless otherwise.
dr|z3d "can you see it?" - "what?" "I'm only showing you all the 100 dollar bills in my wallet" - "where?" - "exactly"
HaruCode not quite, the filter can show the empty list, so why don't show it anyway? also would save me adding unnecessary torrents
dr|z3d hmm? not sure what you're proposing
dr|z3d if there are no torrents loaded, then there's no filter bar. that seems entirely logical.
HaruCode I propose that if filtering is enabled in the settings the bar should be visible regardless of having torrents
dr|z3d doesn't make any sense to me.
dr|z3d with a ui as involved as snark's, you really don't want to display non-functional elements.
dr|z3d if you load up some torrents, you'll see that principle in play all over the place, and if you've previously used vanilla i2psnark, it should be more obvious where elements are displayed only when contextually relevant.
albat dr|z3d : hi :)
dr|z3d hi albat
albat when will the i2p+ torrent be ready?
HaruCode I propose that if filtering is enabled in the settings the bar should be visible regardless of having torrents: an user enables the filter before adding any torrents - sees no difference - thinks it doesn't work
albat how are you?
dr|z3d there's an RC version of 1.9.0+ available via the update urls, albat.
albat yes but it updated to i2p and not i2p+
albat so i plan tu put i2p+ back
dr|z3d just check for updates on /configupdate and it should tell you there's an update available.
albat yes but it put i2p and not i2p+
dr|z3d HaruCode: yeah, perhaps, but new users to the concept usually add torrents first and then discover the filter bar later.
dr|z3d check for updates, albat. see if an i2p+ update is reported.
dr|z3d HaruCode: your script kinda works, and then doesn't, depending on whether or not snark is being run embedded (ie in an iframe).
dr|z3d still, it's progress, so well done for getting it partially working! :)
dr|z3d if you set snark to display in embedded mode on /configui you'll see what I mean.
dr|z3d it's probably using the parent window as the context, and failing on that basis.
dr|z3d albat: torrents will be available later on today, perhaps with an enhanced torrent filter bar.
dr|z3d (in i2psnark)
albat ok cool
dr|z3d ok, the issue with the iframe is probably related to document, when we need to target the iframe id if embedded mode is enabled.
dr|z3d var embedded = document.querySelector("i2psnarkframe");
dr|z3d there's another issue which isn't your fault, but the state of the peer display isn't saved, so if peers are being displayed (only for active torrents), then that state will be lost.
dr|z3d and it appears that when a new torrent is added with a filter active, it's not shown until the page is hard refreshed.
HaruCode dr|z3d, the update I've built didn't change the script. what's wrong?
dr|z3d try clearing your cache.
dr|z3d javascript tends to hang around even after a hard refresh, for some odd reason.
HaruCode tried, doesn't work
HaruCode where does this script go in the updater?
dr|z3d see what you've got at /i2psnark/.resources/js/torrentDisplay.js
HaruCode probably I didn't build it right
dr|z3d hard refresh that page if necessary.
dr|z3d if it looks like the old script still, then you may need to run ant distclean before building an update.
HaruCode that's where I'm checking it
HaruCode how do you think I found out the code is old?
dr|z3d in theory you can run ant distclean && ant i2psnark and then stop i2psnark on /configclients and copy i2psnark.war to ~/i2p/webapps and i2psnark.lib to ~/i2p/lib/ but it doesn't always work properly.
dr|z3d * build/i2psnark.{war|jar}
HaruCode I'll try all the ways until it works
HaruCode I found these
dr|z3d probably ant distclean is the missing piece.
dr|z3d in theory a build should clear out the existing js files before it runs if there are newer versions available, but I don't think it does so, not always anyways. probably something build.xml isn't doing correctly.
HaruCode well, I've deleted build and pkg-tmp dirs manually last time
dr|z3d and you're definitely copying the file over to apps/i2psnark/resources/js ?
HaruCode I'm editing it in-place
HaruCode an IDE issue, probably
dr|z3d let me see if the debugging hooks are still in the code, then you can run the script outside of the war and don't need to recompile for.
dr|z3d > let me see if the debugging hooks are still in the code, then you can run the script outside of the war and don't need to recompile for.
dr|z3d > apps/i2psnark/java/src/org/klomp/snark/web/ line 1111
dr|z3d > comment out the WARBASE location and uncomment that line, then put your script in ~/i2p/docs/themes/
HaruCode found 3 copies of i2psnark.war, all of them correct. the one in the zip is still old
HaruCode wow. after distclean, build and updater it is new
dr|z3d > let me see if the debugging hooks are still in the code, then you can run the script outside of the war and don't need to recompile for.
dr|z3d > apps/i2psnark/java/src/org/klomp/snark/web/ line 1111
dr|z3d > comment out the WARBASE location and uncomment that line, then put your script in ~/i2p/docs/themes/
dr|z3d (if you missed it)
HaruCode dr|z3d, the "Embed I2PSnark and I2PMail in the console" is the setting you told me about?
dr|z3d that's the one, HaruCode
dr|z3d did you get my comments about the js location?
term99 ello!
dr|z3d hi term99!
term99 hey dr|z3d, how goes the day?
term99 dr|z3d i fixed graceful_update, forgot to rename, did update, had orig... LOL, almost done with a better version :)
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, just working with our new javascript wunderkind Harucode :)
term99 oh yeah? that sounds awesome and great to have
dr|z3d great, term99, look forward to that.
HaruCode dr|z3d, it works in there. the thing is it's considered another location so the place to store the settings differs, so when you first open it embedded there is no filter setting
HaruCode after you set it once, it is rememebered
dr|z3d just for debugging, HaruCode.. at least you don't need to compile every time you change stuff.
HaruCode I could try and use domain-specific cookies instead, but don't really want to do it for fixing something as ephemeral as a filter forgotten once
dr|z3d local storage is good, that part's working great.
HaruCode the script works as intended, it is just considered to be two different scripts by the browser when embedded and when not, thus having different local storages
HaruCode set the filter in embedded mode once, and it should remember it
dr|z3d oh, ok. and you can't consolidate the local storage so one for both scenarios?
HaruCode no, there's no API for this
dr|z3d also have a look at peer display, see if you can figure out how we can make that persistent. it may require remebering the request uri.
dr|z3d ok, well, not to worry, that's a minor thing. most users will be running embedded, or not, not both.
HaruCode I can use cookies for remembering the filter, if you insist, but don't think it's worth the hassle
HaruCode what's worth the attention is the wrong torrent count shown, in embedded mode, at least
dr|z3d that was working ok, but it does occasionally misfire.
HaruCode it works in standalone mode and shows zeroes in embedded
dr|z3d that's got to be a scoping issue then I guess. it's probably now trying to count the displayed torrents in the parent window and failing?
dr|z3d re cookies, I agree, not worth the hassle.
HaruCode also will be different domain for, say, and localhost anyway
dr|z3d yeah, local storage is fine.
HaruCode the counter shows wrong results if the user clicks too often, it seems
HaruCode honestly, the whole script rubs me the wrong way, but I'm ready nor willing to rewrite it
dr|z3d not seeing that here on the previous script revision.
HaruCode may be browser-dependent
dr|z3d you know javascript, great when it works, shit when it doesn't, especially the debugging part :)
dr|z3d but I'm ready nor willing to rewrite it > but I'm ready and willing to rewrite it ? :)
HaruCode wrong :P
dr|z3d I was creatively correcting your typo :)
dr|z3d anyways, joking aside, how are you finding i2p+ vs i2p?
HaruCode no problem with debugging, problem with DOM events which can fuck up many things. I don't specialize in it, so it's hard to understand whether the code is bad in itself
HaruCode re i2p+ too dark, too many too small buttons
dr|z3d well yeah, that's what I mean, debugging DOM events, event listeners, event delegation.
dr|z3d too dark? you've got 4 themes to choose from..
dr|z3d or 7 in i2psnark..
HaruCode also I shudder at the thought there can be more addEventListener() calls in onmouseover
HaruCode I saw the themes but didn't try them. I meant the default one
dr|z3d if dark is too dark for your tastes, try the light theme.
HaruCode light an classic both are ok
HaruCode I don't like the console-imitating themes
dr|z3d you mean in snark?
HaruCode in anything. also i got it abot the counter: it shows previous value in the message
HaruCode i.e. if you see 1 active torrent and switch to inactive, it'll say "1", but you will see an empty list. if you switch back, it will say "0", but the list will have 1 entry
HaruCode did you get the messages about the counter?
dr|z3d yeah, got that. so it's lagging then.
HaruCode nope, got connection reset
dr|z3d no, I mean the counter's lagging.
HaruCode or is wrongly coded >.>
dr|z3d could be :)
HaruCode depends on the dom modification events order
HaruCode dr|z3d, field surgery for torrent counter, the same link
dr|z3d thanks, HaruCode. having fun yet? :)
HaruCode honestly? I feel _pain_!
HaruCode filtered declared three times in different scopes
dr|z3d nah, I can tell, you're enjoying yourself :)
HaruCode functions declared within functions. why!!
dr|z3d have you looked at the peer display yet?
HaruCode not yet. what's with it?
HaruCode for now I feel like I'm in Exupery's trap
dr|z3d currently, when you're filtering for active torrents (and only active torrents), you can also filter the active peers.
dr|z3d so when you toggle peer display, you'll see any active peers attached, however, currently, the filter doesn't remember the state of the peer display toggle.. that's a request uri thing.
HaruCode uh... is it per-torrent switch, or whole-page setting?
dr|z3d ideally, if that's enabled, then it should be saved to local storage. ?p=1 is for all torrents, though you can toggle per torrent, we're not so concerned about per-torrent display, either torrents are displaying peers, or they're not.
HaruCode and uri - the parameter already exists or you want to add it?
dr|z3d so I guess the assumption would be, if any torrent is set to display peers, just assume we want to display all peers attached to all torrents. the parameter exists already.
HaruCode for I don't see why uri parameter is necessary.
dr|z3d necessary in what sense?
HaruCode the storage will work just fine
HaruCode in no sense
dr|z3d yeah, except that last revision you sent doesn't remember the display peers toggle, so you leave the page and then return, no peers are displayed.
HaruCode also I'm tired and don't see where this is toggled. point me a finger at it
dr|z3d that's why I'm suggested it might be an idea to check to see if we're on ?p=1
dr|z3d you can only toggle if you have peers connected. it's the header icon second from left (when shown), triangle with 3 dots on the corders.
dr|z3d you can manually enable in non-embedded mode just by browsing to the url, but obviously it won't show you anything unless you have peers connected.
HaruCode I hate pages which add and remove elements as they wish, it makes the layout squirm like a bitch
dr|z3d except it doesn't really, layout I think you'll find is pretty stable.
HaruCode how can I find the element in code? id, class name?
HaruCode I hate chaning layout, period. I'd rather disable unused element
dr|z3d grep for ?p=
HaruCode *changing
dr|z3d line 1181 in I2pSnarkServlet
dr|z3d the layout, for the most part, should remain pretty stable, it's just the element(s) that get hidden.
dr|z3d the exception is when columns are removed from the table when they're superfluous, but even then, the transition between states is pretty reasonable.
dr|z3d line 1169 onwards is where the various reqeust params get set.
HaruCode which git?
HaruCode I think I need an update
dr|z3d i2p+ git.
dr|z3d also see line ~688
dr|z3d // enable peer view
dr|z3d out.write(getQueryString(req, "1", null, null));
dr|z3d out.write("\">");
dr|z3d tx = _t("Show Peers");
dr|z3d out.write(toThemeImg("showpeers", tx, tx));
HaruCode while I'm at it, check the counter
dr|z3d I'll build a new version and test it in a few.
HaruCode this is not an ideal solution, but I don't feel it in me to make a complete refactor
HaruCode anyway, hy2wczkik6eaxt7ejicbituiy5fhjj3vsnhvdse2jpufuaoqtw6a.b32.i2p/torrentDisplay.js shows the counts correctly for me, and I want to know if it's ok in your environment
dr|z3d sure, is that a later revision than earlier?
HaruCode depends on when did you get it. this one has countFiltered() as last string in show*
HaruCode line 126 for example
dr|z3d yup, ok, got it.
dr|z3d Blinded message
HaruCode you meant getQueryString# about uri, I see
dr|z3d looks good at first glance, HaruCode. works fine.
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
dr|z3d HaruCode: see, that was the troll ^
dr|z3d now you seen him, no you don't.
dr|z3d he's getting dealt with. :)
HaruCode if there was join and ass-kick, I don't see join/part messages
dr|z3d exactly. it's a lot more subtle than that.
HaruCode there are a few patterns of detection. if it farted elsewhere and got k-lined, ok. if it made stupid actions or usedrata is detectable, ok too
dr|z3d if it was k-lined, you'd know by the quit message. but it got dealt with as soon as it belched out its crap somewhere on the network.
HaruCode since I'm not an ircop and not a channel op anywhere else on this network, there is no need for me to try kicking it in other channels, although it's possible
dr|z3d if it manages to evade detection for long enough to spew in this channel, it's all yours.
dr|z3d or you can just watch while it self-impodes. won't take long.
HaruCode anal implosion. cool
HaruCode if only the connection wasn't dropping
HaruCode Blinded message
HaruCode Blinded message
dr|z3d oh, bound to be sock puppets present.