IRCaBot 2.1.0
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chatsubo Does it have something to do with http/https?
dr|z3d either http or https should work just the same
chatsubo My http one does not work but https does when i acccept the cert
dr|z3d you're being auto-redirected.
dr|z3d 7657 -> 7667
chatsubo I tried a few diff browsers but still getting broken thumbnails
dr|z3d how did you install i2p+ ?
chatsubo I did java --jar i2pinstall.exe
chatsubo Its probably my end i must have done somehting
chatsubo Let me run some tests and try to see if i canfix it
dr|z3d easily fixed, one sec.
dr|z3d grab that and extract to i2p/docs/themes/console/images/
chatsubo will do now
dr|z3d windows or linux?
chatsubo It worked
chatsubo what a legend
dr|z3d for future reference, ~/i2p/eepget address.i2p/ will also work.
dr|z3d run eepget without an address in the terminal for info.
chatsubo Now one more question to access the console do i do
dr|z3d 7657 or 7667
chatsubo The http does not redirect
dr|z3d either will work fine.
dr|z3d oh? you've got some browser extension blocking then probably. so use 7667.
chatsubo Ok it works it does redirect
chatsubo All good
dr|z3d ok, good.
chatsubo I2p+ is looking good!
dr|z3d glad you're liking it! look forward to the videos :)
dr|z3d so the next thing to do is enable advanced console mode.
chatsubo Very nice
dr|z3d ~/.i2p/router.config -> add the line: routerconsole.advanced=true ... and wait..
dr|z3d you'll see an additional section in the sidepanel when it activates named Congestion.
chatsubo Its weird i had a massive list of eepsites in my router now it seems smaller
chatsubo Not sure why
chatsubo In the sites of interest section
dr|z3d they'll fill back up..
chatsubo Oh i see
chatsubo Just gotta wait
dr|z3d oh, you probably just updated to normal i2p?
dr|z3d or you downgraded to an older i2p+ version?
chatsubo What do you mean?
chatsubo I just installed the jar file
dr|z3d from where? the link I pasted above or?
chatsubo yeah the link you gave me
chatsubo The dev build
dr|z3d click on the sidebar icon again..
chatsubo Maybe i should delete all the files and start again?
chatsubo Maybe it got conflicted with an old install
dr|z3d you've got homepage and sitemap toggle on the sidebar logo.
dr|z3d try clicking it.. you're probably looking at /sitemap not /home
dr|z3d the i2p+ logo.. toggles between those 2 pages.
dr|z3d works?
chatsubo I guess so but i swear the list of eepsites was bigger before
dr|z3d screenshot and post on cake.i2p ?
dr|z3d what version does it say in the sidebar?
chatsubo i dont see the ars tech, benthamsgaze, duckduckgo, etc like i saw before
dr|z3d go to /confighome and hit the reset button for links.
dr|z3d "Restore defaults"
chatsubo Ok will try
dr|z3d haven't got a failing hard drive there by any chance?
chatsubo Not sure? here is a cake link to what eepsites i can see on the routers home page. cake.i2p/view/eO75tiT16T_G5sfW6mGnJultGKC51zVu7xfTxFyfb_ND71HzBVau/2022-08-11-13-25.png
chatsubo Its really not a big deal i guess at least i have the router up and running :)
dr|z3d it would appear you somehow managed to install a different (older) version that the one I linked. what does it say in the sidebar?
dr|z3d Under router info.. version..?
dr|z3d 1.8.0+ ?
chatsubo 1.8.0-0+
chatsubo Very odd
chatsubo I must have borked something
dr|z3d easily fixed, in any event. /configupdate -> enable unsigned updates and change the url to the /dev/ url indicated in that section. then save.
dr|z3d then hit the check for updates button.
dr|z3d should tell you a new i2p+ version is available in the sidebar.. download it then restart router, you'll be back to dev build.
chatsubo Ok will attempt now
chatsubo To clarity what was the url again?
dr|z3d if any update there doesn't indicate I2P+, you probably don't want it.. normal vanilla i2p updates will appear there from time to time, but I2P+ updates will indicate I2P+ in the sidebar explicitly.
dr|z3d that was it.
dr|z3d indicated on skank.i2p/
chatsubo Good news @dr|z3d back in bussiness!
chatsubo Guess it downgraded its self
chatsubo So can always install the non dev build and then make it dev build in the settings
dr|z3d if you want to stick to release versions mostly, just install updates near the time of release, and just after (I2P+ indicated unsigned updates)
dr|z3d oh, sure.
dr|z3d just configure your update url and enabled unsigned updates and you're good.
chatsubo Is it genreally safe to do so?
chatsubo In terms of Security
dr|z3d pretty safe.
chatsubo Good stuff
chatsubo So the version im on is dev when do i update it?
chatsubo When there is another release?
dr|z3d whenever you feel like.. set the update check interval on /configupdate and decide when you want to update. definitely update when you see a news item indicating a new release.. might take 24 hours or so for an i2p+ build to come out to bring you to the next release version, which will be 1.9.0+
dr|z3d some people like to update as soon as a new update is available, others once or twice during the dev period, others every week.. up to you.
dr|z3d if your update policy is notify only, then you get to decide.
dr|z3d *24 hours or so after a new release is announced via the news section on /home
dr|z3d if it says release build in the sidebar, it's normal i2p, so you probably don't want that.
dr|z3d i2p+ updates ALWAYS say I2P+
chatsubo Next i have to get my eepsite over to jetty. thanks again for all your help @dr|z3d
chatsubo Its much appreciated
dr|z3d you're welcome, chatsubo
dr|z3d just copy .dat file to ~/.i2p/
chatsubo oh easy
chatsubo And the html files
chatsubo To the eepsite dir right?
dr|z3d then, with the webserver tunnel stopped, set the keyname in the field. no need for a path, ~/.i2p/ is the root dir.
dr|z3d html files go in ~/.i2p/eepsite/docroot/
chatsubo Amazing!
chatsubo Will get it all setup soon, gotta finish some work. yes im at work lol
dr|z3d start the tunnel, the b32 should be the same as it was before.
chatsubo Damn i2p+ is fast!
dr|z3d how so?
dr|z3d UI, or network, or a combination of the two? :)
dr|z3d also, has some eepsite help, also on /help/ page.
chatsubo If im going to open ports in my router, i dont want to enable upnp. What port will i need to allow or configure.
chatsubo Or what setting network config do i need to adjust
HaruCode chatsubo, did they say you about planet.i2p?
HaruCode that's regarding RSS
chatsubo Oh i did not know about this, thanks!!!
dr|z3d chatsubo: the only port you need to forward is your external i2p port, both udp and tcp, ipv4 and ipv6 if enabled.
dr|z3d it's listed on /info or /confignet
dr|z3d and if you're in need of ideas for your next blog post, feel free to blog about i2p+ installation, performance and general first impressions, screenshots optional :)
RN shameless.
dr|z3d hush now, RN
kou actual people in there?
kou here*
HaruCode synthetic people only
kou ah that sucks
albat hello :)
kou hurro