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Reinhilde I'm fine with that. This'd be a fixed link.
Reinhilde Well, not really fixed - but it would be steered into a fixed direction
parabo I got banned from Libera
parabo Just like old freenode
parabo Apparently a person involved in politics and FOSS contributions and advanced programming and hardware usage, can't talk about it because they don't believe anyone there is more than an armchair intellectual talking pointlessly about shit
parabo I think I should penetrate their network, and k-line all the channel ops that silence me and ban me, and maybe hijack the domains and the hosting providers IP allocations
parabo You don't oppress a Muslim, that's the one justification for them to do something other than be nice to you
parabo Or I could just have them declared a terrorist organization communication platform
dr|z3d lol parabo
parabo I have better things to do i guess
parabo and i have over a dozen IPs usable without any fudging, and 1024 IPv4 addresses I can assign to anything
dr|z3d mutafabo "I cause mayhem" Ali.
parabo Shiekh Muhammad Ali
parabo I don't cause mayhem. I fix it
parabo I fix injustice, I fix inequality and overcontrolling or under controlling of the vox populace
dr|z3d ok, we'll call you milkshake mustafabo then. only fair :)
parabo Dr. Muhammad Ali, Or Shiekh Muhammad Ali
dr|z3d milkshake it is!
parabo I have the most cliché islamic name
parabo Muhammad, and Ali, the two most common Islamic names
parabo combined
itsjustme am I the only one here that isn't an irc whore? :P
parabo I wish Dr. Khalil gave me a more unique name
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme hey parabo :P
parabo You are a whore of some kind that's for sure
dr|z3d tell him you want to be known as Dr Milkshake Mustafabo.
parabo I only had one chance at input. "I will call you Ali, is Ali acceptable?" Yes. "You are now Muhammad Ali"
parabo I wonder if he named me after the boxer because he knew I was giving up all striking arts to revert
parabo Thinking it was an honor. It wasn't
itsjustme parabo: nah not me :3
dr|z3d Ali is an anagram.
parabo itsjustme: Do you want a Blue and Gold Macaw?
parabo I have one, and I need to find a home for it
itsjustme do I want one yes but I can't
parabo Well I have 5, but 2 male 2 female I'm keeping as same sex sibling pairs, the 5th was for a person on disability in Michigan who's B&G died and she was like I can't afford $8000 for another one. I told her, I will give it to her free, smuggle it across the border and deliver it, and for it's entire life pay all costs of keeping and caring for it... She was like OMG yes! now she doesn't want to have another bird
parabo because hurt too much losing the last one
parabo So I have 5 but 4 are mine
parabo why can't you?
itsjustme I just can't really take care of them. I don't have the time
parabo I don't want to have to put it up for sale to random idiots with money
parabo I'd rather give it away for free to a good person
parabo I would have violently shaken the 5th fertile egg if I knew she was going to not take it
itsjustme yeah I just don't really have the time
parabo You should get a bunch of them then
parabo So they keep each other happy
parabo Have a flock
parabo Flocks are easier to keep and care for than single birds
parabo single birds are super needy
itsjustme I've heard that lol
parabo You want some birds itsjustme?
parabo I can give you a nice flock raised together so each species gets along
parabo I can give you some B&G, some Scarlet, some Hahn's, Some Gallah and Sulfer Crested and Umbrella cockatoos...
itsjustme I don't think I can realistically
parabo Dude, I'll hook a brother up
parabo Well, fuck you!
itsjustme I like birds
parabo I, I like, I like birds
itsjustme I do yes
itsjustme I think dr|z3d needs a bird
parabo dr|z3d is too secretive to let me fly to him with a bunch of birds
parabo My friends just got on a flight to Poland
parabo so they can get into the Ukraine conflict
itsjustme I heard you talking about that
itsjustme where is he headed?
parabo Three of them, where ever they end up
parabo They are pro Putin
parabo But they are pro putin because the Ukrainian soldiers won't let civilians flee the country and where ever russia takes control, they let all non-combatants leave freely
parabo So they want to save civilian Ukrainian people by stopping their armies from keeping them there as human shields
itsjustme from what I know the only people that are kept are men under 60
itsjustme is that not true?
parabo It is not true
parabo and even if it were, 60 year old men expected to fight in war?
itsjustme well I don't like the idea but the US does similar stuff
itsjustme Most countries have that kind of policy
dr|z3d Putin sends conscripts into a war they know nothing about.
itsjustme I heard that he was forcing people to go but he said he wouldn't so idk lol
dr|z3d propaganda machine in overdrive. obviously.
itsjustme have you watched any?
dr|z3d he also claims not to be targeting civilian infrastructure. it looks different at ground level.
itsjustme they make a lot of crazy claims it seems
dr|z3d there's a reason RT is banned in various places.
itsjustme I don't think it should be
itsjustme its not blocked here I know that for sure
dr|z3d no free media in Russia. it's all state-sponsored propaganda.
dr|z3d call Putin's "special operation" a war and face a possible 15 year sentence.
parabo Why would you want free media networks? That's why you network and have assets and resources everywhere. To get the real story
parabo I mean, common, am I the only one with a network of over 100k men who I can ask anything?
parabo Or a nuclear submarine armed with 4 nukes, with command via a cell phone? Or a standing army on my compound?
dr|z3d free media is a sign of a "healthy" democracy. media run by the state is a sign of autocracy. you want to live in an autocracy, parabo? be my guest.
parabo I don't believe in democracy
parabo yes i want to live in autocracy. The biggest mistake I made in my life was leaving Egypt alone with democracy. I should have been sworn in as president and ruled with passion and love for the people
parabo Then it wouldn't be a total shithole right now
dr|z3d keeping smoking that pipe!
parabo No, seriously. I mean, every time a cultural revolution rebalanced and corrects democracy, within 2-3 decades, the institutions and systems of that government of democratic elected leaders becomes highly poisoned by evil powers and men with agendas other than the good of the people ruling and oppressing and subjugating and watching their people suffer
parabo And all they care about is getting re-elected
parabo There are good autocracy leaders in history, the problem is they don't come too often
parabo But, what if we had programs to vet people before they got into power, or what if we just let the people as Lincoln put it "dismantle, overthrow, and replace" their goverment
parabo dr|z3d, you have to realize. Just because you like democracy, and freedom, doesn't mean it is right. You are an intelligent worldly person of great wisdom and of significant knowledge base. I might even say you should have the right to vote
parabo But uneducated, non politically active, non media and world events aware, culture bound normal westerners... Have proven they shouldn't be allowed to vote, or have the freedoms they have. COVID was the proving ground. We see people refusing to wear masks, get a vaccine, and not only making 0 attempts to distance, but invading the space of those who do make attempts to distance
parabo A politician, should have degrees, a lot of them, to be leader, and a person entitled to what Westerners consider basic rights and freedoms, should have many of those rights but not most of those freedoms
parabo The fact is without 16 or 20 years of university education, people shouldn't have power, and the greatest power we have is democratic voting of leaders. Now I believe people should be able to earn these rights through honorary evidential knowledge, or through academic studies, which should be free.
parabo The people's capacity to control their own limitations or lack thereof, or their changes in or decisions not to change their government... Need to prove themselves worthy
parabo It's like that Larry David Cryptocurrency commercial
parabo What everyone has the right to vote? Even stupid people?
parabo I whole heartedly disagree
itsjustme I think the general consensus is yes
parabo itsjustme, maybe in your country, and mine
parabo but look how awesome Libya was after the genocide was over and they had an all muslim state, and Gadaffi was running a Muslim based governmental system. /?view=article&id=4:libya-with-gaddafi-vs-libya-after-america-spread-their-democracy&catid=9
parabo That's a utopian society
parabo Now with America going in and instituting democracy and removing Gadaffi, the place is a war zone, and before a warzone it was a shithole run by corrupt leaders who were elected democratically
parabo The democratic system doesn't work without some sort of revolution fairly often, anymore than autocratic systems work without revolution
parabo The key, is single party elections
itsjustme Why don't you live there then?
parabo Have the government propose leaders or office holders, the people vote yes or no. If less than half vote yes, the ruling party must provide a new candidate, until one is selected
parabo I am bound to Canada because of both clinical trail medical treatments only offered here, and my connections with frontier medical professional researchers. Without those two things I would be dead
itsjustme Thats still somewhat democratic lol
parabo but I am usually not in Canada
parabo That's the communist electoral system
parabo That's how Marx defined the right to choose leadership
parabo but in the political philosophy I am writing lately, there is a two party system, which is voted between for change every 15 years. Democratic socialism, and communism. When the democratic socialists are in power, the communists may run candidates, when the communist party is in power, they have single party elections. There is always a party and ruling system approval rating which is evaluated and if it falls
parabo below 50% within 6 months it must rise to minimum 60% to avoid re-election of a ruling party to control the system.
parabo I personally think communism is great, I just know we have never seen it true in form and not run by evil or overbearing people
parabo My birth day, is November 22, 2021. Before that I was doing nothing. I believe it's called an education. That education, should replace conventional public educational systems as a preferred recommended guideline set of degrees to prepare people to actively participate in their government. And the people making decisions in government shouldn't have the power to make the call, only propose a change or policy or
parabo agenda or law. Every aspect of government should be voted on through secure devices like lower scaled cell phone platforms. a full smartphone OS has too much complexity and software interacting and so many places not needed for a voting device, to be exploited or otherwise unsecure. Everyone should at a specific time frame of reasonable span, vote on every proposed action or change at every level of government
parabo This is the problem with Western World
parabo people are fucking idiots because the education system isn't meant to make them reach their potential as wise and learned thinkers capable of deciding things for their entire nation with the power of voting
parabo So I propose, instead of teaching in 12 years what would take an adult to learn in 2 years. We teach them the university level fields in concise and limited curriculum per field necessary to be a smart communally driven citizen given the privilege of power of voting, and of running for or having officve
parabo I have about 850 pages in my political philosophy and economic system writings, including a psychology based and sociology based method of adapting and modifying the culture intentionally in ways that emulate natural cultural change, evolution, and revolution, so the people can become selfless committed to their people and homeland, driven to further their society rather than gain personal wealth, and everyone
parabo should know enough to know when a freedom should be taken away because idiots are using it to be idiots
parabo Since I started Islamic Studies, and have been talking so much with and following Islamic Scholars, I have become a writer, and of all manners of life, including but not limited to Islamic faith
parabo Islamic Scholars don't just lecture about Islam. Many have daily lectures for non-muslims who do not wish to learn about Islam at all. Because they are the wisdom of our faiths leadership, and they guide us in life, as I have begun to do
parabo I figure Tom Hayden wasn't waiting until he had a PhD in political philosophy to publish writings and give talks and lead organized groups. He was doing it from semester one as a grad student. And after his conviction for inciting violence and riots and attempting to overthrow the government was overturned, he was elected California state senator. He was re-elected 6 more times. Because great men don't wait until
parabo they have the credentials and power to start leading and exerting influence, they do like he did, publish papers and documents and writings, lead an organization like his, the SDS, Students for a Democratic Society, and he literally did incite that riot, and the chaos of the shit
parabo But it was because he had a problem where he implied possessive pronouns and used vague noun modifiers. So when he got up in front of 10,000 protestors and said "Renny Davis has just been beaten by police, Renny's Skull has been cracked open. Let's take to the streets. If blood is going to flow, let it flow all over the city."
parabo It was later realized that he didn't mean to say if blood is going to flow, he meant if OUR blood is going to flow
parabo He was a good man, who made a mistake of words, that caused 10,000 protestors to riot and overtake Chicago during the democratic national convention, and had thousands of people injured, by police who had no badges or nametags, only riot gear. Riot clubs... Same wood they make baseball bats out of, chloracytonin, tear gas, wasn't hurting the police with gas masks. The protestors pushed on though
parabo itsjustme, torrent the book "Steal This Book" and read all about it
parabo Now, don't go fucking buying it. Abbie Hoffman, leader of the Youth International Party, named it that because he didn't want people to pay after it was published
parabo There is a movie on NetFlix called The Trial of the Chicago 7 which is a short form of the book, with a lot missing before and after the trial
parabo itsjustme, what do you do, other than work, and relax?
parabo Do you do anything productive to society?
itsjustme Sure some things
itsjustme But I think like most people I spend most of my time working
parabo nikolay_tihonov, Ramadan is upon us
parabo I have decided since my bird rescue/rehab center/sanctuary has just over 90 spaces... I will be rescuing 3 parrots per day as my daily Ramadan charity, for the 30 days
nikolay_tihonov I created my own torrent tracker with re-tracking from other trackers. I'm thinking about implementing it in I2P
parabo Sure, you should do that
parabo since you feel like it and because it can be done
parabo And because you probably have time on your hands
mesh hello
itsjustme hey mesh