IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d earth calling acetone...
dr|z3d torrent hash for Ukraine on Fire by Oliver Stone: 8C3C1A35209AB58F671F9D9267AB1EA9ACAB0112
dr|z3d that torrent's also a good benchmark of how fast you can expect to download torrents when the peers are super fast.
T3s|4_ o/ dr|z3d - for about 10 mins I saw 2 very fast peers (the rest were snails), and I was see consistently 600+ Kbps. However, it seems both have vanished. ETA went from < 30 min to hours
dr|z3d hey T3s|4_
dr|z3d they'll return, worry not. I've been seeing speeds that vary wildly, too. from 400+K/s down to 4K/s
dr|z3d I'm just wondering if snark's blacklisting has been wound a bit too tight.
T3s|4_ I didn't know snark has an active blacklisting module; to control what, objectionable content, and/or from IPs that try to attack the network?
dr|z3d peers get blacklisted if they timeout after x attempts to contact them, or if they send bullshit data.
dr|z3d you can see if your dht contains blacklisted peers by enabling the debug mode.. you know how to do that?
dr|z3d hint: in the totals row, underneath the torrent control buttons.. put your pointer there...
dr|z3d anyways, I'm relaxing the blacklisting parameters a little.. it was set to 2 consecutive timeouts for a 15 minute ban. too harsh.
dr|z3d at the bottom of the torrents table you should now see some additional info about the dht etc.
dr|z3d just click on that hidden icon again to turn off debug mode.
T3s|4_ ofc - thanks
dr|z3d -6+ will be more tolerant of peers that timeout occasionally.
T3s|4 good stuff!
T3s|4_ 6+ running here :D
dr|z3d you got a new twitter link on the homepage with that, and a link to acetone's irc bot logs.
T3s|4_ noted
dr|z3d I've buffed up the default nitter UI, see what you think. nitter.skank.i2p
T3s|4 dr|z3d: nitter looks fine, but I would prefer brighter icons...the orange icons appear a tad color-washed-out on both my displays
dr|z3d brighter icons, eh? you mean on the top navbar?
dr|z3d hover your mouse over them, they get brighter. :)
T3s|4 ah, indeed they do :)
dr|z3d they're intentionally slightly muted in color so as to not distract too much from the content.
T3s|4 gotcha
dr|z3d javascript is optional, but enables inline video playback and infinite scrolling. nothing else.
T3s|4 nice
dr|z3d oh, and that's the other think about the icon color, T3s|4..
dr|z3d it's the same as the in-page links.. I didn't want those to jump off the page, either :)
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: noted, the design is fine now that I understand your objectives
dr|z3d very good, T3s|4_. we're on the same page so to speak :)
dr|z3d I thought I'd have a look at bibliogram, but sadly it seems facebook want to kill it.
Anomaly i missed you guys
Anomaly dr|z3d: howve you been
Anomaly i just bought a 32inch 4k monitor
Xeha dr|z3d: not surprised it got censored on jtube :D
Anomaly who are you
Anomaly do you go by another nick im familiar with ?
nikolay_tihonov Anomaly: hello
Anomaly greetings earthling
dr|z3d hi Anomaly
dr|z3d Xeha: that good is it? :) haven't watched it yet.
itsjustme hey Anomaly :)
dr|z3d hey hey ijm
parabo Fellow Canadians, as President Lincoln said in his inaugural address, said to Americans, we must take his words to heart as they are valuable and meaningful.
parabo "If the people become weary or oppressed or misgiven in their rights and freedoms protected by laws and bills and charters and measures of legal status, it is the duty of the people to dismember and displace that government and replace it with one that represents the people and is both for and by the people.
parabo Normally we do that every 4 years, but there is danger, and ignorance, and political motions and desires that do not represent the people and we cannot demand or force an election before the time comes that one would be normally held
itsjustme hey dr|z3d :)
parabo We either accept that mask mandates, building capacities, covid positive patients being quarantined with penalties of jail or fines beyond the GDP per capita, they have already ended non-symptomatic testing for covid, they have replaced the 95-98% effective PCR testing with a 70% effective rapid antigen test, and they have already dispensed every rapid test in the country with no plans to restock
parabo This is a threat to our rights to life, liberty and freedoms, and those who are immune compromised, or have comorbidity factor conditions, who are legally disabled, have a right to have their disabilities recognized at all levels of government and legislative action.
parabo itsjustme
parabo Wanna come take up arms for your Canadian neighbors?
itsjustme hey parabo :D
itsjustme take up arms?
parabo Yes, I just got off the phone with a three way call between the premier of Ontario and Trudeau. And they are insistent of violation of human rights and freedoms in Ontario, Canada, NATO, and the UN totaling 27 violations of the rights of the people
parabo And they are not budging
parabo So... I have 2500 men, 68 of them not including my own special forces are formed covert operations agents, Navy seals, Army Rangers, Canadian special forces, CSIS assassins and black ops operatives, Russian state actors who are here to support me, and I am waiting to talk to China in about 6 hours about then sending us some PLA soldiers. Russia is sending us the Chechnyan troops, about 400 of them. Cuba is standing i
parabo This is it boys this is war, this is what we've been waiting for, so sound the guns and amass the troops, the hells hound of revolution is on the lose.
parabo I'm currently in hiding, because of the fact that I am obviously not being secret about what's happening.
parabo Talking about it on irc2p would be dumb if I was trying to hide the plans, but the plans must be not intentionally hidden. If I intend to take over the province, possibly the country depending on how things go, and remain in power without being subject to removal through democratic process, I must not have secrets from the people.
parabo I'm preparing for a takeover, hopefully without actually killing anyone
wellicht takeovers, takeouts and takeaways
RN only posting about it in a darknet irc is nearly the same as secret if there is no widely accisible public dissemination of the info. IMHO
dr|z3d parabo: is that one available on Steam?
parabo dr|z3d no this is serious just like everything else I do
parabo I could do the one thing they said I will never get away with. Commit treason
dr|z3d did you take herbert with you to your hideout?
parabo You think everything is a game because I am on a darknet IRC chatting about it when normal influential and successful powerful people don't associate with the masses and rant manic level about it. But none of what I say is a joke or a game or trolling... It's just hardcore
parabo No disclosure about details that could narrow down my location
parabo But animals are properly cared for and considered above my own safety I'll say that
dr|z3d roger that, and no, I don't think everything's a game, I'm just trying to introduce some levity into the conversation and put a smile on your face.
parabo Well, you know what is on Steam? civilization VI
parabo And XCOM 2
parabo The two main games I play to socialize with people
dr|z3d I don't know what to say. Stick to gaming, you won't get arrested and put away for a very long time?
parabo Are you saying I should call off a revolution so I stay our of jail?
parabo Or that the fact that I will be able to get the charges and convictions overturned in a few years of prison time based on the illegality of the government's actions and the fact that I have two politicial parties against me and am just taking the position by force that I am supposed to run for in 16 months because the capitalist pigs who vote more than the underprivileged are being catered to and the disabled and hig
parabo If this was America and the potential sentence if our movement requires us to take action which we are hoping to avoid, and the action would lead to a death sentence... I would still move forward
parabo And when he spent over 2 minutes not answering a question "did you hope to incite a riot of violence with the police at the demonstration" the prosecutor said "I'm frankly worried you even need to think about that" to which he tried "a moment friend... I've never been on trial for my thoughts before"
parabo dr|z3d, I finished my degree in genetics and Virology, in 18 months after the university decalred fast tracking the program and getting us working on PhD professors research projects as grad students essential to the pandemic effort
parabo So I have another degree instead
parabo Now all 3 degree's I am doing are online and at my own pace
dr|z3d congratulations, parabo.
parabo I have 20 degrees and 12 certificate program papers on my office wall
parabo I am currently working on 4th semester avian veterinary medicine specialist master's, PhD in avain genetics and genomics, and a master's in Islamic studies
parabo I'm going to be a avian medicine researcher and an Islamic scholar with an after hours and weekends emergency animal hospital dedicated to birds, and probably a political leader if things go well.
parabo Fuck AI and computer science and space technology and development and martial arts... Birds are Allah's greatest creations, Islam is my religion, and political leadership with Islamic principles is the ultimate in equality and end to capitalist economic systems and dependency on money to do things.
dr|z3d birds are the closest thing we have to living dinosaurs.
parabo The day Christians refer to as judgement Day. We call The Day of which there is no doubt. And mankind will be extinct, but unknown means, and life on Earth will not. I believe with some good physiological evolutionary biology they could become as versatile and universally adaptable as humans. Parrots have opposable digits, do not use complex natural language without humans teaching them but cockatoos in the wild have
parabo So I believe when humans are gone, probably by our own doing, cockatoos will take our place over a few hundred million years
dr|z3d insect and fungus.
dr|z3d *insects
parabo And we can't deny, humans will become extinct. The average lifespan of a species on earth is 1 million years. Human's have weapons technology and wars and bioweapons... Ukraine has been destroying their weaponized covid strains by order of NATO and the UN, but we will certainly not last 1 million years. Homosapiens became evolved to what we have now 10000 years ago when we finished mixing genes with the Neanderthals
dr|z3d they'll persist long after we're gone.
parabo They are not intelligent advanced life. Insects are complex life but not intelligent or advanced. They are more like robots with neural networks built from code to function and learn without having long term memory. They adapt response likelihood based on experience one experience at a time with ranging actual memory span of 10-90 seconds
parabo Spiders can remember and think about things for up to 4 hours. Still, no long term memory. That came with the first fish based on current theories. Arthropods have no long term memory and many don't even learn from experience by adjusting synapse weights
parabo I have written a paper that isn't finalized or ready to publish explaining creationism as a combined force of Allah's observations causing quantum mechanics oberserver effects with the limitations of statistics and probability and within those limits only some amount of influence, and natural selection probaly playing more of a factor than god making life
parabo And this papers principles are becoming accepted in Islam I haven't even published it yet
parabo Everyone is like yeah... Evolution actually doesn't conflict with our beliefs with this understanding. That's my life mission in religion aspects... To reconsile and combine without conflict science and religious beliefs. And part of this involves not taking scripture literally unless it isn't about some overseeing of God and intervention but rather lifestyle and morals and values and ways of behaving
parabo Because, I mean any religion, taking scripture literally is a disaster. You need to be a wisened mind and spread science and modern wisdom. Many have said I am the next reformer of Islam... The one to bring Islam into realistic life of the modern world and modern science/knowldge
parabo I guess, it's my divine purpose to make Islam not 1400 years outdated... The past reformers didn't have wide backgrounds in many fields of science and weren't accomplished successful people in advancing many different fields they apply themselves to... They were just Islamic scholars who travelled the world and saw the way it had changed since reformers before them and adjusted the accepted or unaccepted status of is
parabo I am Shike Muhammad Ali