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dr|z3d some dark theme sidebar renovations in the latest dev build for you to appraise, T3s|4!
T3s|4_ noted dr|z3d - I just pulled in 02:48 :)
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: the new spacings are pleasing to these old eyes :D
dr|z3d ah, great, T3s|4! less cramped is the objective without using too many extra vertical pixels
dr|z3d and panels.. that's the other objective.. each table should now blend in with the sidebar and look like a discreet panel.
dr|z3d that's a bit more subtle.
term99 T3s|4_ they were a blessing to my bad eyes too
T3s|4 good stuff term99
dr|z3d even more space in the latest 2.48 build, term99.
dr|z3d I'd go so far as to say "generous" spacing :)
T3s|4 dr|z3d: everything is also looking good on 4K
T3s|4 dr|z3d: This is very minor 'stylistic' thing but I think on dark I see only a harsh rectangular box surrounding 'Download I2P+ Update' while midnight offers a more attractive soft oval when an Update is available. Up to you, but I would prefer to the same oval surrounding 'Check for updates' on in all themes
dr|z3d that's a good point, T3s|4, something I was mulling over.
T3s|4 prefer to *see the same oval
T3s|4 sure, but all the other 'boxes' on /configupdate are rectangles ;p
dr|z3d the square buttons are more appropriate when there are at least 2, at least in the context of the sidebar.
T3s|4 np, either way
dr|z3d oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not about to switch over all the buttons to rounded lozenges. the reseed now and download update buttons perhaps, but that'll be about the extent of it.
dr|z3d thing is, when you get into rounded corners, you get other issues like the borders (box-shadows) rendering poorly. so there's always some tradeoff.
T3s|4 ^that, I was not aware np with the status quo ;p
dr|z3d 1 sec, I'll show you what I mean
T3s|4 dr|z3d: Noted: ^I came, I saw, and did not like
dr|z3d yeah, doesn't work, does it?
T3s|4 nope, not for me on 4K, at least
dr|z3d that could be mitigated by restyling the button, but then we're getting into visual inconsistency for the buttons which I'd rather avoid.
T3s|4 yeah dr|z3d - thanks for showing me, but it appears the marginal gains are far outweighed by the costs = Let It Be! :)
dr|z3d just tightening up the positioning of said button.
dr|z3d and pushed to the latest build.
dr|z3d that also tightens up the sidebar row heights.
dr|z3d how are you getting on with the updated midnight theme btw?
dr|z3d I wanted to brighten it up a bit, it was too dark I think, especially in direct sunlight.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: another 5 mins or so, and I'll restart into the latest, but it's pretty funny that you thought midnight was too dark, as opposed to dark being 'too dark' ;p
dr|z3d well, midnight was always the darkest of the themes, but maybe just too close to total blackout than I'd like :)
dr|z3d especially with super dark blues, it's hard to get sufficient contrast between the shades. hopefully better now, without abandoning the overall appearance.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: dark looks fine on 4K
dr|z3d good, pleased to hear that. and midnight?