IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo I have birds
RN you are a funny bird
itsjustme Hey RN :)
RN hey hey IJM
itsjustme How are you?
RN I'm doing ok
RN considering legal action against former employer...
itsjustme Oh? What did they do?
RN the way I was fired
RN spoke to another former employee that was there almost as long as me who sued and got a settlement
RN they blocked me from loss of job compensation, so... will talk to legal people to see if worth it
RN requested contact from a firm already
itsjustme Not a bad idea
RN if it goes nowhere, then oh well. but worth asking
itsjustme Yeah I agree
RN oh yeah! "and the stress and humiliation are unbearable, I can not even sleep or function..."
itsjustme Really?!?! What happened?
RN I am practicing
itsjustme Idk if that's a great idea but...
RN will follow legal advice once I get some
RN they did me wrong. could have at least offered severance package, or change of position...
RN been loyal and valued employee there over 20 years
itsjustme It makes sense to ask
RN so I took the first step of making contact today with possible representation
RN probably won't hear back until at least monday
RN other than that... been trying to break things updating packages and ports
itsjustme Nice :)
itsjustme You working in it?
RN heh, yeah the deps for firefox and kde are such a messy pita
RN probably forced some updates incorrectly and now things may be a bit wonky
itsjustme Ff dev is kinda a mess I think
RN yeah under unix fo sho
RN wants to do something with wrong version of openssl, but openssl is part of core
RN the operator malfunction is not being scientific and methodical when updaing, sleeping in between sessions that end with errors, and haphazardly 'fixing' said errors
RN I've been taking good notes on one project, but not so good when tinkering with 'updates'
RN hehe.
RN so what have you been up to? any new router plugins?
itsjustme RN: I dont think i2pd really has pluggins
RN yeah, typo. please process the sed line that followed.
itsjustme RN: oh lol. Just cake
RN what kind of cake? redvelvet or pinapple upside down or I2P?
RN did xming break my dual monitor setup?