IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
RN aloha
itsjustme hey RN :)
itsjustme hey poriori :)
RN sup itsjustme ?
RN aloha poriori
itsjustme not to much. how about you? :)
itsjustme welcome back poriori :D
RN just tinkering and looking for someting to add to my thingamjiggy
itsjustme what thingy? :D
RN my bsdbox
itsjustme oh, nice
itsjustme I wasn't using bsd because the wifi drivers were non existant but not that doesn't really matter
RN one project is kind of on hold waiting to hear from a co-conspiritor
RN this box is wired, and will be prototype-starting-point for edge firewall at some point
RN wif can be handled by off the shelf connected after it
RN *wifi
RN need to have two wifis anyway
itsjustme yeah, I just hate having to connect directly while installing
itsjustme well for desktops
RN I prefer that when possible since it is faster
itsjustme yeah if you don't have to lug the thing down stairs or something lol
RN that's why I have extra ethernet cables here and there to connect to
itsjustme how long?
RN most of them have two or three feet to play with, but I have a box of cat5 and so I can make long fuckers when I need to
RN I have one exit "downstairs" and enter "upstairs
itsjustme ah ok nice
RN I don't know how long that cable is
RN I just ran it out the hole and climbed walls and fastened
dr|z3d ok, zzz workaround for buggy i2pd that's causing severe network disruption now available in the latest i2p+ dev build.
dr|z3d skank.i2p/dev/ if you've forgotten where it is.