IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d chasing updates, T3s|4_? :)
dr|z3d I've just reinstated upload ratio bar animation for actively seeding torrents in ubergine, fwiw.
T3s|4_ yep - I grabbed 02:49 at 02:50! :D
dr|z3d ah, 3.17UTC is where the animation's at :)
dr|z3d I think ubergine's mostly done for this cycle now, anyways. should be fairly stable now.
dr|z3d if you happen to spot any visual issues, shot!
dr|z3d or shout, even!
T3s|4_ lols - grabbin' 03:17 now
dr|z3d *** resorts to some css hacks to tweak font-weights in ubergine. ***
dr|z3d never a better time to take I2P+ for a spin, RN :) T3s|4 will tell you how much he's enjoying snark, eh T3s|4? ;)
dr|z3d if it ain't mesmeric, money back.
dr|z3d the more torrents you load, the better it gets!
RN_ if I had the spare time...
RN_ just now busy reconfiguring the infrastructure here in the lair
dr|z3d *** laughs ***
RN_ and spring cleaning
dr|z3d cd ~/i2p/ && eepget skank.i2p/dev/ && i2prouter restart
RN_ sure that is ~/i2p/ and not /i2p/i2p/ (with no dot) ?
dr|z3d yup, though either will work.
dr|z3d ~/.i2p/ or ~/i2p/ assuming you're logged into the user acount that runs i2p.
dr|z3d but if you cd to ~/.i2p/ eepget and i2prouter will be unavailable.
dr|z3d and you probably want ./eepget and ./i2prouter ..
dr|z3d (but you get the idea, even if you're unlikely to act upon it)
T3s|4 RN: yep, the new ratio bars look great in ubergine on a decent display
RN aloha Maril. doing ok, hbu?
Maril RN: good thanks
Maril Just chilling setting up a dev environment on my desktop now
Maril Had to replace the ram it died because I played with the overclock
Maril Turns out voltage does not solve all instability issues
Maril Sometimes it turns a instability issue to a can't-POST issue
parabo dr|z3d
Pajamas parabo: can i have +v on salt please ?
parabo do i have ops?
parabo I don't remember the password for my old account
Pajamas shit bibt
Pajamas ok im back
parabo I want chicken, I want liver. meow mix, meow mix, please deliver
RN hehe
RN sup parabo
parabo oh you know. straight up gangster shit
RN *** nods in an OG way ***
RN same, same.
parabo I don't have herpes, my dick just itches. it's not syphilis, and as for being AIDS infected... I don't know yet, I'm too scared to get tested\
RN better to know imho
parabo lol, i was quoting Eminem
RN hehehe
albat hi RN and parabo :)
parabo hi albat
parabo how are you?
albat just woke up, i'm fine thanks
RN aloha albat
albat how are you parabo?
parrot Hey hey hey!!! dr|z3d I have something that you can add to the peers list
parrot You know how you can filter the connections by like In/Out and idle and other things? Make it so that you can filter by inbound/outbound direction as well
parrot Also how are you?
parrot Also, in the confignet dr|z3d, isn't the TCP port configuration supposed to come after the UDP connection? Because on mine you configure the TCP port, then you can have the option to have the UDP port be the same as the TCP port or specify what UDP port you want to use
itsjustme hey parrot :)
itsjustme oh, no longer here :/
dr|z3d flew away before parabo co-opted him to his menagerie.
T3s|4 sounds about right ;p
dr|z3d how are those upload ratio bars working for you, T3s|4? you got the animation running now in ubergine?
T3s|4 dr|z3d: they look great, but are you saying I need to enable something to see 'animation' as in 'motion' re: the upload bars?
dr|z3d no, not saying that, T3s|4, you should see those bars animate when you're actively seeding torrents.
T3s|4 k - but what exactly do you mean by 'animate'?
dr|z3d make sure you've ctrl+shift+r'd in the new css.
dr|z3d *** chuckles ***
dr|z3d animate, as in you know, motion graphics :)
dr|z3d you can't miss it, it's not so subtle you have to stare at your screen for hours to notice :)
T3s|4 yeah, exactly what I thought you meant. I've hard re-loaded, and I'm seeding many torrents, but I do not see any 'motion'
dr|z3d _actively_ seeding.
dr|z3d ie you have to have peers downloading the content.
dr|z3d which in i2p+ means snark icon with heart (connected peers) + upload speed > 0.
dr|z3d if you click on the uploader speedo icon in the table header, you'll sort by upload speed. best way to identify active seeding torrents
itsjustme good morning dr|z3d and T3s|4 :)
dr|z3d salutations, itsjustme!
itsjustme hows your day going? :)
dr|z3d not bad, thanks. you good?
itsjustme yeah, I'm doing pretty well :)
T3s|4 konichiwa itsjustme
itsjustme :) I'm trying out a new web based irc client recently. Kinda cool
itsjustme is it safe?
dr|z3d oh, it's very safe *chuckle*
itsjustme oh, I'm just linking the clients under znc
itsjustme I'm black
dr|z3d thanks for sharing your ethnicity, ijm.
T3s|4 BLM, but so do the lives of 'whities' and every single other beautiful skin color on this planet ;p
itsjustme dr|z3d: just thought you'd like to know :P
T3s|4 dr|z3d: not important, but what's up with pj several times nagging about 'getting voice' recently?
dr|z3d T3s|4: in #salt
dr|z3d like it's my issue *chuckle*
itsjustme pajamas?
T3s|4 dr|z3d: noted on the 'active' ^part - and I'll grab a few more
dr|z3d no sense animating inactive torrents! :)
itsjustme hey parabo :D
itsjustme how are you doing?
parabo I'm sleepy
parabo how are you?
itsjustme did you not sleep last night/
parabo I did.
parabo but I didn't sleep well
itsjustme :( that happens to me a lot too
parabo what are you up to?
parabo no work?
parabo oh it's sunday
itsjustme yeah I don't always work sundays
itsjustme usually have the weekend off
parabo I usually work sundays
parabo but I'm getting new babies
itsjustme NOW BABIES!?!?!
parabo baby parrots
itsjustme how many kids do you have now?
itsjustme not what I was thinking :P
parabo I do have too many kids though\
itsjustme you have twins right?
parabo out of the mist, a shape, a ship begins to form
parabo and the silence of the see's about to drift into a storm\
parabo sign of power, show of force
parabo raise the anchor, battleship is plotting it's course
parabo pride of a nation, beast made of steel
parabo Bismarck in motion, king of the ocean
itsjustme nice poam parabo
parabo He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas
parabo to lead the war machine
parabo to rule the waves and lead the Kriegsmarine
parabo the terror of the seas
parabo the Bismarck and the Kriegsmarine
parabo Two thousand men, and fifty thousand tons of steel
parabo set course for the Atlantic with the Allies on their heel
parabo Firepower, firefight\
parabo Battle stations, keep the targets steady in sight
parabo it's a song
parabo it's about a Nazi battleship
itsjustme hehe, I figured ;)
parabo not_bob
parabo itsjustme, what are you doing today?
itsjustme You getting the birds today?
itsjustme Nice :D
parabo BIRD!
parabo BEARD!
itsjustme Send pictures :)
parabo I have a video from the breeder of them
parabo they is 3 siblings
parabo 2 brothers and a sister
itsjustme Oh you're getting 3 birds?
parabo I might get more
itsjustme Wow, how's your goat?
parabo well there's 8 goats now
parabo they are good
itsjustme I thought you lived in the city
parabo that was couple years ago
parabo but always in a suburb
parabo now we in a smaller town
itsjustme Oh nice :)
itsjustme How much land do you have ?
parabo 12 acres here
parabo i have 190 somewhere else
dr|z3d RN: 200 router infos per zip file in I2P+
dr|z3d standard zip is fine.
dr|z3d > RN: 200 router infos per zip file in I2P+
dr|z3d > standard zip is fine if you want to roll your own.
itsjustme *** pokes RN with a stick ***