IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d squashed the disable ssu1 issue with the latest commit, zzz?
dr|z3d also, regarding the offending router, not entirely sure it's a BOB/retroshare 3, given its a 0.9.56 router and orignal added some limits to client tunnel requests iirc.. 500? so maybe something more sinister?
dr|z3d s/3/thing
zzz dr|z3d, yes
dr|z3d yes it's fixed now?
dr|z3d ok, thanks, zzz. good work.
zzz yes fixed
zzz orignal, new problem for today:
zzz Peer test, I am Alice, Bob is i2pd
zzz Bob picks a charlie that is firewalled and is not publishing IP/port
zzz so I give up
orignal I will check
orignal do you know if Charlie was good before?
orignal wait for sec. what's wrong with such Charlie?
orignal he can still send msg 5 to alice
orignal 6 should also come due to hole punch made by 5
orignal hence when I pick Charlie I only check if Chralie can reach Alice. Not oposite
zzz well, a couple problems:
zzz first, here's the ssu 1 spec:
zzz When Bob receives a request from Alice via IPv4, Bob must select a Charlie that advertises an IPv4 address. When Bob receives a request from Alice via IPv6, Bob must select a Charlie that advertises an IPv6 address.
zzz second, I want to send msg 6 to the IP/port in the RI
orignal are you sure it's right?
orignal we ecxlude too many routers from Charlie
zzz no, we can talk about it
zzz but right now I fail if there's no IP/port in charlie's RI
orignal I can change the behavious
orignal but I'm afaid we will have to produce error "no Charlie" too often
orignal maybe we should discuss on Monday
zzz ok, think about it, I'll do more research, and put in on the list for monday
orignal I don't see any reason to use IP/port from RI for msg 6
orignal because it's for symmetric NAT only
zzz one reason is for security, "know your charlie", that's why we wanted to send the RI and signed response from charlie
zzz so we're not just sending msg 6 to wherever
zzz that's not necessarily a good enough reason, but it's one reason
orignal then let's discuss
zzz on the list