IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d got some ssu2 error log output for you zzz, been sitting in the console unnoticed for a while, not sure how useful it is: cake.i2p/view/OVefWXqDln_LlqLeWmGAXHOsdEjokuJZgZZsXxpx3_GqzpLiY0Lp/SSU2-logs
zzz ok. the last one (s mismatch in RI) is a i2pd bug already fixed
zzz the 2nd one (EOF after 0 of 64 bytes) I've also seen before, I think it was an old i2pd bug but not sure if we ever got to the bottom of it
zzz the others (written 62 size 86) are streaming
zzz don't recall seeing that but it looks to be related to some mixed DSA/ECDSA destination with subsessions?
dr|z3d remote destination, perhaps. don't think there's any local DSA destinations on that router.
dr|z3d let me check just to be sure.
dr|z3d all server tunnels are ECIES only. so nothing local.
zzz ok yeah it is in the verifySignature() code so it is remote
dr|z3d ok, no showstoppers anyways it sounds like.
dr|z3d old logs, nothing more recent.
dr|z3d (on that router)
orignal DSA destination might be on floodfiils
R4SAS somebody changed certificate for reseed?
R4SAS looks like it was echelon's reseed
zzz R4SAS, yes, that was updated in my Jan. 28, 2022 email
zzz let me see if it works for me
zzz yes, works fine. Either diva didn't have updated certs or something?
R4SAS idk, can you ask him in issue?
zzz [22/Aug/2022:10:42:12 +0000]@277/warn - Reseed: Certificate for chen*@********.i2p not loaded
zzz who is chen* ???
R4SAS strange that he has chen*
R4SAS yup, same question
zzz i2pd bug maybe? corrupt signer name?
R4SAS I think second
zzz I just downloaded fine:
zzz 08/22 13:39:22.342 DEBUG [main ] net.i2p.util.SSLEepGet : Headers read completely, reading 82756
zzz Version: 1661185308 (Aug 22, 2022 12:21 PM)
zzz Signer: echelon3@mail.i2p
zzz SigType: RSA_SHA512_4096
zzz Content: RESEED
zzz FileType: ZIP
obscuratus Could be a distro specific thing. I know on Gentoo, the i2pd certificates file goes into /etc, and isn't automatically updated when I upgrade.
zzz R4SAS, please try to reproduce with i2pd
zzz it's like eCHEloN3 -> chen* somehow
R4SAS no luck for me
R4SAS everything works
zzz 0) Hi
zzz what's on the agenda for today?
orignal I think release
orignal and you promised to investigate transports compatibility
zzz ok, 1) is the release
zzz ok that's 2)
zzz anything else?
zzz 1) release status
zzz you first orignal
orignal so we have released
orignal no complains so far
orignal see more SSU2 routers
R4SAS I think better to say "yet" )))
zzz great. yeah stats.i2p reported about 1.5% of the net updated, before we flipped our switch, so that's all i2pd
zzz eyedeekay, you flipped our switch about half an hour ago, right?
R4SAS our debian packages was publisher less than hour ago, windows build published yesterday - thank to zlatinb for building and signing
eyedeekay Yeah I've got our main mirrors updated, our newsfeeds updated, and am about to update the info on the site
orignal and android builds
zzz ok. I'll do our launchpad and debian tomorrow
zlatinb eyedeekay: pls ping me when maven is done
zlatinb so I can build the next muwire version
eyedeekay I'm going to try and do Android and Maven tonight, expect by tomorrow morning at the latest
eyedeekay Sooner if I can
zzz anything else on 1) ?
orignal when do you release?
R4SAS today
zzz 30 minutes ago for in-net updates
zzz soon for new installs
zzz tomorrow for launchpad and debian
zzz tomorrow for android
zzz today for mac bundles
zzz tbd for windows bundles
R4SAS btw, what will you do with biglybt?
zzz anything else on 1) ?
eyedeekay Likely tomorrow on Windows bundles, lot of testing but I ground it hard all weekend so it should be good
orignal oh yes
zzz we don't control bigly
orignal where do you enable SSU2?
orignal by default
zzz he usually takes a few days to two weeks max
R4SAS will you ask maintainer to switch ssu2 on for them?
zzz ask bigly? no. we wanted 2% of the network. They're about 30%
R4SAS heh, ok
zzz where do we enable? android, non-osx ARM, + 2% of others
orignal another questionm
orignal what should I do on floodfills in your opinion?
orignal keep SSU1 or trun it off?
zzz it depends if you care about routers < 0.9.36 that don't support NTCP2
orignal I don't
zzz I don't plan to turn off SSU 1 for at least 9 months, maybe 12
zzz it's up to you
orignal I don't see the reason to keep it and going to switch eveverybody to SSU2 in the next release
orignal if it goes well
zzz anything else on 1) ?
zzz 2) transports compatibility
zzz you asked about if java checks for transport compatibility between OBEP and IBGW
zzz we don't
orignal if you are able to do
orignal I know that you don't do it now
orignal the question was how difficult for you to do it
zzz and even where we do check (when building tunnels) I haven't done anything about SSU2 in that code
zzz yes, so you asked if we're able to
zzz yes, we can, because we have the tunnel building code, it can be reused
zzz I'd say it would be a low-to-medium effort to develop and test
zzz yeah, just reviewing for everybody else
orignal you know my reason
zzz the answer is low-to-medium
orignal to let ipv6-only routers be OBEP and IBGW
zzz as long as _you_ do the checks, you can enable it for OBEP
zzz because only you pick your OBEP
orignal I pick routers for tunnel
orignal yes I pick for OBEP and can check it with leases from leaseset
zzz so if i2pd code does OBEP/IBGW compatibility checking, then i2pd code can pick ipv6-only for OBEP
orignal but if I try to connect to Java I need to receive reply
orignal and you will have to pick OB and lease from my leaseset
zzz sure but the reply comes via your IBGW
zzz that's what I'm saying. You can allow them for OBEP, but not for IBGW
orignal but it's you choice to pick right tunnels pair
orignal oh I see now
orignal good point
orignal will try to do it
zzz ok. let us know how it goes
zzz anything else on 2) ?
zzz anything else for the meeting? go router update maybe?
orignal yes, I want to ask the same
zzz eyedeekay, have anything for us?
eyedeekay Not this week, too sick and not enough time
eyedeekay I'll be back on it again next week though
zzz ok, I guess I2P policy is unlimited sick days, you're not in trouble :)
zzz guess that's it, thanks everybody
eyedeekay Well I was working on other things too lol :) Easy-install got a huge reliability upgrade when I purged all the bat from it
eyedeekay Well not huge, but significant, and a complexity downgrade.
eyedeekay Mostly when trying to play nice with non-Java and un-bundled routers but also faster, tidier profile management and less complex installs
eyedeekay I'm thinking about removing the Firefox dependency as a possibility
eyedeekay I still require people to install either Firefox or Tor Browser before the installer will complete, but I'm thinking about changing that because with a very small change, I can now enable it to use any of the Firefox or Chromium based browsers
R4SAS endless loading...
R4SAS for git.idk.i2p
eyedeekay Not seeing it happen on my side... any hints in the browser console or anything?
eyedeekay All I'm seeing is a failed ws:// connection to /-/cable
R4SAS I see request in streams and nothing more
R4SAS looks like incorrect leaseset
R4SAS now able no connecto to it
eyedeekay OK let me know if you have any other issues
R4SAS abous ws: I see that browser cant connect to it
R4SAS and again no response after page refresh...
eyedeekay ws:// errors are almost about CSP tweaks I need to make after an update, I'll be able to fix that soon but unless it's the reason for the breakage then it's low-priority at the moment
eyedeekay *almost always
eyedeekay Endless loading/no-response is higher priority
R4SAS I2PTunnel: Read error: End of file
R4SAS ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
eyedeekay That's freakin' wierd
R4SAS Streaming: Received seqn=16 on sSID=261531008
R4SAS Streaming: Process seqn=16, flags=74
R4SAS Streaming: FIN sent, sSID=261531008
R4SAS Streaming: Unexpected stream status 5
R4SAS eStreamStatusTerminated
eyedeekay Going to try something, might be unreachable for a minute or two
eyedeekay Can you reach it now?
R4SAS momento
R4SAS no, same thing
R4SAS maybe bug on our side
eyedeekay I've tried it on a couple Java routers and it doesn't seem like it's happening to me, not definitive though
R4SAS I can say that I didn't see such problem with flibusta, which on java too
zzz eyedeekay, please push things from gitlab to github so our downstreams can get to work
eyedeekay Re-started sync
zzz thx
eyedeekay There might be a handful of differences between me and FliBusta, i2pgit is single-hop I2P and single-hop Onion, that could be a difference