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dr|z3d dunno what you're grinning about, R4SAS, that's a long way from what should be in trunk by now :)
R4SAS dr|z3d: did you know somebody who can proofread simplified chinese?
dr|z3d no one online right now, no. we have an occasional translator in i2p+, but he's not been around for a couple of years.
R4SAS ah, ok
dr|z3d so, what happened to my merge request?
dr|z3d did you get that psu fixed?
R4SAS I started writing functions for templater, but busyness increased, so it is delayed
dr|z3d I thought we agreed, get the merge into trunk first, then we can work on templating.
R4SAS i don't think that is good idea, because webconsole changes would add complexity to further work on porting to templater
dr|z3d you get the merge request pulled, then you see where you are wrt templates. and then you've got a fixed target you can work towards, on the understanding that you don't want any more changes to the UI while you're working on the templates.
R4SAS anyway, all data will be in lambdas accessible from templates, and you will be possible to call any information from app
R4SAS like you wanted to add something like stats on header block on all pages, etc
dr|z3d ping me in 3 years then when you've merged my pull request :)
dr|z3d and sure, I get the value of templates, not disputing that.